Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy 1 album [Cool]

我們給寶寶弄的一歲相簿抵步了,很美 =)

我們在欣賞相簿時,寶寶睡得像隻豬 ...

Sunday, October 30, 2011


下午想不到到那裡去,隨意選擇到「譽.港灣」的商場逛逛。商場的食市不吸引,於是到附近的舊區去「覓食」。看到一家名為「金寶餐廳」的茶餐廳,不進去也不行了 =P



The first song [Cool/ Sunny]

Saturday, October 29, 2011

藝術日 [涼快]

早上看《那些年,我們一起追過的女孩》,晚上看王苑之首個紅館演唱會。兩樣都是好節目 =)

Friday, October 28, 2011

哥斯寶大鬧中環 [涼快]


1歲10天的寶寶重 9.4kg,高 74.5cm ,繼續在 50 和 25 的線上發展 =)


日本同事在香港,想與寶寶一聚,於是離開健康院後就直接帶寶寶到中環去,先到我的辦公室,再到蘇海明的。甫到步,寶寶在我的座位前定定地站立呆了三分鐘,然後就像開動了的機械一樣,在辦公室亂衝! 所到之處,均聽到「嘩嘩嘩」聲此起彼落,猶如哥斯拉來襲一樣,哄動全場 ... 真不得不稱之為「哥斯寶」*,*

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

刷、刷、刷 [多雲/ 涼快]

刷、刷、刷 ... 刷、刷、刷 ... 寶寶第一次用正式牙刷刷牙 =)

Monday, October 24, 2011

山渣餅 [和暖]



今天配藥的叔叔給了寶寶三筒山渣餅作吃藥的「送口」。寶寶初嚐山渣餅,吃了一塊又一塊 =P

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Youtube [hot]

Bo Bo’s status was fluctuating – sometimes having a serious running nose with non-stop snot, while sometimes he looked just usual.

One thing he’s urging today though was to watch his favourite youtube videos. Well, given that Bo Bo’s sick, I’d give in =P

Saturday, October 22, 2011

High chair

Had lunch @ Ikea Megabox with Bo Bo.

Surprisingly, Bo Bo sat quite properly and behaved well in the high chair while we’d lunch, which triggered us to buy the set of high chair back home =P

The first interview of Bo Bo [Cool/ Hot]

Bo Bo woke up at 2am-ish and 3am-ish, not that he’s nervous about the interview, but rather he had blocking nose apparently!

We tried to move the time for age 1 vaccination simply to avoid the chance that Bo Bo would have fever, but finally Bo Bo still have to attend his first interview in life when sick =(

Arrived at the school @ Kowloon Tong at 8.40am, just 5 minutes before the interview. The teacher asked Bo Bo did much more tasks than what we've expected ...

- Put small blocks into boxes
- Stack boxes
- Help collecting small blocks into a big box
- Wooden puzzles with small handling sticks, match and fit
- The English-native speaking teacher wore piggie doll in hand, spoke through piggie and asked for response
- Recognize and say Papa and Mama
- Take candy and say bye bye
- Singing

… wait, singing?! Yes, singing! How can the teachers expect a 1 year and 4 days old boy sing, while he couldn’t even speak?! I told the teacher Bo Bo didn’t know how to speak so no way for singing, and the teachers asked Bo Bo to sing ABC song along with them instead. Bo Bo couldn’t do that of course, and just clapping and laughed at them =P

We didn’t train up Bo Bo for interview, therefore no matter how he performed we’re pleased – we’re surprised indeed for Bo Bo completing some tasks which he had never performed!

We didn’t expect Bo Bo would receive and offer, but let’s see how’s the result =P

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

寶寶生日快樂 [涼快]

看《3 Idiots》至凌晨三時,因為電影太好看了 =P


先去吃午餐、然後到港島徑散步。原本想讓愛跑來跑去的寶寶行山,怎知他此時睡著了,變成我們推 BB 車散步;到我們登上凌霄塔頂,寶寶卻精神得不得了,在熙來攘往的窄路及樓梯級上來回走 *.*


最重要是寶寶開心 =)


Monday, October 17, 2011


明閣 [涼快]

我們都請了假,所以不趕急要八時送寶寶上學去。是日寶寶自己走路上學,用了三十分鐘走畢平日五分鐘的路程,因為他太八卦了 @_@



餐後到附近買鞋,買給自己也買給寶寶 =)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

拜山 [熱]


人人都在問為什麼不把寶寶帶來 ... 其實他們怎會問這麼沒有常識的問題?! 寶寶還有兩天才一歲,帶他來的話,究竟我要跟著他不讓他去撲火、撲煙、撲香燭,還是阻止他去觸碰先人的靈位然後吃手指,抑或是抱著他走長長的樓梯、找個好地方便便又不得罪別人? 要是寶寶眼睏或肚餓哭不停,可又有人會說爸媽做不好著小孩子哭?

最可怕的,是蘇海明也問同一個問題。我暈了 @_@

Saturday, October 15, 2011

@ Sunny Bay [Cool]

Day-out to Disneyland and Inspiration Lake … Bo Bo walking here and there =)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Busy [Cool/ Rainy]

Super busy at work @_@

Bo Bo drank 100ml freshely brewed orange juice as "snack" today!!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

橙汁 [涼快]


可以想像爸爸一定開心得不得了 =P

Monday, October 10, 2011

Letter for the first interview [Rainy]

Working on 4 audits simultaneously *_*

Left office late but just in time to be at home before Bo Bo has his last meal before sleep. My bottom line is to do the first and last meal of each day with Bo Bo, or be around by those times - I would be unhappy if I miss either of these >_<

Bo Bo got a mail today – he received the letter asking him to attend his first PN interview in life on 22 Oct!

Sunday, October 09, 2011

學步寶 [涼快/ 驟雨]


寶寶很明顯是個八卦寶,一邊走一邊就給沿途的商店吸引過去,結果五分鐘的路程走了廿十分鐘 @_@ 幸好抵達閘口時,蘇海明正好走出來,時間剛剛好,寶寶大笑!

Saturday, October 08, 2011

寶寶在金魚吧 [涼快]

中午接了寶寶放學,就直接到太古去與金魚伯伯及蘇海明的大 O 輔導員吃午餐,然後直衝到金魚伯伯的家去。

金魚伯伯嗜酒,在家中建了一個酒吧,是很專業的酒吧;而且,金魚伯伯還正式上堂學調酒,似模似樣的。金魚伯伯有個四個月大的女兒,BB 床正好放在酒吧的斜對面,相影成趣 *,*

寶寶見到形狀特別的酒吧桌,忍不住要爬上去 ...

Wednesday, October 05, 2011



媽媽趁機把藏在心底的問題都提出來 ...

「其實所謂『寒底』或『熱底』,是取決於一個人如何給養大、根據生活習慣而形成不同的體質,要到少年時候才初成形。 BB 和小朋友太小了,還是很單純的,不會有『寒底』或『熱底』之分。」

「這對 BB 及小朋友來說是正常的,因為他們的新陳代謝率高,一般來說不會有太大問題。」



還有,媽媽你也聽到醫師說 BB 沒有寒底和熱底之分,你以後別再叫我嚐寶寶的汗是甚麼味道來分析他是寒底或熱底嘞 -_-"

Steve Jobs [Cool]


我不是蘋果的粉絲(而蘇海明則 ...),可也覺得有點可惜。


Happy birthday So So [Cool]

Happy 2 years So So =)

We joined So So's birthday party since 5-ish in the afternoon. There were so many babies walking or crawling here and there – what an amazing scene!

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Volleyball team

Had dinner with SPS Volleyball team @ APM as Carmen returned from Australia for 2 weeks.

Just amazing that people didn’t change a lot really – it's > 10 years since we graduated!

Angry [Cool]

Annoyed and I didn't sound good at all when PD changed his mind again. Fed up.

Anyway, left it for Thursday.

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Birthday party

Actually I felt a bit scary on seeing the picture taken at the birthday party organized by 201010 Mama Club for babies born in Oct 2010 ... a bit exaggerated wasn't it?! Just felt like it’s a press conference ... while it's indeed a "casual" birthday party organized by a group of mothers who liaised on baby kingdom forum and FB page.

Sorry Bo Bo, if it's something you were looking forward to, you'd be disappointed as we don't intended to organize a world-class birthday party for you. You’d only have a packet of Garden's cake for blowing the candle according to our plan at the moment. A quiet, small one it might be.

For some reasons, I know you won't mind – likely that you won't be able to recall what had happened on your first birthday at all in future! That would be in our heart though, and we'd tell you throughout the rest of our lives =)

The first step on escalator [Shower/ Cool]

We took Bo Bo to Piago after dinner tonight. Again, he walked around hand-in-hand with us and spoke his baby language all the way. What’s more, he landed onto escalator and stepped back to ground smoothly the first time – under our close supervision of course =P

Saturday, October 01, 2011

The first step on MTR [Cool]

We took MTR during evening to Sham Shui Po for joining Darian's party @ Janice's new place. We let Bo Bo stood himself in the MTR and he managed to keep his balance for 4 stations – not bad boy for the first try =)