Thursday, May 24, 2007

《Hors de Prix》[熱]

在完全沒有假期氣氛的休假日中午看了一齣法國電影《Hors de Prix》,中英譯名是《珠光寶戲 Priceless》。沒有預訂戲票,十二時抵達百老匯電影中心,還有很多座位可供選擇。十二時十五分開場,臨時擁來一堆人買票,影院變成近半滿了。


電影中心旁有家小書店,內進時正巧播著一首似曾相識的歌,懶洋洋的藍調子 ... 噢,原來是 Damien Rice 的 《The Animals were Gone》...

Oh I know that I've left you in places of despair
Oh I know that I love you, so please throw down your hair
At night I trip without you, and hope i don't wake up
'Cause waking up without you is like drinking from an empty cup

1 comment:

Day Tripper said...

you know this song? it's my all times favourite