Saturday, October 15, 2005


《Kizuna》 Orange Range
Translated by Alvis Chan

いま何してるかな 君も見ているかな
What are you doing now? Maybe you're looking at it too?
オレンジ色に染まる空を 朝日に変わる夕陽を
Looking at the orange sky, Looking at the rising sun turns to be setting sun
ナミダこぼし合って泣いた夜も くだらない話で朝まで笑った日々も
At nights wept in spilling tears and days with endless talks till morning
忘れない今のボクをささえる宝物だから 離れていても感じるあなたの優しさ
All these are unforgettable treasures which support me now
Even we are apart, I can feel your kindness
だからどこにいたってもう一人じゃない どんな事あってもくじけない
Therefore, no matter till when, I am not alone; no matter what, I am undaunted
空と海が重なった あの島のような
Like that island, where sky and sea come together
Even they are apart, they gently blended into the same color
See, it's the knot nestled

何々を知ったり 何々を知らなかったり
Knowing something, or knowing nothing
止まったり 前に進んだり 後ろに下がったり
Stop, proceed, or step back
自らコロガル時もあれば 手を借りてコロガル時もある
Sometimes we may fall by ourselves, or fall because we give a hand
カラン コロン また広がる カラン コロン またコロガル
Dilate again, fall again
そっと胸に手をあてて 眠れない夜は 
Tenderly touch your heart with your hand at the sleepless night
We can meet again in dream, we can hear the lullaby
The knot that pressed into our backs
See, it's the knot nestled

友の声が胸に響いた 涙で滲みんじゃ道は見えないんだ
Friend's voice is echoing in my heart, tears soak and I can't see the road
今GET UP!見上げんだ ほら同じ空 決して孤独じゃねえんだ
Now, Get Up! Look up! Under the same sky I'd never be alone
全て背負い込むことはないさいーか皆居んだ 今信じるんだキズナ
There's nothing to be born by oneself, as we are here! The knot that we believe in
潰れない 消えないさ これだけは さぁ行くんだ!
It won't be crushed, It won't disappeared; only with this, go!

一歩一歩 ただ前へ 一歩一歩 歩幅合わせ
Step by step, just forward; step by step, match our steps
転びそうなら そう 手をつかめ Say Wo! Wo! 皆で歌え
If we're going to fall, hold our hands, say Wo! Wo! Let's sing

いま何してるかな 君も見ているかな
What are you doing now? Maybe you are looking at it too?
雨は止みそらに架かるアーチ 虹でつながる君とボク
By the rainbow arched over after rain, you and I are connected

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