Friday, September 30, 2005


難得等到一年一度的便服日,我當然要穿上至愛的 T-shirt 、短褲 + 涼鞋上班嘞! 同事 M 說我一身沙灘裝,應該請假去沙灘,不要上班嘛;同事 S 直接問我今天的魚賣一斤幾錢,說我和魚販有幾分相似 ... 嘿嘿 =P

今天伙同 Ceci ,和 Eugene 及 秘書 Viola 一起到「碗屋」吃半價午餐。秘書的年紀應該比我輕,但她竟然說我「很可愛」?!?!?! @_@

下班,與 Kathy 、 Ivy 和 Carrie 一起去唱 K 。看到 MTV 中的「草蜢」,現在的造型一個像「師奶」、一個像「公雞」、一個真的像「草蜢」 ... 你們真的要「看」他們的演唱會嗎? 還是用「聽」的好了吖 ...

Thursday, September 29, 2005

CIA exam CD-rom

My ex-manager in ICBCA was so eager to get the CIA exam CD-rom from Carrie that she contacted me through various means nearly everyday since mid September. Felt a bit suffocated. She has never rushed me for work during my 1 year and 10 months working life in ICBCA, but I experienced that after I was leaving the company. So ironic.

Dated Carrie to have lunch at "Wong Chi Kee" to get the CD-rom and accompanied her to choose the cake for Uncle Sam. Phoned my ex-manager and arranged to meet at the ground floor of the building when she's off (I won't be able to off by that time of course!). Finally got the whole business settled, yeah ~

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Mid of week, busy day

Another busy day. Other than daily work and legal issues, had to handle some financial calculations as well. So lucky that there's nobody "disturbing" me today =P

Didn't "yam cha" for ages, had Chinese teas with ex-PwCers at "Nga Lai Kok" during lunch. Chatted a lot, and we teased on Kathy who has slept for 10 hours last night but really didn't look like so at all! Haha >,<

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Got rashed

A very busy day. Had to deal with some legal issues on top of daily work, kept sending lengthy e-mails. Off time was delayed again; among which, half hour was caused by my colleague who couldn't stop asking stupid questions and not convinced by my answers, even I repeated that triple times! I couldn't help him at all, since he held the thinking that he's always correct and just gave in to others to complete the work. Help!

Off at 9.20pm, feeling a bit angry. ARrrrrrr ............ >_< !!

Monday, September 26, 2005

Happy Birthday in arrear, Sum

Sum's b-day was on last Friday, but he was at PRC that day. That's why we postponed his b-day dinner to tonight.

Got everything done by 7pm something, just pending my colleague's work to complete the last step again. Waiting, waiting and waiting, really hated that. Still had no response by 8pm, I couldn't sit there further and so headed to my colleague's seat. He hasn't even started working on the task at all! I was so annoyed, told him that I gotta went out for dinner and asked him to complete the work immediately. He was unwilling but was forced to do so, since I was standing besides him "monitoring" his progress. I hated that.

Finally arrived at CWB at nearly 9pm. I was the last one to join, they had started the dinner soon before I came. Dined at a Japanese restaurant, but I've forgotten its name already. Everybody looked tired; no wonder, it's Monday night, the start of the tiring working week! =P

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Happy Birthday Elaine

Woke up at 3.30pm, but still feeling tired. Finished my brunch and joined Darians' gathering at Telford K308. Today's Elaine's birthday day. They're playing mah-john, and I flipped through Catherine's photo albums for her trip to Spain in July. So beautiful, seemed to be a nice place for trip. Trip, trip, trip ... @_@

Winnie updated us with the news of Alice and "Harperless". To be honest, it's scary >_< was it like that? So passionate ...

When we walked towards "Moon Uk" at Telford Plaza for dinner, Alice popped up suddenly right in front of M&S *_* Winnie was so shocked that she didn't know how to react even Alice was just asking her a simple question ... Gosh, so that proved the old Chinese sayings --- "Don't talk on ones' back during daytime, and not for ghosts at night"!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Digital camera

Typhoon signal no. 3 was on, but Damrey's destruction was comparable to that of signal no. 8 as shown on TV news. Would be better to stay indoor.

Did some shopping. Ming got a new digital camera, he's fairly excited; I was excited as well, since I'd take his old DC then ... haha >,<

Let me take some "mo liu" pictures at home later on =P

Friday, September 23, 2005

Typhoon Damrey

It's unusual to have typhoon in late September but not in summer; anyway, here it came --- Typhoon Damrey ... very windy!!!

Again, it'd be another rainy weekend >_<

Started trying to use my left hand instead of my right to control the mouse in office. Seemed not very smooth; but, for the sake of health of my right hand fingers, I'd keep on doing that. See if there's any improvement later on.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Another busy day

Enjoyed early lunch with Cecilia at IFC Spaghetti House before peak hours. We loved the discounted set lunch so much! Must go and try it again =P

Got additional ad-hoc tasks. Once off but ad-hoc. Not difficult indeed, especially with my accounting backgrounds; but really got too many cases to work on within limited timeframe. Turned out that I had to leave office by 9.15pm @_@

Started doubting whether my other teammates actually know how to work out similar calculation, it seemed to me that they had no idea about it. Guessed it'd be better to teach them the way of calculation, so that they could pick it up easier when I am on leave. Gosh ... still long time to go before I could take leaves, but I kept dreaming about that ~~>_<~~

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Boss's AL

Started to realize that Trevor's annual leaves didn't necessarily equivalent to my holidays @_@ Simon and others couldn't make quick and precise decisions as Trevor usually did, and gotta refer some cases to Trevor since we couldn't come to a conclusion. Took up something which I guessed would be more appropriate to be initiated by management; so lucky that the recipient still reply to me, a small potato ...

Suddenly hope that boss would be back to office sooner *_*

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Haagen-Dazs 雪糕蛋糕

老細自今天起放假三星期,我開心極了 --- 根據以往經驗,老細放假 = 自己 ... 哈哈 ... 三星期吖 ... 呵呵呵 >,< 不過今天還未嘗到「甜頭」,結果八時才走。希望明天會更好 *,* 晚上,到了「泉章居」吃健倫的牛一晚飯。大家準備了 Haagen-Dazs 的雪糕生日蛋糕,可是弄了廿多分鐘,用了牛肉刀、熱水、蠻力,怎麼也切不開 @_@ 最後要把蛋糕拿回時代廣場 Haagen-Dazs 店,又過了廿多分鐘,蛋糕終於被分成九份 ... yeah ,可以吃了 =)

Monday, September 19, 2005



和蘇海明在尖沙咀乘搭城巴 973 ,開始我們的香港環島遊。是名副其實的環島遊吖,自西隧出口,經過西環、薄扶林、田灣、香港仔、黃竹坑、深水灣、淺水灣和舂坎角,終於到達赤柱。

放棄了赤柱廣場的食市,我們在海岸邊的 Seafront 吃個比薩午餐,幻想自己身處意大利的露天茶座,在太陽傘下享受悠悠海風。侍應生很有趣,一開始便以為我們是日本人,特別向我們介紹 Asian Menu ;後來發現我們聽得懂廣東話,是本地人,才不好意思地說外國遊客比較喜歡 Asian Menu (好像有點心餐、港式炒飯、星洲炒米等等)。蘇海明為了佩合日本遊客的形象,拿出自日本街頭免費取得的膠紙扇來撥一撥;我則繼續展露墨鏡下的微笑,想必看起來像極溫柔優雅的日本小姐 ... 呵呵呵 =P


到聖士提反灣,又學著外國遊客在市集內左穿右插。路過一幢幢兩層的樓房別墅,妄想自己是豪宅的主人 ... 哈哈,真的是妄想,這裡屋子的月租是我月薪的好幾倍,更何況要買嘞 ... 要中了彩票才能移居此地 *,*


Sunday, September 18, 2005


The sky kept switching between sunny and rainy for the day. It's mid-autumn indeed, but the weather was no way reflecting autumn has arrived. Wandered around TST with Ming. Didn't aim to do shopping, but turned out that I bought some clothes under Ming's persuasion. Discovered that Muji at Silvercord has been wound up. Walking pass the seaside, we discussed why parts of the water surface was shining while other parts were not even there's no cloud above. Observed a sudden heavy shower at the pier before proceeding to Page One and CitySuper for books and foods. Made no purchase there anyway. Headed back to Telford for Ikea's metal rack, both fell asleep on MTR on the way.

Such a relaxing day, I didn't wanna have it stopped. Holidays, holidays, holidays, please don't leave me, okay?

Saturday, September 17, 2005


無意間發現了《梁祝下世傳奇》這音樂劇,機緣巧合下買了門票(還是最貴的 HKD290 吖!!!) 和蘇海明一起看。

其實音樂劇只是借《梁祝》場境的延續,說的是勞斯和萊斯的故事。故事挺不錯,結局則馬虎和牽強了一點。何韻詩勝任女主角,周國賢這男主角卻有點給比了下去。配角「蝦頭」和「Tony/ Rose/ Mary/ Rosemary」很惹笑,角式很討好。

音樂劇的力量是強烈和震撼的,由下午六時多離開演藝學院至晚上十一時多回到家中,劇中的歌曲仍然在腦海中盤旋 ...

《勞斯.萊斯》 何韻詩
作曲:Edmond Tsang 填詞:黃偉文

勞斯和萊斯 都是花樣男子
勞斯 原是個校隊的優秀種子
萊斯 只喜愛讀書
偏偏他倆 早見晚見
每日著住同樣 純白襯衣
羅曼史 開場於 相鄰的桌椅
不過二人 不敢放肆

能成為密友 大概總帶著愛
但做對好兄弟 又如此相愛 旁人會說不該
忘形時搭膊 自有一面退開
暗裡很享受 卻怕講出來
兩眼即使 移開轉開
心裡面也知 這是愛

男子和男子 怎能親密如此
勞斯 難面對 卻跟她勾過手指
萊斯 偏偏那樣痴
終於一次 她撲過去
四目對望然後 除下襯衣
迷惑中 的勞斯 此時先至知

能成為密友 大概總帶著愛
但做對好兄弟 又如此相愛 旁人會說不該
純情何事會 讓這悲劇揭開
他真的很意外 想起相識以來

日日也親暱如情侶 底牌終揭開

為何還害怕 若覺得這樣愛
尚在計算他又是誰 可否愛
旁人哪個 接受這種愛
明明絕配 犯眾憎 便放開
永遠的忍耐 永遠不出來
世界將依然 不變改
可要像梁祝 那樣愛

Friday, September 16, 2005

Still remember?

Listening to this melody lighted up lots of memories. Our memories. Do you still remember?

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Another piece of lengthy posting, it's actually the text of the Commencement address by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, delivered on 12 June 2005 at Stanford's graduation ceremony. Meaningful and encouraging, but it's really too long to have the full text posted here ...

'You've got to find what you love,' Jobs says [Extract]

When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: "If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right." It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.

Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.

About a year ago I was diagnosed with cancer. I had a scan at 7:30 in the morning, and it clearly showed a tumor on my pancreas. I didn't even know what a pancreas was. The doctors told me this was almost certainly a type of cancer that is incurable, and that I should expect to live no longer than three to six months. My doctor advised me to go home and get my affairs in order, which is doctor's code for prepare to die. It means to try to tell your kids everything you thought you'd have the next 10 years to tell them in just a few months. It means to make sure everything is buttoned up so that it will be as easy as possible for your family. It means to say your goodbyes.

I lived with that diagnosis all day. Later that evening I had a biopsy, where they stuck an endoscope down my throat, through my stomach and into my intestines, put a needle into my pancreas and got a few cells from the tumor. I was sedated, but my wife, who was there, told me that when they viewed the cells under a microscope the doctors started crying because it turned out to be a very rare form of pancreatic cancer that is curable with surgery. I had the surgery and I'm fine now.

This was the closest I've been to facing death, and I hope it’s the closest I get for a few more decades. Having lived through it, I can now say this to you with a bit more certainty than when death was a useful but purely intellectual concept:

No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

When I was young, there was an amazing publication called The Whole Earth Catalog, which was one of the bibles of my generation. It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. This was in the late 1960's, before personal computers and desktop publishing, so it was all made with typewriters, scissors, and polaroid cameras. It was sort of like Google in paperback form, 35 years before Google came along: it was idealistic, and overflowing with neat tools and great notions.

Stewart and his team put out several issues of The Whole Earth Catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. It was the mid-1970s, and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. Beneath it were the words: "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish." It was their farewell message as they signed off. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. And I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you.

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Lunch with Cecilia

Finally could match the time to have lunch with Cecilia. Though we actually saw each other in office everyday, it's difficult to fix the time when both of us were free. She got a lot to tell, both on work and on her love affair. We had a long, long chat in the restaurant, and that's why we went back office late ... but nobody discovered that =P

Seemed that she caught new insights after the lunch. Hope that she'd be getting better soon.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Family dinner for Mid-autumn Festival

Father wanna had the family dinner for mid-autumn festival at Pizza Hut, so we went for it tonight. When I told Florence about my father's choice during our lunch today, she's surprised as her parents would propose going to Chinese restaurant for traditional dinner only, never interested in trying out new dishes.

I remembered that I seldom dined out before I went to higher secondary school, partly because we gotta took care of grandma's dinner and mostly because it's expensive for a family to dine out. I never deny that I was (and am) poor, and my family used to be poor. My mother got a job in the factory to help out my father's burdens when I was promoted to Primary 3, by the time I was thought to have the ability to take care of my little brother who was in Primary 1. My father lost his job when I promoted to junior secondary, but he never complained about that and kept trying hard to get a job. He used to be a forklift operator at the cargo terminal, and with nil education background it's actually difficult for him to get a good one. He has tried working at petrol station, at factory, etc, and finally he settled as a guard of an industrial building. Aged over 50, it's indeed a harsh job for him especially for the night shift. That's why my family understood that every bit of money earned was not easy, and we reduced expenses to minimum; among all, dining out was, of course, never a good option.

By the time I completed Secondary 5, my father went into hospital due to serious liver illness. I remembered I gotta bring my HKCEE result slip to the Princess Margaret Hospital, where my father stayed for several months for treatments. He was so happy that he showed the result slip to nurses, while I was embarrassed. What's on his mind that time was to get me into university for better future.

Afterwards it came the time I got admitted to university. Living in hostel far away from home, I've nearly forgotten how hard my family has worked to bring me up. Then in Year 2, my father got heart attack, while the factory where my mother worked failed to pay wages on time and went into lawsuit. My exam results were no way to be regarded as good. Seemed that all sorts of bad lucks converged. By that time my brother got the chance to be admitted to bachelor degree Programme of Accounting, maybe to year 2 directly, due to his outstanding performance in TI. However, he lapsed the opportunity as he didn't wanna add extra financial burdens to my family. Suddenly I realized that I was really the lucky one among us, but I didn't try my best in my study. It's too late by the time I learnt the truth, I got no way to work out a first honour degree from that point. Fortunately the surgery was a successful one, my father's health recovered step by step. Thanks to my part-time at McKinsey, I used my saving to subsidize the medical fee. My mother got a part-time job at KFC. My brother got a job offer soon after graduated from TI.

Time flied, I was graduated and got a job at a so-called professional firm, and subsequently at banks. Earning stable income, I started to get my family things which they didn't enjoy before. The most obvious one would be dining out for sure. My parents had never tried dishes other than Chinese and Indonesian. That's why they were so excited when I leaded them to taste Japanese foods at Watami. They're fond of pizza, even though I told them what they had were HK-style pizza instead of the original Italian ones. They're interested in some kinds of western dishes as well. Finally they had something to enjoy after their harsh early lives. Gradually it turned into a practice that we'd dine out for festival days. My parents would get excited and started pondering what to have for dinner when festival days approached. My brother insisted to share the expenses at the beginning, but I refused that since he enrolled in his part-time degree programme and set up his candies shop. Other than foods, I also tried to share my wealth with my family through monthly contribution. That's why I'm poor, no kidding =P

All these memories flashed across my mind suddenly, not only because of my family dinner for the mid-autumn festival tonight, but mainly due to a question raised by Alvis. He asked if I would usually have bad luck as what he has. When I thought back, I didn't really able to judge. All past events sharpened my intrinsic values. Rather, I would say all these challenges turned into sorts of invaluable experience for life, together with happy and sad moments, ups and downs. Be optimistic, then everything would turn out fine and far better from imagination *,* Afterall, the most important thing is to live a happy life =)

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Snapshots of my work

Got a very tight working schedule today, kept writing e-mails and reading confirmations all day long. Went to the dealing floor twice and was being introduced to a senior trader. When I read the name of that trader previously on confirmations, I presumed he must be an aged foreigner --- at least in his middle age. Turned out that he looked very young, and was quite friendly. He's busy at the moment I approached him, so I'd go meeting him tomorrow morning again. Hope that he won't turn bad-tempered by then. Sorry, I knew the stuffs I'd ask were tiresome, I didn't wanna deal with that old trade as well, I just followed the "guidance and instruction" given by Trevor =P

Got an interesting observation on the trading floor. All traders were tall, even for Chinese ones. Then I thought of tall, tall Michael. He's a trader as well, but in another bank. Was that being tall the pre-requisite of being a trader?

Upon receiving the last round of e-mails from a counterparty in London, it marked the end of my peak season --- September coupon payment confirmed ... wahaha, so happy with it *,* but then, I was suddenly given a new mission ... me alone again? blah ~ @_@

Sometimes, I wondered if Trevor would feel bored reading all those e-mails I sent to counterparties. On average 15+ e-mails every day, excluding those replied by counterparties. Nothing funny, all were tedious business contents, sometimes lengthy. I once suspected that he didn't read them at all, but he did. I suggested to him not to copy him e-mails I sent in a past occasion; anyway, he said it didn't matter and he might add on mine sometimes. If everybody copied their e-mails to him, he gotta read more than 500 e-mails everyday. How could he do that? No wonder he focused on the computer screen most of the time if he's not away for meeting ... Was that sitting like stone in front of computer the pre-requisite of being top management?

Off at 7.45pm finally. Felt very hungry since I had a light lunch this afternoon. Gotta rush back home for dinner prepared by father ... yummy *,*

Monday, September 12, 2005


Got the chance to have a look at Joyce Cheuk's photos finally! She went hiking up Himalaya in August. Even though she didn't get to the top (if she did, she'd be a superwoman!), the experience was invaluable and, for no doubt, once in one's life.

I know I won't be able to climb up Himalaya, but would I have the chance to hike around its foot? There're so many places around the world that I wanna go ... Gosh, nowhere to go for the remaining of this year anyway -_-"

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Conrad Tea Buffet

Sister Cat earned a big sum of money from property markets + she'd be going back to KPMG, that's why she gave a treat of tea buffet at Conrad.

For no doubt, Conrad would ask for a premium over market price for tea buffet due to its famous brand, but we didn't actually see any special attractions which took our hearts. Really.

After the buffet, I walked all the way to the Star Ferry Pier and took a ferry to TST. It used to be my most favourite route to go home from Central after work, but since I switched my job I didn't take the route for a long time. For sure, when you're off over 7pm, what's on your mind would be to get home for dinner asap rather than taking ferry to enjoy the harbour view.

If I got the chance and money to buy my own house, I would definitely like to have one with harbour view. I like sea, I won't feel bored even if you asked me sitting there and watching it for the whole day. Ironically, I don't know swimming, which is something that I couldn't pick up for the past 20+ years ... Gosh ... -_-"

Alvis's turn to chase up my backlogs of diaries. I'm working very hard on it @_@

Friday, September 09, 2005

孫燕姿演唱會 [晴]

1. "Japan" 燕姿?
2. 說了兩遍十月會出新碟,唱了首《完美的一天》:「我有一所大房子 ... 」 -_-"
3. F.I.R. 做表演嘉賓,第一次聽他們的歌,不錯吖 ~
4. 要拿出「貓紙」來照著唸出需要嗚謝單位的名單,很可愛 *,*
5. 自彈(鋼琴)自唱《我要的幸福》,讓我想起我曾經自製了一套 MTV @,@

《我要的幸福》 孫燕姿

作詞:嚴云農 作曲:李偉菘 編曲:Martin Tang

為愛情付出 為活著而忙碌
為什麼而辛苦 我仔細紀錄
用我的雙眼 在夢想裡找路
該問路的時候 我不會裝酷

我還不清楚 怎樣的速度
符合這世界 變化的腳步
生活像等待 創作的黏土
幸福 我要的幸福 漸漸清楚

夢想 理想 幻想 狂想 妄想
我只想堅持每一步 該走的方向
就算一路上 偶而會沮喪
生活是自己 選擇的衣裳
幸福 我要的幸福 沒有束縛
幸福 我要的幸福 在不遠處

PwC Private Party @ Family

Eunice would go to Japan to further her study while Christine decided to dump PwC and searched for new life in another company. Rather than going to those restaurants which we usually went for farewell, Monitress Shum booked a café for private party this time!

The café was named "Family", which was really operated by a family. It's located on the 2/F inside an old building at CWB. We ate and played and yelled, a funny and happy night there =)

What would it be like if I was a pedestrian walking pass on the street opposite to the café? How would I feel if I was one of those who sat at the café just opposite and facing this café? Must be interesting to see so many people shouting and making weird posture ... haha =P

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Indonesian bond prices

Felt really bad that my off time was delayed by Indonesian bond prices since last week >_< !!! The case was so extreme this evening, I finished all my other tasks by 6pm something, and only kept waiting for Indonesian bond prices until 8pm for completion of my last reporting!!! Mad about it. I was so bored that I gotta took out "Wayfung", a magazine published by the bank, to read as pass-time, since I really got nothing else to do @_@ I made several calls to the Rate Control Officer to file complaints, who in turn made calls and sent e-mails to Indonesian Branch, chasing them up for final data.

If the case goes on like that, I'd file further complaints. Too bad!!!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

"Healthy" restaurant

Date for my weekly lunch with Florence. Planned to go to "Step" but it's crowded with long queue of people @_@ On our way walking to SoHo, Florence spotted a small restaurant suddenly, which claimed to offer Healthy foods. We're lucky enough to get 2 seats there before people started flooding in some time after we got in.

There're many dishes offered by the restaurant, too many choices that we couldn't pick one easily. Foods were delicious, but the shop was crowding and food orders were not properly arranged. Someone has taken my dish, and when I chased for my order, the waiter gave hers to substitute mine. Quite messy indeed, but the foods really tasted good.

Florence chased up my backlogs of diaries. I gotta trying my best to start writing something tonight =P

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


以前常到那餐廳吃午飯,每次只會說「那家樓上餐廳,有香蕉 pancakes 送那一家吖!」,從來都不知道它的名字。所以當金詩韻建議到「鴻運會」吃午飯,大家還不知道她在說那一家 #_#

今天是午餐小莊聚,有我、金詩韻、何曉珊和雷炳森。本來柯福星也來的,可是何曉珊說他常常被很多「女仔」給包圍了 ... 哈哈,看來阿星挺受歡迎嘞 =P

Monday, September 05, 2005

Mark 哥

又到半年一度 PwC 進行 counseling 的日子,朱姐和 Sam Wong 為了逃避填長長的 counseling forms ,於是約了我、 Joan 姐 和 Let 姐與阿 Mark 吃晚飯,當作 counseling 嘞 ...

Joan 姐選了Alexandra House 的北京樓,一如以往, ex-PwCers 呆等 auditors 姍姍來遲;如果 Mark 哥不在場, Joan 姐一定發火 =P

大家說了近況,說了很多 PwC 的事,又替 Let 姐打點擺酒安排,還有她和 Kenny Chan 到英國後的大計 ... 氣氛是愉快的,可覺得大家的價值觀分歧越來越大 ... 倒是有點擔心 Mark 哥,希望我們可以快點再有飯聚,那表示他已經跳出火坑了 =P

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Dine Dine Dinner

The cruise finished later than what've been scheduled, so I was late for dinner with Dine and other Darians @_@ so sorry for that. Dined at a Shanghai restaurant at Diamond Hill. I was not hungry at all indeed, since I've eaten a lot during the cruise; but it's nice to gather with all OLD friends, wasn't it?

Welcome home, Dine my dear Touyi =)


1. Woke up very very EARLY, as I'd join Ming and his secondary school friends for cruise.
2. Got myself a Hash Brown when passing by Times Square McDonald, yummy *,*
3. Very heavy rain, but the ship owner claimed that everything was fine, so we went on.
4. Stayed at region named "Ha Mei", near Lamma.
5. SOMEONE didn't tell me to bring swimming suit when I asked what have to bring last night >_< 6. BBQ foods cooked by the ship owner were SUPER DELICIOUS!!! 7. Rain stopped, climbed up to the deck and sleep while others're playing wake-board. 8. Feel like sleeping in the middle of the sea, breeze kissed my face, I love it so much >,<

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Maritime City

Had hair cut with Ming at TST. He looked different after the hair cut, but not for me ... haha =P

Went to Maritime City to have dinner with Ming's elder sister. She's pregnant, expected to give birth by the end of November. She used to be very thin, and it's really surprising to see her "size" turned so big *,* waha~

Very relaxing today, and I enjoyed it ...

Friday, September 02, 2005

Happy Birthday Darling *,*

So lucky that Trevor took half-day off in the afternoon again *,* Today's Ming's birthday, I wanna leave office as early as possible to enjoy dinner at "Sun" with him >,<

Anyway, things won't be going so smooth usually. Those traders who were normally lazy to make deals on Friday suddenly turned very proactive and got a lot of deals executed. Simultaneously, those counterparties who didn't give reply for long unexpectedly responded and I'd have to check a set of iTraxx agreements before the close of business. Indonesian bond prices were delayed again, so could just keep waiting, waiting and waiting ...

As a result, could only leave office by 8pm. Ming has been in CWB walking alone and waiting since 6pm something. So sorry @_@ We headed to the restaurant right away when I arrived CWB. The environment of the restaurant was pretty good, but we're both busy with our dishes ... haha ... We ordered a lot. Left the restaurant at around 11pm, both are foods and tired. Didn't go elsewhere to play since Ming has to work tomorrow morning, and it'd be over 12 midnight when he arrived home even he started going home by then. I didn't join ex-PwCers for gathering, since I've decided to go home for a sleep until noon tomorrow ... hehe =P


Eventually arranged to have lunch with Carmen Au Yeung. She recommended going to "50s'". Nice restaurant, food quality was fine with unlimited supply of appetizers and desserts. HKD64 for lunch sounded a bit expensive, but with the abundant quantities of foods it should still be classified as "worthy".

Actually our aim of lunch was to discuss our insurance strategies before we talk to Terry; however, it turned out that we discussed nil on it but talked a lot on other topics ... hehe =P

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Half-team lunch

Yaqub asked me and Joyce out for lunch, in order to celebrate "Joyce's travel to Disneyland tomorrow". Such a weird reason ... haha ... anyway we really went for lunch together finally on L28.

Joyce told us a lot about SDG team, and eventually I understood why people dislike Jeffrey ... so did I =P