Tuesday, May 27, 2008

上班去 [涼快]

Subject: Cakes and biscuits

Dear all,

To celebrate changing of my title from Miss Chan to Mrs. So on 10 May 2008, I have returned from Hong Kong with some traditional Chinese wedding cakes and biscuits. You can find them on the round table by the photocopier - Enjoy!



不想上班歸不想,膽小如我還是乖乖地上班去,而且因為心中總害怕自己起不了牀,結果五時多、六時就醒來了 @_@

同時們的反應很熱烈 --- 搶著去吃我從香港帶回來的兩盒奇華嫁娶餅不在話下,還問了許多問題,以下是首五位:

- 婚禮順理嗎? 蜜月旅行好玩嗎?
- 你和丈夫下次幾時見面?
- 妳何時去辦改姓的手續? 妳的電郵地址何時改變?
- 妳有和家人怕正式的結婚照嗎?
- 妳還有多久回去?

最後的問題最有趣,因為女的聽罷以後就會露出很可憐的表情,男的就會說 "You're so smart!" @,@

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