Sunday, June 04, 2006


剛剛在網上報稅了。初步評估,本年度需繳稅項是上年度的七倍 @_@

救命吖 ~~>_<~~ 可唔可以減稅吖 =(


Day Tripper said...

that means you are earning 7 times more than last year. You are a cash cow

Sana said...

Stupid cow, you leave HK only for 2 years something but then you've forgotten the tax calculation already?!

7 times increment in tax payable amount never equalize 7 times increment in earning, stupid cow -_-"

Day Tripper said...

oh I know, it means 14 times increase in earning.
you are a cash cow you are a cash cow you are a cash cow