在 SPS 的 facebook group 裡頭有這樣一個
You know you are from St. Paul's school (Lam Tin) when...- you know they deliberately hire weird-looking male teachers - there are proofs! [Yup they do that deliberately, Mr Siu and Mr Lam are good examples!]
- you get hit by ball (volleyball or netball) at least once during lunchtime [I was the one "hitting" others =P]
- when you are in f.1-4, you spend at least 10 english or chinese lessons doing nothing except to practice choral speaking [Guess it's not only for F1 – F4, still doing the same in F.6!]
- your skirt covered your knee when you were in F.1 [My skirt were always covering my knee -_-"]
- You can walk from the MTR station to the school within 10 minutes and you HATE that up-hill road [Actually, I like it quite well ...]
- you go to toilet during lesson breaks [Or else what would be best time to go?!?!?! =P]
- you would NEVER take off your vest in winter [Of course! The yellow blouse is so ... ]
- you know who 'Cha Siu' (roast pork) is [Oh, that weird man is still there? He's still a source of jokes I suppose =P]
- you hang out at Scenery garden or Mc donalds after school [KT Pizza Hut and Tak Tin 7-11 as well – for Volleyball team]
- you spend days decorating the classrooms , from windows to ceilings, before Christmas Party [A whole month!]
- you pretend to have your leg sprained so that you can take the lift - and you bring frds to 'look after' you [I didn't pretend but I had twisted my leg once and really needed the lift ... ]
- you were forced to recite the freaking long school hymnal when you were in F.1, but once you recited it, you will never forget it [That’s true – Hark! Daughters of the great St. Paul’s ...]
- you know Ms. T Cheng never ends her lessons on time [I only attended her Geography class in F.3 but I knew that already ...]
- you would NEVER EVER wear the winter sports tracksuit [I didn't wear it in my secondary school life but wore that in hostel when I was in Uni =P]
- you know sapphire and emerald always beat amber and ruby in swimming gala and sports day [Is it? Anyway, SAPPHIRE is the best!]
- you are told to 'sit up straight', 'open your jaws' and 'use your diaphragm' during music lessons [Ms Lau! She’s a lovely lady anyway from my interactions with her in choir, despite that her perfume was too strong ...]
- you are not allowed to eat on the street [Yup, but I always did so =P]
- the only thing you look forward to in Christmas Concert is Santa Claus handing out sweets [I like it and would yell for sweets ... hoho]
- Mr. Chiu took a photo of you [Missed it so much! Okay 1-2-3!]
- you were forced to join the cheering team in your house and shout slogans every day after school when you were in F.1 [Yup, I hated it, especially have to make that pong-pong >_<]
- all the teachers, except males and PE teachers, wear dresses [Oh really? I didn’t realize that ...]
- you see many junior girls 'transformed' into TBs, and you see some TBs 'transformed' into girls again [How to transform? =P]
- you see many schoolbags on the tables in canteen after school [One of them was mine ...]
- you had a 'big sister' when you were in F,1 [I never had one but I was the ‘big sister’ for a class of F.1 which I could hardly recognize now ...]
- you hear Ms Chau shout "keep going...keep breathing" at least three times in the PE lesson which you have to do a 9-min run [That really doesn’t make sense --- you need to breath even if you’re not running =P]
- you hear Mr. E. Wong says "CHU!CHU!CHU! Girls~~" and "Can you understand Girls?" over 200 times in double physics lesson… [No matter how many times he repeated the same stuff, I could never understand what he said =P]
- you heard Mr TH LAM says "You need to install an unistall program to unistall an installed program." And "If you don't know say I don't know or I don't know if you don't know." [Mr Lam is always funny ... hahaha]
- you know we have a mini concert in the playground before christmas party [I know, because it was started by Choir when I was in F.4 and I was in the group until F.7!]
- have to watch the same drama in the christmas concert every year and wonder why the angels can remain on the same spot till the end [That’s a hard task, isn’t it =P]