Monday, October 31, 2005


Felt very bad. Very very bad. So bad that I couldn't describe ...

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Day in bed

Slept until very late in the afternoon, laid on bed to read book. Got out of my bed by evening, started to fix the computer by then --- it's automatically disconnected from internet from time to time for consecutive days >_<

Finally had the problem solved by late evening, when I bought a new LAN wire from the computer equipment store at Amoy Garden to replace the one of i-Cable. Done with no further exception noted.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Ocean Park Halloween Bash

Had BBQ at Olympic before going to Ocean Park, I was full while Ming ate nearly nothing since he was suffered from cold and soar throat. Met many people whom I didn't know, most of them are friends/ colleagues of Ted, Ming's cousin.

It's the first time for me to participate in the Ocean Park Halloween Bash, though Ocean Park had this around Halloween for several years. Guess I won't be joining that this year as well if Ted didn't organize a group visit.

Got 5 theme ghost houses there, we finished them all before midnight. Not really that scary indeed, what terrified me most were reactions of some girls within the group --- they kept on screaming and leaned back, we're being pushed backwards before we could saw any "terrifying ghosts", and we could locate where they were before they popped ... haha

Friday, October 28, 2005

R2D2 and Smiley bun

R2D2 and Smiley bun have landed Hong Kong safely!!! Thank you very much *,*

Anyway, I'm a bit hesitated in whether to use R2D2 or not ... I'm afraid that it would have the same fate as Uncle Salty-wet from Hokkaido --- worn out due to my poor usage @_@

No Haagen-Dazs =(

Felt so glad that I could leave office early to join ex-PwCers dinner tonight *,* Arrived at TST Relaxing Tea House sharp at 8pm, I was the first one reaching there. Monitress Shum and Florence joined some minutes later, and Emily was there after she finished with her shopping at Harbour City. Carrie came just in the time to enjoy the first course served. Foods are fine especially for the baked potato smashes in cheese with broccoli, it's so delicious that we ordered one more portion before we left >,< We went to Haagen-Dazs afterwards, and ordered the ice-cream fondue. Stated on the menu this dish required 20 minutes for serving. We waited for 20 minutes but nothing was being served, so we asked a staff to follow up our order. Another 20 minutes passed, nothing came still and we asked the staff again. This time, the staff told us that no order has been placed yet ... the second weird event of the day >_< We left the shop without consuming any ice-cream finally ...

Thank You Lunch

Had "Thank you lunch" today. Per Joyce, it's organized every 3 or 4 months in which the department head, Fungyee, would pay for lunch with foods ordered from several restaurants, to express her thanks to staff's efforts during past few months.

To me, it's like a party. People had foods, walked and chatted around. Fungyee's secretary approached me and kept calling me "small kid". I replied that I'm old enough to be disqualified from being named kid -_- She told us a little "secret" related to me in front of all new staffs; actually, it's not a secret at all, she's just trying to make it sounded mysterious. It's just the reason why Trevor arranged me to sit in my current seat. So weird *_*

Thursday, October 27, 2005


Went to HKICS, a so-called "professional" company secretarial association which never provides its members with value-added services, with Emily to settle the annual subscription of HKD1,700 ... so expensive, very poor =(

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Hong Kong Park

Walked all the way uphill, passing through Citibank Tower and ICBC Tower, heading to Hong Kong Park to have casual lunch with Florence there. Met a lot of ICBCA people on my way, many of which were my ex-auditees. Stopped to say hello for several times, some are keen to learn about my new life. Felt so great to meet all of them.

We had a delightful lunch in the park, choosing seats facing the waterfall which brought cool breezes under warm sunshine through shadows of leaves. With sandwiches from Pert a Manger and juices/ yoghurt, we kept chatting and watching tourists taking photos inside the park. A pity that we're not able to see any bride there, guess it's not a good day for wedding.

Some photographers were taking snapshots of natural scenery inside the park. Wouldn't that be too fantastic if I also possess some sorts of talents, so that I could leave office work and involved myself in artistic jobs?

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Maxim Restaurant

Today's b-day of Sister Cat, that's why my company mailbox was flooded with tones of e-mails discussing where to go for celebration lunch. I was away for meeting and didn't read all those e-mails (really too many!! >_<), so could only catch what was being mentioned in the last e-mail from Christina --- "Booked a table of 5 at City Hall Maxim Restaurant, 12.35pm".

That's where the problem came --- I intrinsically took that as "Mei Sum Tai Chow Lau" , and even showed off to Alvis last night that I would be going to have big delicious shrimp dumplings there. The fact is we are going to "Mei Sum Sai Chan Ting"!!! When I arrived at "Tai Chow Lau" on 3/F and asked for the table reserved by Christina, the reception told me proudly, “Madam, we never accept advance booking, guess you've made a mistake?" There're many people queuing for seats, and some people stared at me ... Haha, they probably thought that I was just trying out my luck to take some privileges ... I didn't mean that, really *_*

Finally I caught others at "Sai Chan Ting" on 2/F. Sister Cat told precisely what's her b-day wish, we took immediate action (actually I was forced to by Sister Cat =P) by calling Clara, asking her to urge Siu Kam bringing people to our Nov BBQ ... haha

Told Ming and Alvis about Sister Cat's rules for BBQ, they both gave the same responses ... it's really poor if all boys thought that way @_@

Monday, October 24, 2005

Agoraphobia vs Claustrophobia

Agoraphobia - a morbid fear of open spaces (as fear of being caught alone in some public place)

Claustrophobia - a morbid fear of being closed in a confined space

Usually, there'd be a character in each of most TV drama series (umm ... to be more exactly, should be those very limited ones which I watched) who got claustophobia.

In reality, I feel like I'd be getting agoraphobia. Don't wanna stay in crowd. Would rather keep silent for the day.

I'm dry. So poor.

Servant I am

It's difficult to serve 2 bosses who had different styles and points of foci simultaneously. Don't ask me why you check this but not that, the truth was that the other boss higher in rank said I only had to check this but not that. Simple, right? but that hurt you. Anyway, you were boss as well, if you didn't like his way, the only thing I could do is to adjust for meeting your requirements.

Indeed I didn't like to serve anybody. I didn't like to be a servant. Maybe I'm not suitable for working routine duties at all. Maybe.

Sunday, October 23, 2005


近三個月沒有行山,今天是郭婉汶的生日,所以我、郭婉汶和朱文恩又到「老地方」去走走,順道慶祝她生日快樂。吖,還有為表誠意而前來的 Y 先生。

路一點也不難走,不過我們仍然是比以前走得慢。實在太久沒有行山,退步了。下次要走快一點。郭婉汶說,下一回要跑山; Y 先生和議。

到鯉景灣吃了個愉快午餐,卻又給問了那個已經有無數人問過的問題。難道沒有別的想問嗎? @_@

到尖東 CEO 出席同房伉儷辦的「兄弟/姊妹團」認識活動。至今還是一個兄弟也認不到,因為沒有一個是靚仔,在街上再見面也辨認不出。至於姊妹,除了來自教會的兩個女子,其他五個都是中學/ 大學的同學,早就認識了。

其實很想唱歌,但又不想唱,因為男的是在叫歌,我的耳膜快穿了 >_< 除了取得一份簡單 Notes ,和給武先生番舊帳供出我、 Karen 及 Fiona 當年有份協助他的追求行動,今天沒有甚麼特別的成果。 Iris 實在太熱心於這個婚禮,整個會場佈置、設計,以至花車的裝飾,甚至教堂內用來簽名記名的是普通筆抑是羽毛筆她都上網查了,好像是自己的婚禮,熟悉程度可以讓她轉行成為專業婚禮 event holder 。究竟是她過份熱絡,抑是我過於冷淡?

Saturday, October 22, 2005


終於看了《小企鵝.大長征》。影片在電影院已經落畫,蘇海明唯有在網上找,尋得一齣法文+普通話版本。我覺得這輯紀錄片很好看吖,還明白了企鵝為什麼叫企鵝 =P


為什麼拍拖久了就一定要想結婚呢? 近來常常聽拍了拖六至十年的人分手的故事,有些更是正在參加婚前輔導課、準備結婚的人。為什麼?

當一切變成習慣,大家已經忘記當初的簡簡單單,當初的夢想,當初的承諾,當初的平凡快樂,當初的 ... 然後珍寶的星星化成殞石,墮落、墮落 ...

朋友的朋友編的曲,屬於朗朗上口型的 K 歌。簡單的快樂與幸福,世界上有多少個庸才會真正享受?

《一生何求》 古巨基

若有你 若有我 還有十塊
這樣我 便可以 約你去街
只有十塊 什麼信物平便買
沒老友 沒女友 如何愉快
生命要 用把尺 透徹了解
得到 沒有 或者當做還舊債
大概天 要我 兩者挑選
* 跟你兩個 寧願缺少了人緣
對我 你偏疪護縱寵 事業仍為我捐

若要的 統統也沒有 然而仍可手挽手
剩下溫柔 問我一生復何求
庸才 仍可得到你問候
無限知柔 慢慢細想星宿
沒有錢不要走 到了有錢通處走
落在心頭 問我一生復何求 *
庸才 難得找到你願受
情在心靈 在身外 任一切 沒有

命數轉了又轉 其實始終不自願
Repeat *
庸才 能與你一起墮後 落魄溫柔
那溫柔 將火化 萬有
情在心靈 你生存 任一切 沒有

Friday, October 21, 2005


今天終於到神秘平台一遊 *,* 其實那裡一點也不神秘,只要你/ 你有朋友曾經在大會堂婚姻註冊署行禮,你必定會懂得到平台的路。

天朗氣清,所有石椅都給人佔了,連毫無遮蓋、受陽光直射的都不例外。儘管滿座,平台還是寧靜的。找了個靠牆的角落站著,我在聊電話。如果不是穿著西褲,倒想坐在地上,看著那晴朗的藍天,伴著海風,悠悠地做個白日夢嘞 ...


Thursday, October 20, 2005


Jeffrey 請我們一 team 人到「鏞記」三樓吃午飯,以答謝大家在他以前接管 credit derivatives 時替他工作 (亦暗喻以後有關事務別再煩他,從此一刀兩斷 ...)。要不是有人請,也不會到三樓這麼貴的地方吃午餐,地下最「便宜」那一層的乳豬飯已經夠好了。

今天出奇地七時多便離開公司,真好運! 不過今晚沒有回家吃飯,因為要到尖沙咀去接陳嘉文的紅色炸彈。先和葉翠妍會合。她電了一頭長曲髮,怎樣看也不像當年在排球隊時的那個鄰家小女孩 @_@

到了加拿芬廣場的 Pizza Hut ,陳嘉文早看到我們了,不停向我們揮手。看到很多排球隊的人。雖然現在大家職業不同,學歷、背景有異,倒還是談得挺投緣;不竟,大家都是在同一球隊一起長大的。

陳嘉文懷了四個半月的 BB ,已經「見肚」了。想當年她的志願是不管結婚如否,都要在廿三歲生 BB ;儘管遲了兩年,她還是達成夢想,而且也實踐了她先同居後結婚的理念。基本上由中學開始,她就決定同居有了孩子以後才結婚。她從來都是個勇敢的女孩。

雖然由此至終我沒有反對她的理念 --- 每個人都有自己的想法 --- 可不表示我贊成。我想結婚不該只是一個儀式,也該有其代表性嘞 ... 而且讓 BB 知道媽媽和爸爸是因為他才結婚, BB 會很傷心的,好像他強迫了人家做了一件事 ... 別問我為什麼這樣想,我就是有這種感覺嘛 =P 或許我是懦弱的、我是保守的 ...

不過,還是衷心祝福陳嘉文幸福快樂 =) 半年後又有 BB 玩了,嘿嘿 *,*

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Flash of old image

I was really annoyed with my colleague R this morning.

If you don't believe in me, don't ask me. If you ask me, please be more sincere. If you don't agree, please go asking 'senior management' directly. Don't try to force me to follow what you used to do, they might not be correct. I'm not dummy, I won't follow what I don't agree with. Don't think that you got one more month experience working here over me and you can rule, I don't bind this. One more thing, check before you say anything, don't make non-sense 'assumptions' which never exist. I don't want to waste my time doing non-value added explanation anymore. The worse was, you won't believe in what I say, and probably you would curse me at my back.

The image of Derek Cheng suddenly flashed over my mind when I observed reactions of my colleague. So scary. Other than the time dealing with that stupid Derek Cheng, I've never got such feeling towards my workmates before. Was it the sign that I'd be leaving soon?

The happiest hour today was my lunch with Florence and Emily. At Bravo this time. Really feel enjoyable though it's short.

Left by 8 something tonight. Should be even earlier if my colleague could return my report to me sooner, rather than wasting his time (and my time) to dig into something for fulfilling his own interests only. Another colleague K also complained, he didn't wanna keep waiting for nothing. Anyway, it's still an improvement to leave at 8.15pm since I was leaving half hour earlier than yesterday again. I would have a little bit of time to think about my future career then.

The flash really alerted me.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005






忽然想看書,所以轉到大會堂圖書館去。一大書架的旅遊書,真叫人興奮。逗留了半小時,結果帶走了 Lonely Planet 出版的 East Africa ,滿心歡喜 *,*

成人圖書館的出口在三樓,於是決定跑樓梯到地下去。無意間望向窗外,突然發現有人坐在大會堂公園圍牆上的平台 --- 真是一個好地方! 在那裡坐著,看的是超級無敵大海景,拂面的是颼颼海風;可以遠離地上的行人,又不至於與人群離開得太遠;有石椅,可以坐在那裡吃東西、看書、聽音樂,甚至睡覺 >,< 不過快到兩時了,沒有時間去探索走上那平台的路 ... 下次一定要找到嘞! 好不期待 ...

又要開始走回辦公室,好心情瞬即褪去了一大半 @_@

Monday, October 17, 2005

想不起來 ...

我的腦袋,一向載滿無聊的東西,記多久也忘不掉。可是,今天媽媽說的兩件事,我怎麼也想不起來 @_@

1. 中文問英文答
弟:家姐細個嗰陣好勤力,而家懶到極 ...
我:無 d 咁嘅事 ~,~
母:(向弟說) 阿堅細個都唔知幾勤力,阿媽唔識英文,係將 d 問題翻譯晒做中文叫阿媽問,然後佢用英文答,我都唔知佢講答 d 咩嘢 ... 哈哈
母:(向弟說) 你嗰陣仲問:「點解家姐咁樣讀書,我又係咁樣讀,家姐會識晒 d 嘢,我就一 d 都唔識 ...」哈哈 ...
我:你哋係咪作嘢吖,咁無聊嘅嘢,點解我一 d 都唔記得?!
母/ 弟:真係咁喎!
母:小學三、四年級咁上吓喇 ~

2. 小說
我:邊有咁無聊吖,你唔好成日妄想啦 -_-"
母:唔係喎,你以前成日寫文章、寫小說喎,仲投稿添 ...
我:我幾時有吖?! 我咩嘢都唔記得喎?!
母:(向弟說) 喂,細佬,家姐細個嗰陣係咪成日寫嘢吖 ~
弟:(在洗手間大叫) 吓? 你講咩嘢話???

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Red bomb attacks

Got red bombs today, both from SPS volleyball team --- one from Carmen Chan, one from Joyce Leung. Would have to go to at least 4 wedding banquets for the coming 2 months *_* Didn't know if there'd be any more coming ...

Btw, it's fine for you people to drop me red bombs, but please don't expect to have satisfactory answer for your question "When would be your turn". It's 4.25pm right now, and I've answered 3 times today already that "Don't tease me, it's your wedding, don't count me in".

Saturday, October 15, 2005


《Kizuna》 Orange Range
Translated by Alvis Chan

いま何してるかな 君も見ているかな
What are you doing now? Maybe you're looking at it too?
オレンジ色に染まる空を 朝日に変わる夕陽を
Looking at the orange sky, Looking at the rising sun turns to be setting sun
ナミダこぼし合って泣いた夜も くだらない話で朝まで笑った日々も
At nights wept in spilling tears and days with endless talks till morning
忘れない今のボクをささえる宝物だから 離れていても感じるあなたの優しさ
All these are unforgettable treasures which support me now
Even we are apart, I can feel your kindness
だからどこにいたってもう一人じゃない どんな事あってもくじけない
Therefore, no matter till when, I am not alone; no matter what, I am undaunted
空と海が重なった あの島のような
Like that island, where sky and sea come together
Even they are apart, they gently blended into the same color
See, it's the knot nestled

何々を知ったり 何々を知らなかったり
Knowing something, or knowing nothing
止まったり 前に進んだり 後ろに下がったり
Stop, proceed, or step back
自らコロガル時もあれば 手を借りてコロガル時もある
Sometimes we may fall by ourselves, or fall because we give a hand
カラン コロン また広がる カラン コロン またコロガル
Dilate again, fall again
そっと胸に手をあてて 眠れない夜は 
Tenderly touch your heart with your hand at the sleepless night
We can meet again in dream, we can hear the lullaby
The knot that pressed into our backs
See, it's the knot nestled

友の声が胸に響いた 涙で滲みんじゃ道は見えないんだ
Friend's voice is echoing in my heart, tears soak and I can't see the road
今GET UP!見上げんだ ほら同じ空 決して孤独じゃねえんだ
Now, Get Up! Look up! Under the same sky I'd never be alone
全て背負い込むことはないさいーか皆居んだ 今信じるんだキズナ
There's nothing to be born by oneself, as we are here! The knot that we believe in
潰れない 消えないさ これだけは さぁ行くんだ!
It won't be crushed, It won't disappeared; only with this, go!

一歩一歩 ただ前へ 一歩一歩 歩幅合わせ
Step by step, just forward; step by step, match our steps
転びそうなら そう 手をつかめ Say Wo! Wo! 皆で歌え
If we're going to fall, hold our hands, say Wo! Wo! Let's sing

いま何してるかな 君も見ているかな
What are you doing now? Maybe you are looking at it too?
雨は止みそらに架かるアーチ 虹でつながる君とボク
By the rainbow arched over after rain, you and I are connected




真可惡,指示弄得那麼差,被戲弄了吖 -_-"

Friday, October 14, 2005


Everybody in my team looked tired, and it became everybody's wish to leave before 8pm tonight. Should be able to accomplish it IF there's NO BOND PRICE REPORTING again!!! >_< Really found it disgusting to have something bothering my off time every night!!!

Simon suddenly asked me to go for a chat when I've packed all my stuffs and was about to leave. Thought it's just a leisure one, that's why I was quite surprised when he said we had to talk about that in conference room. He said Trevor and him considered I got the ability to take up duties on top of credit derivatives, and asked if I'm interested to spare some of my time to learn about work of the Regional team, especially at this moment when they still couldn't get a suitable new recruits to handle that.

Arha, every time when I was about to think of the direction of my career path, something would pop up. Though I've agreed to take that up (indeed, they did expect me to do so) and though I've declared in advance that they shouldn't blame me if I couldn't handle both sides well in future, I guess it's really the time I gotta think seriously what I wanna do in future. Anyway, not for tonight, since I gotta rush for dinner with my dear ex-PwCers at the Germany Restaurant at TST Holiday Inn; not for tonight, since my brain wasn't functioning anymore.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Conference meeting

Managed to complete all stuffs by 8.30pm and headed to L16 meeting room with others for the conference meeting. They are still dealing with the set-up by the time we arrived, the HK IT guy kept talking to the IT guy in US, telling him to move the screen a bit left, then right, left again and right, but it never fitted in the proper position. The meeting was delayed to 8.50pm something due to the stupid set-up work.

The part discussing about TRS could still be described as "fine", but then it turned into an irrational argument among IT arrangements. To be honest, it's NONE OF MY BUSINESS!!! Why I had to forgo my rest time for such non-sense quarrel >_< It's 10.15pm already. Seemed that Simon and Yaqub also notified that the fore-coming topics would be totally irrelevant to us, so they made a sign that we could leave. I, Reynold and Kelvin rushed out of the room at once.

A waste of time! That's what I hate most!

Deli and Wine with Florence

Yesterday was Florence's first day of work, so we deferred our weekly lunch to today, at the middle point of our offices --- the City Hall. It's the first time for Florence to visit Deli and Wine, seemed that she liked the Spaghettis Carbonara served there =)

Talked a bit of our work. Florence suggested that I might start looking up for another before the end of the probation. Maybe ... I gotta think about it ...

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Busy as 'usual'

Another busy day. Had extra tasks on calculating MTM values of some TRS, but was able to complete Joyce's work by early evening. Anyway, Wed used to be my peak day of the week for chasing up confirmations from counterparties; so it turned out that I gotta leave by 10 something, again after sending out tones of e-mails. So poor =(

Got a bad news, a very bad news. HK will have to participate in a conference meeting with New York and London tomorrow night, starting from NY Time 8.30am / HK Time 8.30pm. Crazy! Gotta leave late again tomorrow night >_<

The Interview with God

I've actually watched this presentation --- "The Interview with God" --- for more than once previously. Anyway, did feel impressed every time seeing it again.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Pending for trips

Let's go to eastern Africa together next year! Before that, could we pay a visit to Mount Kinabalu near the end of the year? *o*

Monday, October 10, 2005


同事 Joyce 放假回來了,自今天起可以重過「正常」生活。有三件開心的事:

1. 比上星期遲了一個小時起牀,「大搖大擺」地在九時半踏入辦公室。
2. 突然發現辦公桌上的傳統螢光幕變成十七吋的 LCD monitor 。
3. 比上星期早了一個小時下班,興奮莫明。


其實我是一個很容易滿足的人吖 ...

Extremely busy

I've said that, all sorts of sophisticated stuffs would pop up once I backed up Joyce's function when she's on leave. It's being validated again! Delayed confirmations of payments. Numerous held-over trades backed from London and New York. Traders input 7 deals by the last minute before cut-off. Got something named as 4-way novation transaction, I, Reynold, Yaqub and Simon discussed about it for quite a period of time. London helped nothing at all and only kept pushing all complicated work to Hong Kong, though they should be handling this indeed. Kept dealing with traders, legal adviser and counterparties. Very busy @_@ Could only spare some time to work on my own duties by late evening. Left by 10.20pm, the third last on the floor to leave. Gosh, and it's just Monday, start of the week! >_<" So lucky that it'd be public holiday tomorrow; but still, I had no doubt that I couldn't survive through this week *_*

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Tea Buffet

和何曉珊及梁善儀到 Excelsior 吃 Tea buffet ,吃得很飽吖 *,*

終於知道了,那家在 IFC 吃 High tea 的餐廳叫 Harlan's ... 不過看了食評,好像那家餐廳服務生的態度不太好 ... @_@

Saturday, October 08, 2005




Friday, October 07, 2005

Umbrella from Japan

Number of trades bloomed all of a sudden again --- 29 trades! How could it be?! Joyce used to leave office by 6.30pm, but gotta work until 8.30pm to complete all her jobs. So crazy!

Joyce would be on leave next week, I'd be taking up all her work on top of my daily duties. Please please please, please have as few trades as possible next week, or I would be certified death for sure X_X

Had dinner with ex-PwC girls at TST SushiTei, I could only arrive by 9 something >_< We're crazily noisy ... haha =P Got my souvenir from Monitress Shum and Kathy, it's a super light umbrella, thank you so much *,* They said that they chose it with Alvis, who picked a bloody red one and thus being ignored ... haha

I wanna go travelling so much ...

Thursday, October 06, 2005

幻聽? @_@

照常上班,如常九時半坐進自己的座位,接著開電腦,開始看 e-mails 。忽然聽到老細的聲音 --- 不會罷,他該還在放假,怎會在公司嘞? 一定是幻聽。

然後,老細拿著水杯在我身旁的通過走過 --- 他真的回來了?! 他應該星期一才回來上班,怎麼突然出現?!

為了證實我沒有「見鬼」,我向坐在旁邊的同事 Joyce 求證。「係吖,今朝返工見到 Trevor 番左嚟都嚇左一跳。不過算嘞,佢就算响屋企,咪又係遙遠控制睇實公司 d 嘢,同返工無咩分別 ...」

是麼? 好像很慘吖 ...

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

LN training

Suddenly being nominated as the representative of the Credit Derivatives team to attend the LN training. Didn't learn much from the training indeed, since all those being mentioned were basic functions which I've known for long already; it's good to have some trainings anyway, for CPD hours.

Training started by 1pm sharp, so I, Cecilia and Rick went up to L28 for buffet lunch before the training started. Jeffrey came joining us, but he's late. He didn't show any sign of leaving when it approached 1 pm, and so I left by myself, claiming that I was representing my team and so couldn't be late. Cecilia went with me finally but Rick stayed, telling us secretly that Jeffrey the manager was with him, it shouldn't have great problem going late. "Stupid!" that's what popped on my mind at once. Yup, Jeffrey was the manager, but you're not. People talked of his bad behaviour on his back, though seemed to respect him apparently simply becuase he's a manager. There's no way for a freshman of non-manager grade just merely following what manager did, or at least, I won't bind that, not to mention whether the manger was doing the right thing. Well, it's a personal choice after all. Just wonder if Rick would see this point in future.

The outcome was that Jeffrey and Rick was late for 20 minutes and joined in mid of the session. Another manager teased Jeffrey.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Deli and Wine

Didn't go to City Hall for lunch for long, since the fire over there early this year. FK proposed to go there for lunch today. It's a brand new experience for Emily and Christina; they even mixed the restaurant up with 'Maxim Express' ... haha =P

So surprised to get the e-mail from Trevor this afternoon. Shouldn't he be on leave right now? Why he still took such a close look at progress of work during holidays? Didn't he need to take rest?

Still very busy to catch up with back-logs. Left by 9 something again, but all stuffs cleared. Wish for a better tomorrow *_*

Monday, October 03, 2005

Terrible day

Heard a bad news once upon arriving office --- Joyce took sick leave for the day! That meant I'd have to take up her duties as well. It won't be a problem at all if trade volume stayed as usual; but the worst happened ... 22 trades for the day excluding held-over trades >_< that doubled the normal trading volume!

Finally left by 9.30pm, with some of my daily work deferred to tomorrow. What's wrong today @_@

Sunday, October 02, 2005

《青蔥小札》Paulinian Anthology 2005

回到家,如常地開電腦,計畫先 check e-mail 後睡覺。不過,看了余寶雯的 e-mail attachment,精神立即為之一振,睡意全消!

(一) 麥少敏同學點解未經全班同意,就 send 了一封 「1998年度理科班同學 BBQ 邀請函」給各大老師? 而且老師名單不齊全,被人刊登全校,沒提名的老師可真傷心嘞 ...
(二) 吳建港老師的回應真不可思異 ... 似「爆料」...
(三) 沒有「班內派系鬥爭」那麼厲害嘛 ...
(四) 突然很想知道是誰說了「與其由『她們』做本班代表而得勝,寧願選他人做代表 --- 即使結果是輸」這麼駭人的言論,「她們」又是誰?
(五) 很好奇那些「鐵証」是甚麼呢?
(六) 那次 BBQ 我早就說不去了,我的名字也沒出現在「出席名單」之內,怎麼又會在回應中提到我嘞 @_@
(七) 「嬌小但卻熱衷於排球運動」,皆因全班只有我一人是排球校隊,何奇?
(八) 可不可以解釋一下甚麼是「以短攻長的精神」~,~
(九) 去長洲宿營都叫「非法赴會」?!
(十) 點解吳老師會遇上趙藹殷執行海關掃蕩翻版的行動? 莫非 ... 他正要去買翻版? =P


沒有去「遊船河」,於是可以遲起牀 =P 膊頭和右手食指很痛,痛得讓我胡思亂想,想我會就此死去嗎 ... (睬睬睬!)

打算去員工會所做運動,到達後才知道要另外登記和上 training 學用器械 (好不認真吖!) ,所以無功而退。想想不如隨便去跑個步算了,怎料又遇上天下大雨 @_@

運動做不成,結果跑到書店去。很久沒有看書、沒有逛書店了,更沒試過在德福這家新書店駐足過。看到張愛玲的《傾城之戀》,很想看,可突然受睡魔來襲,不得不把書放下。走到另一個書架,隨手拿來一本開始看,可惜十分鐘後又發覺睡意打不消,只好把書放下,回家去 ...

Saturday, October 01, 2005


