Saturday, December 31, 2011


晚上要到莊性感的家倒數,舉家一起午睡預備今晚晚歸 --- 寶寶和蘇海明都睡了三小時,我為了準備寶寶的晚餐及我們的午餐,只睡了一個半小時 ... 不公平 >_<

我們訂了太多食物,吃不完 @_@ 懶惰地攤坐等待新年的一刻,順道看了《瘦身男女》的完整版。趁大家未疲倦,先來一副大合照 --- 看,寶寶在「明看」安安契妹 =P

2011 last school day [Sunny]

我們在德福戲院看完《Sherlock Holmes: A game of shadow》,到工廠區吃了個早餐,再到商場領回昨天買的袋,已經是中午十二時多,我們直接到學校接寶寶放學。


寶寶 2011 年最後一個上學天就這樣愉快地結束了。

Friday, December 30, 2011



蘇海明直接從公司到沙田,我和洗了澡、吃了晚餐的寶寶從媽媽家對面的巴士站出發。寶寶乘車前已經有點睏、打呵欠,上了巴士卻又匆匆依著窗戶看車車,睡意全消。寶寶還逗坐在後方的叔叔完,弄得人家差點把香橙形的巧克力送給他;這樣取人家的東西當然不好,立即著抓著「香橙」的寶寶把東西交還給叔叔。幸好寶寶心情佳,照著做又拍手掌 *.*

吃過晚餐去看星光花園表演,抵達才知道原來是要先取免費門劵的。門劵不難取,我們九時半領得九時四十分門票。表演只是數分鐘,基本上也不是特別吸引,再一次證明雜誌報導多是名過其實。不過這是寶寶第一次近距離看燈飾,也算是有紀念性嘞 =)

遲睡遲起 [晴]

一如所料,寶寶早上七時四十五才睡眼惺忪地起牀。早餐奶吃了一半,見到蘇海明吃麵包又嚷著要吃;探熱、穿衣、著鞋,弄了好一陣子。結果八時四十五分才抵達學校 @_@


今晚要和寶寶訓話 -_-"

* * *

哎唷,怎麼聽起來像個嚕嚕叨叨的媽媽 @_@

Thursday, December 29, 2011

家庭主婦 [冷]

今天當了個全職的家庭主婦:準備寶寶的早餐 > 帶寶寶上學 > 準備寶寶晚餐 >準備自己的午餐 > 掃地 > 看一會電視 (通常家庭主婦下午都會看電視的,不是嗎? =P) > 買星期六早場戲票 > 寶寶放學 > 到街市買菜 > 煮晚飯 > 寶寶睡覺 > 吃晚飯 > 洗衣服 (機洗 + 手洗) > 看電視。


再次衷心對全職家庭主婦致敬,因為她們和上班一樣忙碌,但卻時時被人誤會很悠閒 *.*

寶寶今晚心野,晚上八時半就睡了,過了十時的「宵夜時間」還沒醒。十一時半替他換尿片,醒過來就要吃奶;吃完奶不像平日乖乖回自己的牀睡覺,老是嚷著玩、拿著玩具走來走去,到半夜一時也不肯睡。結果我們捉了他和我們一起睡,他給我們兩個夾在中間,一時半才肯就範,真頑皮 >_<

明天他大概會遲起牀 @_@

Wednesday, December 28, 2011



那可不代表我躲懶:早上準備寶寶一天的飲食、和寶寶玩耍;下午監測鐘點清潔,還把這兩個月的筆者點打成短文,算是很了不起吧 =P

Eat and sleep [Cold]

Bo Bo woke up at 5am-ish for food and then sleep until 10am-ish, woke up again only yelling for congee and food!

I didn't realize you love eating and eating so much, Bo Bo? I knew you're still on holiday today and I shouldn't complain, I would feed you the foods you want my dear boy, but please make sure you could wake up on time tomorrow for breakfast and school, so that papa won't be late for work?

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

@ TY Clara’s home[Cold]

Had an exciting time @ Clara’s home as we added a competition to the program list this year on top of the usual Secret Angel. We’re the winning team and shared the pool of contributions which were sufficient enough to cover the costs of dinner and shared gifts ... yeah ~!!

This year we've 6 infants/ toddlers/ kids joining. Guess how many for next year =P

[Note: The one held by FK was Emily's niece, not FK's kid just for clarification!]

Monday, December 26, 2011

Mystery revealed [Cold]

Poxes on Bo Bo’s legs started to diminished and vanished. It looked more confirming that it’s the after impact of the vaccine, together with the symptom of high fever last Sunday.

The mystery revealed!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas Bo

Bo Bo continued to take much more foods than what he usually took. Was it because of the temperature or he’s in the rapid growing phase again?

Had Christmas gathering with Ming’s secondary schoolmates @ SKW. Bo Bo was given a small car to entertain himself – the first time he played with a small car and apparently he’s addicted to it!

Learnt that the girl of Ming’s friend who was born in April 2010 still haven’t secured an offer for PN place next year, and one of the schools which the girl has interviewed was the one which Bo Bo’s attending. Guess it’s really lucky for Bo Bo to have offers to PN schools and had the privilege to choose!

Thanks be to God.

True meaning of Christmas [Cold]

"Celebrate a truly Christian Christmas," "the joy of knowing that God is close and wants to walk with us on our journey through life."
"Let us make sure that even in today's society our Christmas greetings do not lose their profound religious meaning and the celebration is not absorbed by exterior aspects,"

Pope Benedict XVI 21 Dec 2011, Catholic News Service

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Silent night [Cold]

Started our morning with breakfast together with Bo Bo – he had finished with his milk but yelled for more for some reasons, so we decided to give him bread. It’s the first time that Bo Bo self-feeding himself with bread! We taught him once on how to tease the bread with teeth and then put it back to his bowl when eating. He followed after the first demonstration which made our day – we could be pleased pretty easily =P

After the breakfast we did a haircut for Bo Bo. Planned to do that in Nov but kept on postponing for various causes – but finally came the moment!

To make the Christmas feel more like Christmas, we brought Bo Bo out to TST to have close interactions with those Christmas decorations and ornaments. Bo Bo enjoyed obviously, but I would be even happier if we could bring him to attend the Christmas mass. Hope for next year’s Christmas =)

Returned home before it’s getting too dark and cold. Had a delicious dinner and a silent night at home – Merry Christmas everyone!

* * *

The number of poxes on Bo Bo’s legs increased. Ming recalled about the fever last Sun and suggested that could be the after impact of the varicella vaccine. Kept on observing …

Friday, December 23, 2011

Poxes [Cold]

Return the pairs of leather shoes to H&M to get refund. We expected the refunds would be done by coupons as it was a non-cash transaction. Turned out that H&M allowed credit card refunds!

Found some small spots which looked like poxes on Bo Bo’s legs. Is it allergy or what?!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Winter solstice [Cold]

Early off for winter solstice. Had dinner with Ming's family last night, so we're free tonight and we did a bit of shopping before returning home =P

Ming decided to buy a pair of leather shoes from H&M for Bo Bo, but they didn't fit after we tried them with Bo Bo at home =(

Monday, December 19, 2011

Engine resumed [Cold]

Bo Bo was so active and energetic all day through from the moment he woke up in the morning, as if he had never got fever yesterday!

In that case, it's likely to be the after impact of vaccination ...

* * *

It's always a decision tree when came to circumstances around Bo Bo *_*

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Fever [Cold]

Bo Bo woke up and cried suddenly at 2am-ish. Noticed his unusually warm body and did a measurement – Bo Bo's having fever!

Fed Bo Bo with paracetamol and kept measuring temperature every hour. It fluctuated but never went down to normal range. We guessed it's either the after impact of the varicella vaccination taken earlier this month (after impact could last for a month the nurse warned -_-), or Bo Bo's catching flu after yesterday outing under cold weather. Fed Bo Bo with the second dose of paracetamol at 11am-ish when he's up to 39.4 deg.

When he reached 39.6 deg again in the afternoon, we had to decide whether to keep on doing nothing but keep monitoring with paracetamol intake whenever it's over 39 deg, to take him to private doctors, or to send him to ER of public hospital. Didn't really want to go through the process of admission to hospital, we picked the second option; and then came the next question – which private doctor to visit? It’s Sunday afternoon, Bo Bo's pediatrician and Chinese herbalist were both on leave. Had to struggle between the Quality Health clinic nearby and the outpatient service @ St. Teresa's. Looking at Bo Bo's spiritual face and still being energetic to walk here and there except yelling from time to time likely due to the heat, we decided to pay a visit to the GP at Quality Health.

Bo Bo's reaching historical high of 39.8 deg when we're in the clinic. Our main purpose of the visit was just to make sure Bo Bo was not having pneumonia, tracheitis or bronchitis. Out of our expectation, the doctor was extremely patient and did a very detailed check which was similar to what the pediatrician used to do. The doctor confirmed there's nothing of immediate emergency, and gave us detailed guidelines on critical observations to watch out as indications of admission to hospital.

We're relieved after the doctor’s diagnosis, and fed Bo Bo with another dose of paracetamol after the doctor visit. Bo Bo's temperature still fluctuated, but he seemed to behave quite well during the winter solstice dinner with my family, which was changed from a restaurant @ Mongkok to Kowloon Bay for Bo Bo's sake. We fed him another dose after the dinner before his temperature dropped back to normal range. He was sweating a lot and possibly that's his body mechanism to lower his temperature - no more fever after 11pm-ish!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

為食寶 [冷]


我們吃、吃、吃,寶寶也吃、吃、吃,燒烤是吃了半大條粟米,晚上又要吃菜和魚肉,忽然變成「為食寶」 *_*

Thursday, December 15, 2011



我就拿著田醫師「生麥芽 5 錢 + 炒麥芽 5 錢 + (炒) 穀芽 5 錢,10碗水煲剩 5 碗」的「藥方」去買材料。醫師說最好到較大的藥材店購買,於是我跑到余仁生中環總行去。把藥方告訴店員,他說這些是開奶茶其中的成份,既然是給BB 喝,可以考慮買開奶茶代替。想了想,回覆店員還是要醫師那簡方好了。


甚麼,就只是三元? 我起初還以為起碼要幾十元! 付款後去取藥,店員把包裝好的材料再放入精緻的膠裝,再叮囑煲煮前用清水沖一沖以確保材料清潔無塵,然後態度謙恭地說多謝、慢走。付三元就有如此殷勤的服務,真的受寵若驚,弄得我有點不好意思 =P

Back to office [Cold]

The first day return to office from sick leaves. Workload was fine, but it's so tiring to sit all day long after I got used to laying on bed if not sleeping for last couples of days =P

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

生日快樂 [冷]

生日的最佳節目就是睡覺 =)

送寶寶上學後再睡,近十一時才醒來,與田醫師通了電話,說寶寶是「脾胃不調」,把積蓄在腸胃裡不消化的食物殘渣都派出了就會病癒,所以這幾天的便便可能有酸臭味 *_* 寶寶今天的情況好像有進步,希望寶寶快點痊癒吧!

原本蘇海明訂了 Hyatt 的中午自助餐,但因為我們太懶惰及想吃清淡東西,所以放棄了 =P 時間騰出來,我們決定去領取給寶寶的獅子車和飯椅。比起搬那十二包尿片回家,這次領獎品回家簡直「小兒科」。獅子車放在我家,飯椅送到爸媽的家去。寶寶似乎對兩者都很滿意 =)

晚上收到老細 J 越洋電話問候,受寵若驚 *.*

Monday, December 12, 2011


寶寶今早把早餐嘔出來了,嘔完以後卻一臉得戚模樣。寶寶,究竟你怎麼了 @_@


這次去澳門主要是看《水舞間》,因為不適合六歲以下的小朋友入場,所以沒有寶寶的份兒。我們看《水舞間》下午五時的「早場」,之前就在威尼斯人及新濠天地行逛。人多得很,都是內地同胞,很吵 ...

《水舞間》的雜技表演是好看的,但故事性就有點兒那個 --- 怎麼忽然中程加入電單車飛車表演? 是很精彩,卻好像有點無厘頭 ... 不過總括而言,是值得一看的。

因為套片包括了一些在威尼斯人使用的優惠,整天兩人只用了港幣28元,而且不需用腦,非常悠閒。晚餐早起完,沒由來等到晚上九時才乘船,於是跳上穿梭巴士趕到氹仔碼頭,剛好搭上八時開出的航班。十時抵家,還可以和寶寶玩上半句鐘,真好 =)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

自己食 [冷]

寶寶第一次自己餵自己食粥仔,雖然只是最後幾口 =P


Saturday, December 10, 2011

Promotion program [Cold]

Wrote a short passage for Abbott promotion program to get HKD50 coupon - a quick and easy deal!

Friday, December 09, 2011

Pampers [Cold]

That's the problem when you've got nothing to do but laying on bed – you started to watch out for stuff which you didn’t usually look at.

I discovered this thread on Baby Kingdom which talked about exchanging Fisher-price lion ride and portable dining chair with purchase of 12 packs of Pampers from designated pharmacies. Let's do a calculation – 12 packs of Pampers costed HKD1,800 prior to discounts, and those gifts altogether costed HKD900. Not a bad deal wasn't it?

Registered with Pampers at once on phone. Next step, started to reach out to designated pharmacy nearby which sold the diapers at the lowest price. Finally secured an offer from a pharmacy at Lok Wah Estate, which promised to keep the offer and stocks for me until end of business today. I was not supposed to be out and did excessive exercise, but the offer was attractive enough to make me out and asked for assistance from my mom as well =P

All done by the evening, and my home was stuffed with 12 packs of Pampers =P As long as I go exchanging the car and chair within 2 weeks, these will all be under Bo Bo's account later =)

Another surprise of the day – received a big fruit hamper from colleagues in HK and overseas. It'll take more than a month to finish with all those fruits!

Thursday, December 08, 2011

PN form [Cold]

News and forums reported parents queued overnight for submitting toddlers' information as requested by the St. Catherine Kiddy, just for obtaining an application form for its pre-nursery classes.

Were they too crazy or was I too lazy?

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

猜謎 [冷]



真的很難估計 @_@

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

十天 [冷]



不過也做不了太多東西,繼續睡覺吧 *_*

Monday, December 05, 2011


RIP, the little one whom we’ve never seen ...

"Almighty, Everlasting God, who hast dominion over the living and the dead, and showest mercy unto all whom Thou knowest will be Thine by faith and works: we humbly beseech Thee that they for whom we have resolved to pour forth our prayers, whether this present world still detain them in the flesh, or the world to come hath already received them stripped of their bodies, may, by the grace of Thy fatherly love, and through the intercession of all the Saints, obtain the remission of all their sins. Through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
O Lord, hear my prayer.
And let my cry come unto Thee.
May the Almighty and merciful Lord graciously hear us.
And may the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

睡眠 [雨]


醫生說:「現在先睡一下,一會兒我們會叫妳醒來 ...」然後我真的睡著了,直到護士叫醒我,很不可思異 *_*

Saturday, December 03, 2011

Gut [Cool/ Cold]

我們給捨棄了,斗室空空如也 =(