Monday, February 01, 2016

My boss [Cool]

I’m really impressed by my boss.
I knew he has talked to many people in both APAC and the US last Friday after my resignation for possibilities to guarantee no night calls, at least for the coming 2 years.  We all knew it’s not quite possible if not impossible, but he won’t give up without making an effort.
The conclusion he got was what we’ve expected, and he accepted the fact that I’ll move onto another role with no night call.  No further dragging and we talked about hand-over plan right after. 
“Sorry for leaving – I feel bad with that, but that’s probably the best option for the stage.”
“Family always comes first.  Everyone in the team would be sad to see you leaving and we will miss you.”
I’m proud to have you as my boss for the past 16 months!

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