Enjoyed a relaxing lunch with Viola, the ex-secretary. "Oh dear, what's happen to you? How come you look thinner than previous?" she yelled.
Was it? I looked into the mirror in the washroom when I was back to office, which reflected a girl with a big head, dull face, thick hair and panda eyes ... haha =P
Coughing seriously but gotta keep talking on phone with clients; what's even worse, attended 3 conference calls starting from 7.30pm, which lasted until after 9pm when all lights in the conference room were off!
Talked in darkness. My mind was indeed drifted away while my lips were still moving. How come there were so many calls ... too many ...
I'm a good dreamer --- dream in class, dream at work, dream on MTR ... dreaming all the time *.*
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
Responsibility [Hot]
Thought that I could leave a bit "earlier" tonight but turned out gotta deal with another piece of awful tasks and left by 10pm. It's so hateful when the manager came to my seat and waved his hands, signifying he's going, while I was still on phone with that over-energetic JPM guy to handle those leftover stuffs for him! Actually, all these should have been completed during my leave, how come they could just be left aside until the very last moment, and the responsible holder simply walked away >,<
Seemed like my health condition rendered form recovering to worsening after the fight tonight ... @_@
Seemed like my health condition rendered form recovering to worsening after the fight tonight ... @_@
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
Thai dinner @ CAY's home [Hot]
(1) 在沒有陳榮芹的幼稚園畢業照找陳榮芹
(2) 測試 NexCare荳痘隱形貼
(3) 三女暢飲三支紅酒
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
生氣.生病 [熱]
放假三天的經理回來了,以為可以回覆正常的工作量;後來卻發現是自己想得太美好,因為人家已經暗暗地把那些我暫待的工作看成我份量的工作 ... 豈有此理 >_<
晚上,迫著去出席 conference call ,精神委靡的我想一結束會議後就離開了,卻又遇上假惺惺的人,這邊廂著我病要早點回家休息,那邊廂卻又請我替他寫兩篇電郵傳給紐約人,前後不到一分鐘。結果我又成了最後一個離開辦公室的人,生氣極了!!!
我已經不想繼續在這裡寫這些悶悶不樂的事情來發洩,請給我一條出路罷 ...
晚上,迫著去出席 conference call ,精神委靡的我想一結束會議後就離開了,卻又遇上假惺惺的人,這邊廂著我病要早點回家休息,那邊廂卻又請我替他寫兩篇電郵傳給紐約人,前後不到一分鐘。結果我又成了最後一個離開辦公室的人,生氣極了!!!
我已經不想繼續在這裡寫這些悶悶不樂的事情來發洩,請給我一條出路罷 ...
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
消息 [熱]
繼續忙。有點喉嚨痛,是說話太多,抑或是被前、後座患上感冒的同事交叉感染? @_@
忠實讀者們興致勃勃,紛紛前來查詢。聰明的你們,先自己猜猜罷,消息確定了才通知你們 =P
深夜,同事 Gavin 告訴我他今天得到 offer ,可以辭職了。雖然我亦替他感到高興,卻也有點失落 --- 他走了以後,同期進入公司的就只剩下我一個人了 ... 究竟我甚麼時候可以離開嘞 *.*
忠實讀者們興致勃勃,紛紛前來查詢。聰明的你們,先自己猜猜罷,消息確定了才通知你們 =P
深夜,同事 Gavin 告訴我他今天得到 offer ,可以辭職了。雖然我亦替他感到高興,卻也有點失落 --- 他走了以後,同期進入公司的就只剩下我一個人了 ... 究竟我甚麼時候可以離開嘞 *.*
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Saturday, July 21, 2007
畫一撇 [熱]
跟著是一分鐘內由「有沒有也沒打緊」變成「誰誰誰和誰誰誰」,再演進成「某某某、誰誰誰、某某某、誰誰誰 ...」都冒升起來了。
不過,其實還是十劃都未有一撇 *.*
跟著是一分鐘內由「有沒有也沒打緊」變成「誰誰誰和誰誰誰」,再演進成「某某某、誰誰誰、某某某、誰誰誰 ...」都冒升起來了。
不過,其實還是十劃都未有一撇 *.*
Friday, July 20, 2007
時間倉猝,沒有周詳計劃,不過還真希望他們是用最簡單、直接的方法得到雙方的 working visa ,因為那不單是一張紙,相關的另外一張紙代表了承諾、尊重和責任。
我的好朋友,祝妳幸福快樂! 雖然不是百分之百肯定妳會到英國去,不過將來我(們)有幸到英國的時候,你(們)一定要好好地接待我(們) =P
時間倉猝,沒有周詳計劃,不過還真希望他們是用最簡單、直接的方法得到雙方的 working visa ,因為那不單是一張紙,相關的另外一張紙代表了承諾、尊重和責任。
我的好朋友,祝妳幸福快樂! 雖然不是百分之百肯定妳會到英國去,不過將來我(們)有幸到英國的時候,你(們)一定要好好地接待我(們) =P
姚葉聯婚 [熱]
已離婚的 Ms Chu 說:「我覺得現在生活得比未結婚和未離婚之前更快樂。」
已離婚的 Ms Chu 說:「我覺得現在生活得比未結婚和未離婚之前更快樂。」
Thursday, July 19, 2007
New joiner [Hot]
A girl who is more experienced (and probably older) than me joined our team during my leave. Only knew some of her background before she joined, and I didn't have frequent contacts with her these few days except for the welcoming lunch today.
Incident 1
"It's ridiculous that you guys don't have cell number of others within the team even being teammates for 2 years!"
That's what the new joiner commented when she knew that only I but not others in the team knew the cell phone number of my manager. I told her it's a good signal meaning that you won't be reached out of office so that you won't be grabbed back to office for work during non-office hours, but seemed like she didn't agree with it.
Okay, just gave her his number as she was so desperate to know about it ...
Incident 2
9pm. I, manager Y and new joiner were in office. I didn't know what the new joiner was working on --- indeed she shouldn't have any further assignment on hand. Manager Y picked his wallet from the pedestal, said goodbye and left office.
The new joiner packed her stuffs at once and left. “Wao, why you could leave so sudden, aren't you working on something?” asked a guy from another team. "My boss has left, why should I stay?"
Kidda shocked upon hearing it. Was she working just now indeed? Were all people that "realistic"? Was I being too "responsible" then?
Incident 1
"It's ridiculous that you guys don't have cell number of others within the team even being teammates for 2 years!"
That's what the new joiner commented when she knew that only I but not others in the team knew the cell phone number of my manager. I told her it's a good signal meaning that you won't be reached out of office so that you won't be grabbed back to office for work during non-office hours, but seemed like she didn't agree with it.
Okay, just gave her his number as she was so desperate to know about it ...
Incident 2
9pm. I, manager Y and new joiner were in office. I didn't know what the new joiner was working on --- indeed she shouldn't have any further assignment on hand. Manager Y picked his wallet from the pedestal, said goodbye and left office.
The new joiner packed her stuffs at once and left. “Wao, why you could leave so sudden, aren't you working on something?” asked a guy from another team. "My boss has left, why should I stay?"
Kidda shocked upon hearing it. Was she working just now indeed? Were all people that "realistic"? Was I being too "responsible" then?
Meeting with Paul [Hot]
Instead of classifying it as a meeting, I would say it's more like chit-chatting. I was pretty honest and relaxed, so as for Mr Yip --- yup, I called him Mr Yip rather than Paul, as 90% of the chat was conducted in Cantonese and it's weird to address him as Paul while he addressed me as Miss Chan, wasn't it?
The talk was a bit overran and I rushed back to office. Arrived by 10am. Just walked towards my seat as usual, turned on the computer and started up all different programs. Nobody asked anything. Nobody dared to ask maybe =P
The talk was a bit overran and I rushed back to office. Arrived by 10am. Just walked towards my seat as usual, turned on the computer and started up all different programs. Nobody asked anything. Nobody dared to ask maybe =P
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Call [Hot]
11.50pm. Suddenly got a call from one of my staff.
"I've forgotten to send out the bond price file to New York, oh god, what should I do now?"
"Indeed," I answered, "we've spotted that and already got that sent by 9pm after you've left the office."
I didn't able to understand the thinking process of some people at all sometimes. Calling supervisor, who could help nothing over the incident, at around midnight means prompt reporting? Popping questions without solution proposed means shifting responsibility? Come on, what on my mind (and manager's mind as well) was how could you forget tasks which you perform daily and only discovered that by midnight! @_@
"I've forgotten to send out the bond price file to New York, oh god, what should I do now?"
"Indeed," I answered, "we've spotted that and already got that sent by 9pm after you've left the office."
I didn't able to understand the thinking process of some people at all sometimes. Calling supervisor, who could help nothing over the incident, at around midnight means prompt reporting? Popping questions without solution proposed means shifting responsibility? Come on, what on my mind (and manager's mind as well) was how could you forget tasks which you perform daily and only discovered that by midnight! @_@
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
上班去 [熱]
終於要上班 @_@ 幸好只處於「半上班」狀態,不過明天要回覆正常了 =(
分派「手信」予同事,其實只是牦牛肉乾和肉粒,花了近一小時。 Stanley 很惹笑,無端端問我為甚麼派「神怪」食品,弄得我一頭霧水,原來他錯讀了用簡體字寫的食物品牌「神聖食品」 =P
今天是合作了兩年的 Finance 人 Nicky 的 last day ,他特地拿來「散水餅」。我從頭至尾都在恭喜他,經理 Y 卻不斷地問人家幹嘛要離開,說在這裡工作這麼好,怎麼會選擇到別家公司去 ... 哎呀,請別以為人人都和你一樣忠心耿耿、死而後已,可以嗎? @_@
分派「手信」予同事,其實只是牦牛肉乾和肉粒,花了近一小時。 Stanley 很惹笑,無端端問我為甚麼派「神怪」食品,弄得我一頭霧水,原來他錯讀了用簡體字寫的食物品牌「神聖食品」 =P
今天是合作了兩年的 Finance 人 Nicky 的 last day ,他特地拿來「散水餅」。我從頭至尾都在恭喜他,經理 Y 卻不斷地問人家幹嘛要離開,說在這裡工作這麼好,怎麼會選擇到別家公司去 ... 哎呀,請別以為人人都和你一樣忠心耿耿、死而後已,可以嗎? @_@
Monday, July 16, 2007
Meeting with Jiann [Hot]
仍然處於 holiday mood ,幸好今天不用上班 =P
可惜明天逃不了 =(
今天與 Jiann 先生見面,他突然提出的建議好吸引。
換了是以前,一定會興奮得要命;現在,卻要仔細地想一想 ...
可惜明天逃不了 =(
今天與 Jiann 先生見面,他突然提出的建議好吸引。
換了是以前,一定會興奮得要命;現在,卻要仔細地想一想 ...
Sunday, July 15, 2007
《一期一會》 [熱]
期望過高而去,以致有點失望而回。老是這樣的,下回還是懷著「四大皆空」的心情去看電影/ 舞台劇了 =P
期望過高而去,以致有點失望而回。老是這樣的,下回還是懷著「四大皆空」的心情去看電影/ 舞台劇了 =P
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