Friday, May 31, 2013

Heartbeat 7W2D [Sunny]

Finished the H2 plan and submitted to the UK by 5pm, then left office right away as the usual Friday early off.  Scheduled to have Korean dinner with Joan’s couples, Vincent, Isabel and Ming @ 7.30pm.  Knowing about the long queue for walk-in O&B patients on Sat, I’ve decided to visite Dr Yau @ STH before the dinner ... the only trade-off was that Ming won’t be able to join as he’s still struggling in office *_*

First pre-natal check-up again – 50:50 chance.  It’s a big relief when Dr. Yau pointed at the little pumping organ flashing on the screen – heartbeat on 7W2D, the exact fetal age when we first met Bo Bo with heart’s beating as well. 

Dr. Yau recommended another check-up at around 10W to confirm progress.  Hello baby, I’ll see you then with papa.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Withdrawal [Hot]

Submitted the withdrawal letter to TK for Bo Bo today – his school life with TK will end on 31 July 2013!

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

《無與倫比的美麗》 [驟雨]

寶寶只顧看蘇打綠演唱會 DVD 不去睡覺 -_-"

作詞:青峰   作曲:青峰

#* 天上風箏在天上飛
地上人兒在地上追 *


@ 嘿 嘿 你形容我是這個世界上無與倫比的美麗
嘿 嘿 我知道你才是這世界上無與倫比的美麗 @

Repeat #
Repeat @

嘿 嘿 你知道當你需要個夏天我會拼了命努力
嘿 嘿 我知道你會做我的掩護 當我是個逃兵

嘿 嘿 嘿 嘿
Repeat @
嘿 嘿 嘿 嘿

Repeat #
嘿 嘿 我有你的草原