Bo Bo woke up and cried suddenly at 2am-ish. Noticed his unusually warm body and did a measurement – Bo Bo's having fever!
Fed Bo Bo with paracetamol and kept measuring temperature every hour. It fluctuated but never went down to normal range. We guessed it's either the after impact of the varicella vaccination taken earlier this month (after impact could last for a month the nurse warned -_-), or Bo Bo's catching flu after yesterday outing under cold weather. Fed Bo Bo with the second dose of paracetamol at 11am-ish when he's up to 39.4 deg.
When he reached 39.6 deg again in the afternoon, we had to decide whether to keep on doing nothing but keep monitoring with paracetamol intake whenever it's over 39 deg, to take him to private doctors, or to send him to ER of public hospital. Didn't really want to go through the
process of admission to hospital, we picked the second option; and then came the next question – which private doctor to visit? It’s Sunday afternoon, Bo Bo's pediatrician and Chinese herbalist were both on leave. Had to struggle between the Quality Health clinic nearby and the outpatient service @ St. Teresa's. Looking at Bo Bo's spiritual face and still being energetic to walk here and there except yelling from time to time likely due to the heat, we decided to pay a visit to the GP at Quality Health.
Bo Bo's reaching historical high of 39.8 deg when we're in the clinic. Our main purpose of the visit was just to make sure Bo Bo was not having pneumonia, tracheitis or bronchitis. Out of our expectation, the doctor was extremely patient and did a very detailed check which was similar to what the pediatrician used to do. The doctor confirmed there's nothing of immediate emergency, and gave us detailed guidelines on critical observations to watch out as indications of admission to hospital.
We're relieved after the doctor’s diagnosis, and fed Bo Bo with another dose of paracetamol after the doctor visit. Bo Bo's temperature still fluctuated, but he seemed to behave quite well during the winter solstice dinner with my family, which was changed from a restaurant @ Mongkok to Kowloon Bay for Bo Bo's sake. We fed him another dose after the dinner before his temperature dropped back to normal range. He was sweating a lot and possibly that's his body mechanism to lower his temperature - no more fever after 11pm-ish!