Thursday, July 03, 2008


同事 Alex 來自 Serbia ,是典型的東歐美女: 眼大大、鼻尖尖、皮膚白滑、又高又瘦又有身材。衣著很有品味,近期常穿 Burberry 乾濕褸,有型有格;就算穿素服,亦因骨架好,看上去就是很美。唯有那日下雨天,她在街頭與高級經理吸煙,說著塞爾維亞的政治、口吐輕絲之際,眼神忽然有一點滄浪的感覺。

因為上一個 audit job 和她混熟了,間中會說些無聊的東西;況且她口沒遮攔,也就沒所謂了。

今天她問了一些 IT 的問題,我們又說了點無聊話。

A: I'm so tired ...
M: Why? What have you done last night?
A: Doing that thing ... what else could be done?
M: ...
噢,限制級的話題,無論中文或英文我都是接不上口的 ...
M: You know what, I've booked the airtickets to Norway in August.
A: That's cool. Indeed, I think you should take the chance to travel to places like Denmark, Scandinavia, Finland.
M: I do see your point but don't really have enough day-offs to go for that.
A: No big deal at all, just take a week sick off and everything could be done!
咦,忽然想起同事四月份的時候說自己病重,請了一個星期假,莫非 ...

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