Dating baby with Ming and Bo Bo. Dr. Yau yelled like “Wah, it’s so obvious that the baby’s a boy!” on seeing a particular screenshot! Bo Bo’s going to have a brother, though he kept asking where’s his sister then *.*
I'm a good dreamer --- dream in class, dream at work, dream on MTR ... dreaming all the time *.*
Saturday, August 03, 2013
Friday, August 02, 2013
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Last day @ TK
Last day of Bo Bo in school @ TK. He’s in super good mood – especially that he’s
yelling daily for not going to school since mid July.
presents from class-mistress and some teachers as well as classmates. Thought Bo Bo didn’t really understand the
meaning of last day, but he had a happy day.
His longest summer holiday ever started!
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Orientation Day [Hot/ Rainy]
orientation day at Bo Bo’s new school.
Everything seemed to be prepared but still not feeling true. Just pending for Bo Bo to come here and actualize
everything in Sep.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Bad mood with itching back [Rainy]
was bad the last couples of days, so as the mood of Bo Bo and his back! He’s coughing with fever again so visiting
Dr. Pang … apparently he caught a flu =(
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Ball Ball’s b-day party
Went to Citiplaza for the Lego exhibition and then joined Ball Ball’s b-day party @ his new home at TKS. Stayed from afternoon to night and Bo Bo didn’t take a nap at all after his 10-mins quick nap when we had food at Citiplaza!
Gary helped to take the family pic for us – a family of 4 with little baby hiding in mama’s tummy =P
Gary helped to take the family pic for us – a family of 4 with little baby hiding in mama’s tummy =P
Heat rash [Cloudy/ Shower]
Brought Bo Bo to his pediatrician whom we haven’t visited for a quite a while. Just felt that that maybe it’s better to switch back to western practitioner when it came to skin problem.
Dr. Wan diagnosed that Bo Bo’s suffered from inflammation of Miliaria/ heat rash. Need to apply the prescribed cream 3 times daily to reduce the symptoms and kept Bo Bo’s back as dry as possible … that’s not an easy task in the hot summer especially that Bo Bo’s sweating loads!
Dr. Wan diagnosed that Bo Bo’s suffered from inflammation of Miliaria/ heat rash. Need to apply the prescribed cream 3 times daily to reduce the symptoms and kept Bo Bo’s back as dry as possible … that’s not an easy task in the hot summer especially that Bo Bo’s sweating loads!
Monday, July 15, 2013
School [Shower]
Bo yelled that he didn’t want to go to school since late last week. Very curious to know whether there’s anything
happened in school?
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Friday, July 12, 2013
Day Creche application [Rainy]
the Day Creche application form for baby @ TK … hope that baby will get a
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Response [Rainy]
Bo Bo’s class-mistress rang again in the evening, confirming that Bo Bo could return to school without any additional supporting that the teacher asked for yesterday morning.
Does that mean complaints work in waiving some so-called “requirements”, or the teacher was making up excuses and story yesterday?
Tuesday, July 09, 2013
Teacher [Rainy]
Most red spots disappeared this morning therefore
I was intending to send Bo Bo back to school.
However, the teacher who was responsible to taking attendance rejected
Bo Bo – not in a good tone and started to link to ridiculous request which annoyed
Bo’s class-mistress rang in the evening and I complained about the
teacher. I’ve never been so annoyed in
the past 2 years which I needed to complain on teacher. Bo Bo’s class-mistress was astonished and
promised to follow up.
Monday, July 08, 2013
Confirmed Roseola [Cloudy]
GP downstairs @ Quality Health and confirmed Bo Bo had Rosela – what a relief!
Sunday, July 07, 2013
美儀 B [熱/ 大雨]
和班長及vy 姐到養和去探美儀兩天大的bb。
新任爸爸很興奮、很緊張,新任媽媽冷靜BB努力地睜大眼睛四處看,眼仔碌碌。我發現近年來探的 BB ,都是對周圍事物很有興趣的,只有寶寶當年常常合上眼睛睡覺 … 難道天生就是懶惰寶寶 *.*
Saturday, July 06, 2013
Roseola? [Hot]
went away finally! Small red spots
started to appear on Bo Bo’s body … looked like Bo Bo’s having Roseola rather
than HFMD?
Friday, July 05, 2013
Fever continued [Hot]
Bo Bo’s fever persisted. Dr. Pang, the Chinese herbalist in the same
clinic as Dr. Tin whom we started to visit after Dr. Tin temporary departure,
diagnosed that Bo Bo case might not be HFMD as his throat’s reddened and
swollen. Fingers crossed.
Bo Bo looked tired and weak and slept all day …………
Bo Bo looked tired and weak and slept all day …………
Wednesday, July 03, 2013
2 cases of Hand, Foot & Month Diseases reported in Bo Bo’s school this
week, one of which was from Bo Bo’s class.
Bo Bo started to have fever tonight so it’s a bit worrying … =(
News [Hot]
Bo Bo has been kept talking about he’s going to have a sibling in school though
he didn’t know it’d be a younger brother or sister. He repeated that so frequently that the
class-mistress had to verify the news with my mom who knew nothing *_*
Sunday, June 30, 2013
We went to Spain for a 10-day trip when Bo Bo was 7 months old. As part of the compensation, we bought a Star-War mix Lego watch on Qatar airway flying shop, imagining that Bo Bo would grow up soon and need that cutie fancy watch.
We passed this watch to Bo Bo this evening finally. Seems that he’s very keen to explore what’s it and what’s it for =) ~
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Cooking Bo Bo [ok]
Date for pre-natal check-up checkup again. Dr. Yau confirmed appealing progress of baby’s development. Will have OSCAR done in QE 2 weeks later and see baby again in early Aug *,*
Visited Kowloon City Market as usual after our Sat visit to STH for ingredients of our dinner – we decided to have soup + vege + fish for tonight!
Started cooking and Bo Bo yelled that he’s joining … ok let’s start his cooking at the simplest thing – put all ingredients to water for preparing the soup! Haha ~
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Saturday, June 15, 2013
F&F confirmation [Rainy]
Went to Palace Garden at 10am to do F&Ftaking and confirmation. This’s the 3rd time we visited the flat and the good feeling retained.
The current owner told us a lot on design and materials, some of which actually surprised us. If we’re the one doing the construction and deco ourselves we’d definitely miss out all those details =P
Friday, June 14, 2013
Deal done [Rainy]
The agent has been in frequent contacts with Ming for the last couples of days, upto a level that Ming felt like being bombarded if not hassled =P
Contract signed tonight after Ming attended his departmental dinner – which was like 23.00-ish! Being a property agent could be harsh sometimes. The agent finally got the price 400k+ down and I didn’t know how much talk-work he has done to get to that. Plus after these he had to wait boringly in a rainy night for his dear customer to sign the contract … Jesus Christ!
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Hong Kong Heritage Museum [Cloudy]
Public holiday for Dragon Boat Festival. Instead of watching Dragon Boat match we visited the Hong Kong Heritage Museum.
Not to argue whether what’re on show in the Museum really relevant to “heritage”, nobody could deny it’s a good place for kids. Bo Bo enjoyed his stay from the moment he stepped into the Museum. He was so involved that he skipped his lunch and nap time.
When we finally left the Museum for “afternoon tea” in a Vietnamese restaurant at Shatin Town Plaza, Bo Bo couldn’t stand any further and fell asleep … all the way until we arrived home!
He seemed to recall suddenly that he hasn’t taken much food for the whole afternoon, therefore quickly grab a mini-rice dumpling (home-made by my mom especially for Bo Bo!) to feed his little tummy =)
Not to argue whether what’re on show in the Museum really relevant to “heritage”, nobody could deny it’s a good place for kids. Bo Bo enjoyed his stay from the moment he stepped into the Museum. He was so involved that he skipped his lunch and nap time.
When we finally left the Museum for “afternoon tea” in a Vietnamese restaurant at Shatin Town Plaza, Bo Bo couldn’t stand any further and fell asleep … all the way until we arrived home!
He seemed to recall suddenly that he hasn’t taken much food for the whole afternoon, therefore quickly grab a mini-rice dumpling (home-made by my mom especially for Bo Bo!) to feed his little tummy =)
Saturday, June 08, 2013
Dr Tin [Hot]
Dr Tin, Bo Bo’s Chinese herbalist, rang us
last Sat when we’re on the way to the beach notifying about her plan to go for
a 1-year secondment to China. We thought
we won’t be seeing her again before her trip but Bo Bo was off sick suddenly,
so we’re visiting today on her last day in the HK clinic.
has been the Chinese herbalist for Bo Bo since July 2011. She knew Bo Bo in person and I often called
her for medical advice even though sometimes we’re not visiting her
clinic. Bo Bo knew her well also. Wishing her all the best and see her a year
later on her return!
Friday, June 07, 2013
House-viewing round 2 [Hot]
The agent persuaded that we can do a 2nd
house-viewing in case we’re interested in the flat but concerned only about the
price. As such, we’re doing the 2nd
house-viewing this evening after work!
Worked from Central office today so that I
could meet up with Ming and head to Mongkok together by MTR. Got changed to bus and arrived at Palace
Garden by 7.45pm.
Ming’s still very interested in the flat on
2nd viewing. I still held the
strong stand that it’s overpriced. He
talked with the agent for quite a while before we left for our dinner at around
9pm at Kowloon City.
Let’s see how it’ll go!
Sunday, June 02, 2013
House-viewing [Rainy]
House-viewing @ Palace Garden. Agent was saying that it’s the best ever unit
he has dealt with in the recent months.
It proved to be true – at least it’s the best one we’ve viewed for the
past 8 months. Ming was very interested
in the flat mainly due to the set up and deco.
The quote was too high though – HKD9.88m was really a bit off. Let’s see.
Saturday, June 01, 2013
Friday, May 31, 2013
Heartbeat 7W2D [Sunny]
Finished the H2 plan and submitted to the UK by 5pm, then left office right away as the usual Friday early off. Scheduled to have Korean dinner with Joan’s couples, Vincent, Isabel and Ming @ 7.30pm. Knowing about the long queue for walk-in O&B patients on Sat, I’ve decided to visite Dr Yau @ STH before the dinner ... the only trade-off was that Ming won’t be able to join as he’s still struggling in office *_*
First pre-natal check-up again – 50:50 chance. It’s a big relief when Dr. Yau pointed at the little pumping organ flashing on the screen – heartbeat on 7W2D, the exact fetal age when we first met Bo Bo with heart’s beating as well.
Dr. Yau recommended another check-up at around 10W to confirm progress. Hello baby, I’ll see you then with papa.
First pre-natal check-up again – 50:50 chance. It’s a big relief when Dr. Yau pointed at the little pumping organ flashing on the screen – heartbeat on 7W2D, the exact fetal age when we first met Bo Bo with heart’s beating as well.
Dr. Yau recommended another check-up at around 10W to confirm progress. Hello baby, I’ll see you then with papa.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Withdrawal [Hot]
Submitted the withdrawal letter to TK for Bo Bo today – his school life with TK will end on 31 July 2013!
Monday, May 20, 2013
Wednesday, May 01, 2013
《無與倫比的美麗》 [驟雨]
寶寶只顧看蘇打綠演唱會 DVD 不去睡覺 -_-"
作詞:青峰 作曲:青峰
#* 天上風箏在天上飛
地上人兒在地上追 *
@ 嘿 嘿 你形容我是這個世界上無與倫比的美麗
嘿 嘿 我知道你才是這世界上無與倫比的美麗 @
Repeat #
Repeat @
嘿 嘿 你知道當你需要個夏天我會拼了命努力
嘿 嘿 我知道你會做我的掩護 當我是個逃兵
嘿 嘿 嘿 嘿Repeat @
嘿 嘿 嘿 嘿
Repeat #
嘿 嘿 我有你的草原
作詞:青峰 作曲:青峰
#* 天上風箏在天上飛
地上人兒在地上追 *
@ 嘿 嘿 你形容我是這個世界上無與倫比的美麗
嘿 嘿 我知道你才是這世界上無與倫比的美麗 @
Repeat #
Repeat @
嘿 嘿 你知道當你需要個夏天我會拼了命努力
嘿 嘿 我知道你會做我的掩護 當我是個逃兵
嘿 嘿 嘿 嘿Repeat @
嘿 嘿 嘿 嘿
Repeat #
嘿 嘿 我有你的草原
Monday, April 29, 2013
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Thursday, April 25, 2013
My thought [Cool]
James asks what do I want to be, am I targeting to be SAM, AP or Country Head of Audit HK.
Well, I just want to get paid without having too much work to do =P
Saturday, April 13, 2013
脫臼 [熱/ 晴]
到了柏架山山頂的郊野公園,寶寶說要玩滑梯,意外就發生了 --- 寶寶從約1.5米高的滑梯上墮地,整個左邊身著地,滿是沙 ~>_<~
寶寶大哭,手腳亂舞,唯獨是左手不動,就很痛。我們立即下山到東區醫院的急症室去。醫生把寶寶的左手轉來轉去,寶寶在哭;跟著醫生說可以到大堂等半小時看情況再決定,寶寶就不哭了,還和「醫生哥哥」就 bye bye ...
這次對寶寶來說真是不幸中的大幸 --- 手肘脫臼當然不好,但已經是最「輕微」的傷勢;若果是頭先著地,那就真的不敢想像了 ...
到了柏架山山頂的郊野公園,寶寶說要玩滑梯,意外就發生了 --- 寶寶從約1.5米高的滑梯上墮地,整個左邊身著地,滿是沙 ~>_<~
寶寶大哭,手腳亂舞,唯獨是左手不動,就很痛。我們立即下山到東區醫院的急症室去。醫生把寶寶的左手轉來轉去,寶寶在哭;跟著醫生說可以到大堂等半小時看情況再決定,寶寶就不哭了,還和「醫生哥哥」就 bye bye ...
這次對寶寶來說真是不幸中的大幸 --- 手肘脫臼當然不好,但已經是最「輕微」的傷勢;若果是頭先著地,那就真的不敢想像了 ...
Monday, April 01, 2013
A day to be remembered [Cloudy]
請安息。 10 years, miss you much Leslie.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Home sweet home [Warm]
Monday, March 18, 2013
Fever Bo Bo [Cloudy]
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Flying [Cloudy]
Alvis visited our home at noon and meeting Bo Bo in person for the first time. To Bo Bo he’s “Uncle Alvin” rather than Alvis =P Headed off to Kowloon station together with my big big pink luggage to complete the in-town check-in before Ming headed off for his hair-cut at 3pm and Alvis for his other gathering at 3.30pm. Went to YMCA to meet up with Ming again for Bo Bo’s swimming class as per part of our Sunday’s routine. Had dinner at TST and headed back to Kowloon station alone while my boys travelling back home.
It was such a long time ago when I had business trip, and this time to a place where I’ve never been to ... wish me good luck!
It was such a long time ago when I had business trip, and this time to a place where I’ve never been to ... wish me good luck!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013
救世軍幼稚園 [陰]
Monday, March 11, 2013
AA Chennai [Indifferent]
The fact that we have to run the event in the so-called “state of the art training centre” which does not even provide flipchart papers, colour printing and photocopying services, needs to seek extra levels of approval for black & white printing is a tale. We can make it happen definitely, but only if we can save the double efforts we have to put in elsewhere I’m sure it would be more worthwhile and productive.
Ok stop grumping and keep on working, before late night comes again ...
Friday, February 15, 2013
幻想中的火車 [晴]
我有時候會懷念起寶寶很小的時侯的模樣,那時的他像小天使,事事倚賴我們;不過我更期待將來陪伴他一起長大,看著他繪畫出自己的美麗人生。或許我老得連牙齒都甩掉之際會遺忘這些雞毛蒜皮的畫面,只希望到時我仍懂得上網到這裡來看看這些年寫下的東西回味一下 ... 若果屆時 blogger 依然運作的話 =P
我有時候會懷念起寶寶很小的時侯的模樣,那時的他像小天使,事事倚賴我們;不過我更期待將來陪伴他一起長大,看著他繪畫出自己的美麗人生。或許我老得連牙齒都甩掉之際會遺忘這些雞毛蒜皮的畫面,只希望到時我仍懂得上網到這裡來看看這些年寫下的東西回味一下 ... 若果屆時 blogger 依然運作的話 =P
Thursday, February 14, 2013
窩心小情人 [涼快]
Monday, February 11, 2013
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Sunday, February 03, 2013
中文名字 [冷]
Saturday, January 26, 2013
家長日 [冷]
寶寶讀嬰幼班的時候都有「家長日」,不過今次是 PN 班的,比較正式。
寶寶你喜歡繪畫嗎? 你想繼續和媽媽在家畫圖畫,抑或想爸爸媽媽待你大一點的時候送你到正式的畫班去學畫?
寶寶你喜歡繪畫嗎? 你想繼續和媽媽在家畫圖畫,抑或想爸爸媽媽待你大一點的時候送你到正式的畫班去學畫?
Saturday, January 12, 2013
病 [冷]
結果我們晚餐真的煲了粥,不過是瑤柱免治豬肉節瓜百合粥 =P 蘇海明說很味美,吃了兩大湯碗! 寶寶吃了兩口給瑤柱黏著牙,忙不及要吐出來,跟著就說不吃了 -_- 兩位大少在吃方面都是要求高、難服侍 ...
持續發燒三天的寶寶在黃昏時份終於有退燒跡象,一退燒又變回活躍寶,弄這弄那,麻麻煩煩的;可我寧願他當活躍寶,總比做病入膏肓的呆滯寶好 *_*
結果我們晚餐真的煲了粥,不過是瑤柱免治豬肉節瓜百合粥 =P 蘇海明說很味美,吃了兩大湯碗! 寶寶吃了兩口給瑤柱黏著牙,忙不及要吐出來,跟著就說不吃了 -_- 兩位大少在吃方面都是要求高、難服侍 ...
持續發燒三天的寶寶在黃昏時份終於有退燒跡象,一退燒又變回活躍寶,弄這弄那,麻麻煩煩的;可我寧願他當活躍寶,總比做病入膏肓的呆滯寶好 *_*
Sunday, January 06, 2013
K1 results [Cold/ Sunny]
大部份寶寶報考的 K1 都有結果了。有預料之內的,亦有意料之外的 ... 我覺得「運氣」的成份比實際表現來得明顯,尤其是寶寶是人家稱之為的「細B」一族。
Offer 這東西,有又煩、無又煩: Turn down 人家的 offer,那當初怎麼要花時間、心思去報名申請? 收到 rejection letter ,儘管預測到卻多多少少仍會有點心癢、不自然的感受。由於寶寶已經有一個「超級大後備」,所以對於 N 班及 K1 來說,吾之愚見是 「on waiting list」最好,有希望又不用立即作決定/ 付款,感覺上我沒有負於人 --- 阿Q 精神 =P
人揀我、我揀人。蘇海明有強烈的預感,兜兜轉轉,寶寶還是會回到本身就讀的學校繼續升班。究竟最終寶寶 K1 「程」歸何處? 還有三個未知之數,我想只有到第二個季度才會明朗化 *.*
Offer 這東西,有又煩、無又煩: Turn down 人家的 offer,那當初怎麼要花時間、心思去報名申請? 收到 rejection letter ,儘管預測到卻多多少少仍會有點心癢、不自然的感受。由於寶寶已經有一個「超級大後備」,所以對於 N 班及 K1 來說,吾之愚見是 「on waiting list」最好,有希望又不用立即作決定/ 付款,感覺上我沒有負於人 --- 阿Q 精神 =P
人揀我、我揀人。蘇海明有強烈的預感,兜兜轉轉,寶寶還是會回到本身就讀的學校繼續升班。究竟最終寶寶 K1 「程」歸何處? 還有三個未知之數,我想只有到第二個季度才會明朗化 *.*
Tuesday, January 01, 2013
名字 [冷]
寶寶:蘇柏睿! 你叫咩嘢名?
我:啱嘞! 爸爸叫咩嘢名?
* * *
我:啱嘞! 爸爸叫咩嘢名?
我:啱嘞! 嘩,寶寶好叻喎,全部都記得晒!
* * *
我:係陳慧娟! 爸爸叫咩嘢名?
然後寶寶偷笑裝睡去 -_-”
寶寶:蘇柏睿! 你叫咩嘢名?
我:啱嘞! 爸爸叫咩嘢名?
* * *
我:啱嘞! 爸爸叫咩嘢名?
我:啱嘞! 嘩,寶寶好叻喎,全部都記得晒!
* * *
我:係陳慧娟! 爸爸叫咩嘢名?
然後寶寶偷笑裝睡去 -_-”
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