鄰 team 來了兩個新人,我們這些「舊一代」新人邀請他們去飲茶。
免不了一番自我介紹。新同事 James 聽了我的名字,立即叫道:「我在港交所工作的時候,大阿姐都叫 Myra ,妳一定好高級嘞!」鄰 team 的 Gavin 說:「係吖,本銀行有幾個高層都叫 Myra ,佢好高級!」同 team 的 Kelvin 附和:「對吖,她是高層。」
我回應道:「那不是很簡單嘛,你、你、你、你、你,分別改名做 Myra 一號、Myra 二號、 Myra 三號、Myra 四號和 Myra 五號,不就全成了高層人事嘞!」
I dont know so many myras, I thought there's only one weird cow called Myra in this world.
Or you tell them that the pronounciation fo your name is different, either mi-wa or mai-ra.
I don't know any weird cow named Myra. Indeed, I only know a beauty named Myra and a stupid cow named Alvis ... haha =P
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