又到每週一次的 PwC lunch ,今天還有陳家邦、潘肥肥和 Damien 出席,於是到雅麗閣去飲茶。對潘肥肥和 Damien 的感覺依舊;至於陳家邦,好像變了,怎樣看也不像以前的陳家邦 ...
晚上和蘇海明、歐陽嘉敏、金佩思、很久沒有見面的陳榮芹和很久才出現的林詠欣到銅鑼灣「謙記」吃火鍋。如果沒有經歐陽嘉敏介紹,絕對找不到這家火鍋店。食物真的挺不錯,以後可以再來吃嘞 *,*
I'm a good dreamer --- dream in class, dream at work, dream on MTR ... dreaming all the time *.*
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Monday, November 28, 2005
昨夜晚歸,今天很累 @_@ 偏偏遇上月尾,有很多額外的非日常工作要做,好可憐 =(
蘇海明放假到中環來一起吃午餐,我們到了他久別的「蛇王芬」吃叉燒/ 燒鵝溂。也只有他會建議到「蛇王芬」吃午飯,如果他再不回到中環來,那麼我又要好一段時間才會重回「蛇王芬」嘞 ...
蘇海明放假到中環來一起吃午餐,我們到了他久別的「蛇王芬」吃叉燒/ 燒鵝溂。也只有他會建議到「蛇王芬」吃午飯,如果他再不回到中環來,那麼我又要好一段時間才會重回「蛇王芬」嘞 ...
Sunday, November 27, 2005
雖然誠如大家所說,香港廸士尼真的及不上東京那一個,不過還是挺好玩嘞,尤其是煙花及激光表演,很吸引 *,*
《When You Wish Upon a Star》
歌手:莫文蔚 作曲:Leigh Harline
填詞:Ned Washington 編曲:Ronald Fu
When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desire will come to you
If your heart is in your dreams
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star as dreamers do
* Fate is kind, she brings to those who love
The sweet fulfillment of their secret longing
Like a bolt out of the blue, fate steps in and sees you through
When you wish upon a star, your dreams come true *
Repeat *
When you wish upon a star, they do come true
雖然誠如大家所說,香港廸士尼真的及不上東京那一個,不過還是挺好玩嘞,尤其是煙花及激光表演,很吸引 *,*
《When You Wish Upon a Star》
歌手:莫文蔚 作曲:Leigh Harline
填詞:Ned Washington 編曲:Ronald Fu
When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desire will come to you
If your heart is in your dreams
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star as dreamers do
* Fate is kind, she brings to those who love
The sweet fulfillment of their secret longing
Like a bolt out of the blue, fate steps in and sees you through
When you wish upon a star, your dreams come true *
Repeat *
When you wish upon a star, they do come true
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Working Saturday
Woke up even earlier than weekdays for the Connectivity Testing. Bad, bad, bad, I was so SLEEPY >_< and the drill was not well set at all. Those IT people didn't get the LN ID installed upon arrival at 9am! Other than that, there's no fatal problem for my part, all they missed for my team was Bloomberg terminal and Calypso EOD Trigger Application; but there seemed to have great troubles with other teams in SDG --- no Summit, Murex and some other main programmes were installed in their workstations at all! In short, it's a mess. Guess those IT people would have a busy week to go.
Went to shop around at Mongkok alone after the drill. Bought 3 pairs of shoes and a new set of scarf in cardigan style. Crazy, I'd better go back home earlier so as to stop myself from over-spending, though I've been spending too much already ...
Went to shop around at Mongkok alone after the drill. Bought 3 pairs of shoes and a new set of scarf in cardigan style. Crazy, I'd better go back home earlier so as to stop myself from over-spending, though I've been spending too much already ...
Friday, November 25, 2005
Kathy's b-day party @ Rice Paper
Went out with PwC girls to celebrate Kathy's birthday at TST. Indeed, Kathy's b-day was on 22 Nov, but Friday and weekends were usually the preferred choice for our gathering, and Kathy would leave for Australia for a 2-week trip starting tomorrow. That's why we gotta have it tonight.
They wanna have dinner at "Habitu the Pier"; anyway, the restaurant was fully booked. They picked "Rice Paper" instead, and requested to have balcony seats with sea view upon making the reservation. We've a special guest tonight --- Mr Y! Haha .. party because of Florence and partly because of my "warm invitation" =P I'd better not to use Florence's cell phone to call him again ... hehe
The restaurant was named "Rice Paper" because of its famous dishes --- rice paper rolls. Each of us tried out hard to make rolls with rice paper ourselves; but it turned out that none of us could make a perfect one! =P
After our gift presentation to Kathy, Scarlett started to deliver her "red bombs". Her wedding banquet would be on New Year Eve. I would like to join, since Scarlett would leave for the UK with Kenny Chan right after the wedding, and won't be returning HK in the coming 2 years. However, I was wondering whether to have a short trip during the New Year Eve public holidays, which I've longed for ages ... What should I do? Why I have to face dilemma all the time *_*
They wanna have dinner at "Habitu the Pier"; anyway, the restaurant was fully booked. They picked "Rice Paper" instead, and requested to have balcony seats with sea view upon making the reservation. We've a special guest tonight --- Mr Y! Haha .. party because of Florence and partly because of my "warm invitation" =P I'd better not to use Florence's cell phone to call him again ... hehe
The restaurant was named "Rice Paper" because of its famous dishes --- rice paper rolls. Each of us tried out hard to make rolls with rice paper ourselves; but it turned out that none of us could make a perfect one! =P
After our gift presentation to Kathy, Scarlett started to deliver her "red bombs". Her wedding banquet would be on New Year Eve. I would like to join, since Scarlett would leave for the UK with Kenny Chan right after the wedding, and won't be returning HK in the coming 2 years. However, I was wondering whether to have a short trip during the New Year Eve public holidays, which I've longed for ages ... What should I do? Why I have to face dilemma all the time *_*
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
R2D2 的魅力
早上一回到公司,經理就走過來告訴我這個星期六要到太古城去做 WTO drill 的 Connectivity Testing 。臨轉身走回自己的座位,他突然看到 R2D2 ,不單拿來觀看,還說了聲:「好靚吖~」
中午, Eugene 說要介紹他在 CMB 工作的大學同學給我們認識,於是大家到了「天與地」。 Cecilia 、新朋友 Janice 和秘書 Viola 見到 R2D2 ,不約而同地說:「好得意吖!」
中午, Eugene 說要介紹他在 CMB 工作的大學同學給我們認識,於是大家到了「天與地」。 Cecilia 、新朋友 Janice 和秘書 Viola 見到 R2D2 ,不約而同地說:「好得意吖!」
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
IFC 的 Canteen
很久沒有和 Cecilia 一起吃午餐,她不想「見光」,所以到 IFC 的 Canteen 去。那是在 IFC 最便宜卻又有海景觀看的食市。
她依然對去留問題感到疑惑;我何嘗不是嘞 --- 現在才想起些客觀因素,真笨,早早就該想起來嘛,弄得現在處於兩難狀態。
唉 ~
她依然對去留問題感到疑惑;我何嘗不是嘞 --- 現在才想起些客觀因素,真笨,早早就該想起來嘛,弄得現在處於兩難狀態。
唉 ~
Monday, November 21, 2005
「發記」是我剛出身工作時,常常和舊同事去吃午餐的地方,因為那裡有售價十元卻大大碗的鯪魚球麵。食物依舊,但我想富有的 external auditors 已經鮮再踏足「發記」。
「發記」是我剛出身工作時,常常和舊同事去吃午餐的地方,因為那裡有售價十元卻大大碗的鯪魚球麵。食物依舊,但我想富有的 external auditors 已經鮮再踏足「發記」。
昨天兩小時羽毛球運動換來的後果,就是腰酸背痛 @_@!! 先是右手手臂,因為昨日揮拍太用力了;然後是背部、伸延至大腿 ... 坐在電腦不動前,伸出左手到 In-tray 取文件也痛得要命 ...
想當年在排球隊,每星期要練球兩至三天;踫上學界比賽,星期六、日也要打球。有時候平日要鍛鍊體能,練球過後還要跑山 ...
究竟那時候是怎樣過的嘞? 真的是青春無敵嗎?
想當年在排球隊,每星期要練球兩至三天;踫上學界比賽,星期六、日也要打球。有時候平日要鍛鍊體能,練球過後還要跑山 ...
究竟那時候是怎樣過的嘞? 真的是青春無敵嗎?
Sunday, November 20, 2005
《The Sound of Music》
下午,和蘇海明一起參加他的中學同學在九鐵員工宿舍的聚會。很久沒有打羽毛球,久得要用「年」來做計算單位 @_@ ;現在一打卻打了兩句鐘!
到阿寶的家看了壽星狗 Ruby (對,只有看,沒踫牠,牠也千萬別踫我吖 >_<),隨意吃了些雞翼和肉丸,我們便離開大隊趕到灣仔,因為要看《The Sound of Music》 =) 在灣仔 7-11 吃了魚肉燒賣和魚蛋後,開始走到演藝學院。 由於有員工優惠,花了四百元就坐上六百元的座位,離舞台很近,好興奮 *,* 音樂劇很好看,但我們肚子很餓 @_@ 趁著廿分鐘的中場休息時間,我們狂奔到駱克道的麥當奴,然後又跑回演藝;到步的時候,蘇海明已經吃完他的芝士漢堡,我也把牛油粟米吃清光 ... 哈哈 =P 繼續欣賞音樂劇。樂團沒有錯過任何原曲,還加入了兩首新歌;可仍是覺得原曲比較好聽 =P 今晚是《The Sound of Music》在香港公演第六十九場,亦是尾場,大會有一點點特別安排。坐得近舞台,感覺很不同;今晚,非常開心 >,< !!
《Something Good》Maria & the Captain
Perhaps I had a wicked childhood
Perhaps I had a miserable youth
But somewhere in my wicked, miserable past
There must have been a moment of truth
For here you are, standing there, loving me
Whether or not you should
So somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good
Nothing comes from nothing
Nothing ever could
So somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good
(Captain von Trapp)
For here you are, standing there, loving me
Whether or not you should
So somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good
(Maria and the Captain)
Nothing comes from nothing
Nothing ever could
So somewhere in my youth
Or childhood
I must have done something
(Maria and the Captain)
Something good
到阿寶的家看了壽星狗 Ruby (對,只有看,沒踫牠,牠也千萬別踫我吖 >_<),隨意吃了些雞翼和肉丸,我們便離開大隊趕到灣仔,因為要看《The Sound of Music》 =) 在灣仔 7-11 吃了魚肉燒賣和魚蛋後,開始走到演藝學院。 由於有員工優惠,花了四百元就坐上六百元的座位,離舞台很近,好興奮 *,* 音樂劇很好看,但我們肚子很餓 @_@ 趁著廿分鐘的中場休息時間,我們狂奔到駱克道的麥當奴,然後又跑回演藝;到步的時候,蘇海明已經吃完他的芝士漢堡,我也把牛油粟米吃清光 ... 哈哈 =P 繼續欣賞音樂劇。樂團沒有錯過任何原曲,還加入了兩首新歌;可仍是覺得原曲比較好聽 =P 今晚是《The Sound of Music》在香港公演第六十九場,亦是尾場,大會有一點點特別安排。坐得近舞台,感覺很不同;今晚,非常開心 >,< !!
《Something Good》Maria & the Captain
Perhaps I had a wicked childhood
Perhaps I had a miserable youth
But somewhere in my wicked, miserable past
There must have been a moment of truth
For here you are, standing there, loving me
Whether or not you should
So somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good
Nothing comes from nothing
Nothing ever could
So somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good
(Captain von Trapp)
For here you are, standing there, loving me
Whether or not you should
So somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good
(Maria and the Captain)
Nothing comes from nothing
Nothing ever could
So somewhere in my youth
Or childhood
I must have done something
(Maria and the Captain)
Something good
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Janice's b-day party @ Magic Sugar
七時半到銅鑼灣,今晚為剛自東歐旅行回來的朱文恩補祝生日。昨天生日的她,整天都在客機上渡過,今天下午二時才踏出機艙回到香港。很羨慕 ... 我的旅行呢? >_<
到了一家名為「Magic Sugar」的樓上 café ,就在 Sogo 後面,很方便。店內有一座古典味濃的鞦韆,我們輪流拍照,坐在上面盪著盪著 ...
晚餐吃完了、手信和禮物分好了,即將步入今晚的高潮。其實那也是生日禮物的一部分 --- 我們請了塔羅師替壽星女用塔羅牌占卜。第一次親眼看整個占卜過程,很興奮;占卜的準誠度之高,實在有點出乎意料。為了測試其真確度,沈明君班長也玩了;結果又是好可靠的模樣。於是馮金又蠢蠢欲動,問了兩題;準確程度仍是未知之數,且看半年以後的發展就會揭曉 ...
晚餐吃完了、手信和禮物分好了,即將步入今晚的高潮。其實那也是生日禮物的一部分 --- 我們請了塔羅師替壽星女用塔羅牌占卜。第一次親眼看整個占卜過程,很興奮;占卜的準誠度之高,實在有點出乎意料。為了測試其真確度,沈明君班長也玩了;結果又是好可靠的模樣。於是馮金又蠢蠢欲動,問了兩題;準確程度仍是未知之數,且看半年以後的發展就會揭曉 ...
下午,又和蘇海明到了尖沙咀。那裡的聖誕裝飾已經完成;很明顯今年佈置的主色是紫色,連聖誕樹也是紫色的 *,*
我們在碼頭旁新開張的 Haagen-Dazs 耗上好一會。用「耗」來形容,因為我們真的像兩條大懶蟲一樣攤坐在沙發上,甚麼也不做,只是聊天和看街景。它們正在推廣紅豆雪糕,我們點了「紅豆物語」。很好吃吖! 除了紅豆雪糕,還有小蛋糕、窩夫和草莓;最不可思異的,是竟然有金箔,真豪華! 原來金箔是沒有味道的。蘇海明說我笨,早該知道金箔是沒有味道,枉我唸了四年化學還不懂 ... 是嗎? 我笨嗎?
然後跑回海港城內,透過大窗戶拍日落照。有個「自由行」看到我們伏在窗邊,以為有甚麼好東西,也跟著伏過來;可惜他不懂欣賞,悻悻然離開 ... 哈哈哈 =P
黃昏,尖沙咀之旅到達尾聲,我們以 CitySuper 的北海道薯片作結。很貴的薯片,但美味非常。可不要吃上癮吖,不然就一定要宣告破產 @_@
我們在碼頭旁新開張的 Haagen-Dazs 耗上好一會。用「耗」來形容,因為我們真的像兩條大懶蟲一樣攤坐在沙發上,甚麼也不做,只是聊天和看街景。它們正在推廣紅豆雪糕,我們點了「紅豆物語」。很好吃吖! 除了紅豆雪糕,還有小蛋糕、窩夫和草莓;最不可思異的,是竟然有金箔,真豪華! 原來金箔是沒有味道的。蘇海明說我笨,早該知道金箔是沒有味道,枉我唸了四年化學還不懂 ... 是嗎? 我笨嗎?
然後跑回海港城內,透過大窗戶拍日落照。有個「自由行」看到我們伏在窗邊,以為有甚麼好東西,也跟著伏過來;可惜他不懂欣賞,悻悻然離開 ... 哈哈哈 =P
黃昏,尖沙咀之旅到達尾聲,我們以 CitySuper 的北海道薯片作結。很貴的薯片,但美味非常。可不要吃上癮吖,不然就一定要宣告破產 @_@
Friday, November 18, 2005
Cha Cha
Went to APM with Emily to pick up cosmetics and hair products, mainly ordered by FK and Clara, from Monitress Shum. Two big bags of purchases, so many @_@!!
We three had dinner at "Cha Cha". It's the first time for me and Emily to go there. Monitress Shum highly recommended this restaurant, and kept describing how delicious those dishes served last time when ex-PwC girls had gathering over there. I remembered Janice and Florence mentioned about that as well. We've ordered a lot. Foods weren't bad, and were quite special indeed; but what's more attractive were their seats --- it's really an ideal place for sharing secrets among a small group of 3 or 4 =P
There's a toy shop nearby, and we tried out our luck on some of those toy-selling machines over there. So lucky that I've got all I wanted in two trials only --- an "egg" with a small Woodstock-printed shirt and another with a flying Doraemon *,* Yeah~
We three had dinner at "Cha Cha". It's the first time for me and Emily to go there. Monitress Shum highly recommended this restaurant, and kept describing how delicious those dishes served last time when ex-PwC girls had gathering over there. I remembered Janice and Florence mentioned about that as well. We've ordered a lot. Foods weren't bad, and were quite special indeed; but what's more attractive were their seats --- it's really an ideal place for sharing secrets among a small group of 3 or 4 =P
There's a toy shop nearby, and we tried out our luck on some of those toy-selling machines over there. So lucky that I've got all I wanted in two trials only --- an "egg" with a small Woodstock-printed shirt and another with a flying Doraemon *,* Yeah~
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Internal Auditor
傍晚,因為要回答 internal auditor 的提問,我要 standby ; auditor 隨便問了 Trevor 一個簡單問題,我就要在十五分鐘內找出及印出近十封 e-mails @_@
結果,八時才離開。原來,internal auditor 真的會耽擱 auditee 的放工時間吖!
結果,八時才離開。原來,internal auditor 真的會耽擱 auditee 的放工時間吖!
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Start of the 8th
Ming came to Central to enjoy a cup of coffee at Starbucks Alexandra House after work while I was still working. We took ferry from Central to TST, and arrived sharply at 8pm for our anniversary dinner at "Habitu the Pier". Ming made the reservation 2 days in advance, that's why we could take one of those three balcony seats which were supposed to be for groups of 6 people.
The view was just perfect. All the way from the Clock Tower to IFC II came in front of you when you sat there and looked straight forward. What a beautiful night scene and harbour view, just loved it so much. You'd never feel bored even you gotta look at it everyday. Never.
Ordered 2 main courses for our dinner only, Australian steak and Angel Hair with Tuna; plus a basket of breads of various types coming free of charge. All were very delicious. We're still wondering whether we gotta order more due to the apparently small portions, but it turned out we could hardly finish them all. Still feeling full when we had a walk after our dinner.
A simple and happy night, and that marked a good start of our 8th year. Thanks be to god.
The view was just perfect. All the way from the Clock Tower to IFC II came in front of you when you sat there and looked straight forward. What a beautiful night scene and harbour view, just loved it so much. You'd never feel bored even you gotta look at it everyday. Never.
Ordered 2 main courses for our dinner only, Australian steak and Angel Hair with Tuna; plus a basket of breads of various types coming free of charge. All were very delicious. We're still wondering whether we gotta order more due to the apparently small portions, but it turned out we could hardly finish them all. Still feeling full when we had a walk after our dinner.
A simple and happy night, and that marked a good start of our 8th year. Thanks be to god.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
《給最開心的人 To the Happiest One (給被遺忘了的人)》
《給最開心的人 To the Happiest One (給被遺忘了的人)》 林一峰
窮途末路之時 我急需的是你聲音
每當天色昏沉 你就像太陽為我暖身
對於朋友 你的細心 已足夠花去半數時間
尚有精神娛樂大家 從沒離群
情路段段不幸 你用辦法沒有上心
還要利用經驗 叫身邊的人勇敢
對於情感 你很有心
為了打救旁人幸福 沒時間傷心
*感激你 最開心的人 陪伴著我 每個無眠夜深
用你笑聲 修補我不幸 過濾失落重獲信心
只不過 誰為你認真 習慣了悲哀中救傷的你
沒法放開 開心的責任
抱著心事無人問 壯烈犧牲*
每當落淚之前 你可想找誰人說話
每當熱鬧之後 你最想誰為你留下
記得有天 你失了蹤
多得你 最開心的人 陪伴著我每個難熬夜深
用你笑聲 粉飾了天地
告別失望 重穫信心 只不過 誰為你著緊
抱著心事無人問 壯烈犧牲
若你想哭 即管放心吧
窮途末路之時 我急需的是你聲音
每當天色昏沉 你就像太陽為我暖身
對於朋友 你的細心 已足夠花去半數時間
尚有精神娛樂大家 從沒離群
情路段段不幸 你用辦法沒有上心
還要利用經驗 叫身邊的人勇敢
對於情感 你很有心
為了打救旁人幸福 沒時間傷心
*感激你 最開心的人 陪伴著我 每個無眠夜深
用你笑聲 修補我不幸 過濾失落重獲信心
只不過 誰為你認真 習慣了悲哀中救傷的你
沒法放開 開心的責任
抱著心事無人問 壯烈犧牲*
每當落淚之前 你可想找誰人說話
每當熱鬧之後 你最想誰為你留下
記得有天 你失了蹤
多得你 最開心的人 陪伴著我每個難熬夜深
用你笑聲 粉飾了天地
告別失望 重穫信心 只不過 誰為你著緊
抱著心事無人問 壯烈犧牲
若你想哭 即管放心吧
Monday, November 14, 2005
Finally figured out an alternative way for accomplishing the daily bond price reporting without wasting much time on waiting, felt so great about it! I couldn't believe that it's only 7.05pm when I got everything completed!!! I was so happy that I laughed loudly, yelled to manager "I'm leaving, yeah~" just before I stepped out office.
See, I'm such a simple person who could be cheered up by such simple stuffs =P
See, I'm such a simple person who could be cheered up by such simple stuffs =P
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Saturday, November 12, 2005
星期六早起,因為要出席陳嘉文的婚禮。婚禮在觀塘瑪利諾旁邊的耶穌復活堂舉行,是一家很小的聖堂,可感覺還挺不錯。看到很多 SPS 的人,全是陳嘉文的同學,不知怎的每個人也認得我,還可以叫出我的名字;我卻不行了,因為她們都是比我小一屆的,除了排球隊的人,我都喚不出她們是誰,唯有以笑遮羞 =P 陳嘉文的妹妹當她的伴娘,想當年我是她的「 Paulinian Leader 」,她與那時沒兩樣,還是很「活潑」和「頑皮」吖 =P Miss Chu 也去觀禮,很八卦,看到專誠從美國回來參加陳嘉文婚禮的 Miriam 和 Peggy 帶著男朋友前來,急急上前去打聽一番。
婚禮有很多有趣的地方,倒還算順利。陳嘉文說 BB 整天都很乖,不像平日一樣一起牀就亂踢,可能因為他知道今天是媽媽的大日子嘞 =) 婚禮對她來說是頗操勞的,可她仍然洋溢著幸福的表情。
至一時多才離開婚禮,到德福看醫生。醫生說我的病情不算嚴重,卻給了我五種藥。吃下去,昏昏暈暈的,睡著了;起來時,還是反應遲緩。似乎吃了藥比沒吃藥要來得差 @_@
婚禮有很多有趣的地方,倒還算順利。陳嘉文說 BB 整天都很乖,不像平日一樣一起牀就亂踢,可能因為他知道今天是媽媽的大日子嘞 =) 婚禮對她來說是頗操勞的,可她仍然洋溢著幸福的表情。
至一時多才離開婚禮,到德福看醫生。醫生說我的病情不算嚴重,卻給了我五種藥。吃下去,昏昏暈暈的,睡著了;起來時,還是反應遲緩。似乎吃了藥比沒吃藥要來得差 @_@
Friday, November 11, 2005
Another Friday
A very relaxing day, so free that I could attend 2 online training courses in the afternoon for my CPD hours!
Yet, that didn't mean I could leave early. Kept waiting, waiting and waiting, finally another team got IDR bond prices updated by 7.45pm. I showed my desire to leave so obviously that I put the pile of printouts on my teammate's desk right in front of his monitor without saying a word, and then returned to my seat started clearing up my trays. Completed my reporting by pressing "Send" button in LN upon receiving signed copies by 7.50pm, which was supposed to be done at 6.45pm. 1 hour has been wasted. Sometimes, I just wondered how many more hours would have to be wasted on such non-value added tasks if I stay. Gosh.
Went singing K with Emily, Florence and Carrie. Yup, we intentionally made it a "small" gathering, so that each of us could sing as much as we could =P Anyway, other than Florence, none of us could catch up those new songs ... yeah, we kept on singing golden oldies ... haha *,*
My sore throat worsened and I kept on sneezing ...
Yet, that didn't mean I could leave early. Kept waiting, waiting and waiting, finally another team got IDR bond prices updated by 7.45pm. I showed my desire to leave so obviously that I put the pile of printouts on my teammate's desk right in front of his monitor without saying a word, and then returned to my seat started clearing up my trays. Completed my reporting by pressing "Send" button in LN upon receiving signed copies by 7.50pm, which was supposed to be done at 6.45pm. 1 hour has been wasted. Sometimes, I just wondered how many more hours would have to be wasted on such non-value added tasks if I stay. Gosh.
Went singing K with Emily, Florence and Carrie. Yup, we intentionally made it a "small" gathering, so that each of us could sing as much as we could =P Anyway, other than Florence, none of us could catch up those new songs ... yeah, we kept on singing golden oldies ... haha *,*
My sore throat worsened and I kept on sneezing ...
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Running smooth
Took ferry to leave Central after work in the late evening. Felt so amused of being able to enjoy the harbour view and breezes.
Everything went smooth today. It'd be so fascinating if every weekday could go like this *,*
Everything went smooth today. It'd be so fascinating if every weekday could go like this *,*
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Booked discounted tickets for the musical "The Sound of Music" ... yeah *,*
Dealed with wedding invitation card distribution stuffs for my roommate. Called some people whom I (and my roommate) didn't meet for 7 years after graduation to arrange for dinner on Sunday. Felt a bit strange. Sometimes I just wondered if you didn't ever think of keeping in touch with a person for more than 7 years, why you would still like to invite him to your wedding, not to mention that you were not actually familiar with him 7 years ago? Entirely no update on each other's lives, it'd be so hard for that person to share your happiness genuinely. It would be like saying 'Oh' and then feeling nothing else after listening to the news. Weird.
Anyway, being an agent of my roommate, I would go ahead to complete this project *.*
Dealed with wedding invitation card distribution stuffs for my roommate. Called some people whom I (and my roommate) didn't meet for 7 years after graduation to arrange for dinner on Sunday. Felt a bit strange. Sometimes I just wondered if you didn't ever think of keeping in touch with a person for more than 7 years, why you would still like to invite him to your wedding, not to mention that you were not actually familiar with him 7 years ago? Entirely no update on each other's lives, it'd be so hard for that person to share your happiness genuinely. It would be like saying 'Oh' and then feeling nothing else after listening to the news. Weird.
Anyway, being an agent of my roommate, I would go ahead to complete this project *.*
Monday, November 07, 2005
You know what "accident" stands for? "Ac-hoc incident" it means!
When everybody in my team was packing our belongings, saying that it was such a smooth day and preparing to leave office before 7.30pm, suddenly the trader crushed our dreams by inputting 2 deals after cut-off time which was set to be 6.30pm >_< All sorts of IT problems appeared again: accounting feed failure, incomplete end of day data, incompatible reports ... and the trouble creator left dealing floor once finishing input ... Gosh @_@
Hope that there'd be no more "accident" defering my off time; and we've decided not to mention about "having smooth day" in future before we actually stepped out from office physically!!!
When everybody in my team was packing our belongings, saying that it was such a smooth day and preparing to leave office before 7.30pm, suddenly the trader crushed our dreams by inputting 2 deals after cut-off time which was set to be 6.30pm >_< All sorts of IT problems appeared again: accounting feed failure, incomplete end of day data, incompatible reports ... and the trouble creator left dealing floor once finishing input ... Gosh @_@
Hope that there'd be no more "accident" defering my off time; and we've decided not to mention about "having smooth day" in future before we actually stepped out from office physically!!!
Sunday, November 06, 2005
《Tim Burton's Corpse Bride》
Went watching 《Corpse Bride》after having "afternoon tea" with father at a Chinese restaurant. It's as what I've expected, and I liked the movie though it's short. Maybe I was poisoned by the dream team of Tim Burton and Johnny Depp =P
Cover design
I was uploading photos for the Pak Nai trip when I accidentally discovered those files in the computer. That's a cover design which I drew more than one year ago. Seemed it has been ages from then till now.
Saturday, November 05, 2005
和蘇海明到白泥去行山。與其說是行山,倒不如說是去「探險」更貼切吖 *,* 沒有地圖,只知道那是在香港西北面的一個地方,近邊境、對岸是蛇口,可以看到紅樹林和鹹淡水交界,間歇性地接收不到電話,變成 "China Mobile" 狀態 ... 哈哈,聽起來像是到了一個不正常的地方。不過還真喜歡這次旅程:小巴司機駕駛技術「太好」,在迂迴曲折的山徑上行走隨時要準備車急停;為了拍攝美麗的池塘,要抵住乾曬「米田共」的臭味;走在石灘上,要小心保持平衡;偷偷走進人家的後院和菜田,被精靈的大狗發現;走捷徑,被乾草抓破了皮 ...
聽說這裡的「蛋黃」日落美極了,不過沙灘正有工程進行中,無緣見面了。四時多打道回府,給「眼明」的蘇海明看到元朗十八鄉火災冒出的濃煙;我嘛,甚麼都看不見 ... 在哪裡? 在哪裡? @_@
聽說這裡的「蛋黃」日落美極了,不過沙灘正有工程進行中,無緣見面了。四時多打道回府,給「眼明」的蘇海明看到元朗十八鄉火災冒出的濃煙;我嘛,甚麼都看不見 ... 在哪裡? 在哪裡? @_@
Friday, November 04, 2005
"Busy" Friday
t meet Sum for long, I and Emily dated him out for lunch today. We had family-style dishes at "Man Kee", both Emily and Sum appreciated foods there. Sum's just like what he used to be, and we had an enjoyable lunch.
Back to office with a little pack of candies as Cecilia's birthday gift, she was so surprised and thankful! Anyway, she had an even bigger surprise later during tea time --- her boyfriend bought her half dozen of egg tarts and a big bunch of flowers, jumped into the building and appeared at the entrance of the floor for personal delivery! I could see that she was so happy, nearly got tears running out from her expressive eyes. This would really be a memorable day for her; for me, I got free egg tarts as desserts for tea =P
Tim released his wedding invitation and photos publicly through office e-mail in the afternoon, though most of us have already known about the news. So glad that he only planned to invite we new comers to his wedding registration ceremony only, or else it'd be one of the 6 weddings which I'd have to attend in the coming 2 months!
Got stunk by 4-way novation deal by evening, finally it was being passed to me for handling after nearly a month. Discussed among the team for a while, plus completing my Joyce's work for her half-day annual leave, it was nearly 9pm when I left office; I was late for PwC gathering >_< Be honest, I didn't like this feeling of instability indeed ... Gosh ... Today's dinner was for farewell of Joyce Cheuk. When I arrived at El Cid Harbour City, they've completed their many rounds of orders but still not feeling full. Wanna go to another restaurant like Dan Ryan or café, but it's full everywhere. Finally we got ourselves settled at McDonald ... haha ... We enjoyed so much of our stay there, moved around tables and chairs inside Mc Café ourselves as if we're arriving home. Noisy noisy noisy, chatting and eating. Spent only $7 for my dinner and had a very good time; what's more, got a free lift from Samantha Wong --- all people living on Kowloon East jumped into the taxi with her, with the bill charged to Samantha's client! Haha ... that's the benefit of going out with external auditors. If you're clients of Big 4, do check details of your debit note clearly before you pay your bill! =P
Back to office with a little pack of candies as Cecilia's birthday gift, she was so surprised and thankful! Anyway, she had an even bigger surprise later during tea time --- her boyfriend bought her half dozen of egg tarts and a big bunch of flowers, jumped into the building and appeared at the entrance of the floor for personal delivery! I could see that she was so happy, nearly got tears running out from her expressive eyes. This would really be a memorable day for her; for me, I got free egg tarts as desserts for tea =P
Tim released his wedding invitation and photos publicly through office e-mail in the afternoon, though most of us have already known about the news. So glad that he only planned to invite we new comers to his wedding registration ceremony only, or else it'd be one of the 6 weddings which I'd have to attend in the coming 2 months!
Got stunk by 4-way novation deal by evening, finally it was being passed to me for handling after nearly a month. Discussed among the team for a while, plus completing my Joyce's work for her half-day annual leave, it was nearly 9pm when I left office; I was late for PwC gathering >_< Be honest, I didn't like this feeling of instability indeed ... Gosh ... Today's dinner was for farewell of Joyce Cheuk. When I arrived at El Cid Harbour City, they've completed their many rounds of orders but still not feeling full. Wanna go to another restaurant like Dan Ryan or café, but it's full everywhere. Finally we got ourselves settled at McDonald ... haha ... We enjoyed so much of our stay there, moved around tables and chairs inside Mc Café ourselves as if we're arriving home. Noisy noisy noisy, chatting and eating. Spent only $7 for my dinner and had a very good time; what's more, got a free lift from Samantha Wong --- all people living on Kowloon East jumped into the taxi with her, with the bill charged to Samantha's client! Haha ... that's the benefit of going out with external auditors. If you're clients of Big 4, do check details of your debit note clearly before you pay your bill! =P
Thursday, November 03, 2005
今日,一班新人一起到「皇上皇」飲茶。因為是同期一起進入公司的同事,所以比較熟絡,說話也較投契;而且其中一人是秘書,可以收到很多「小道消息」嘞 =P
大家在討論前途問題,我亦不諱言告訴大家昨天有 agent 打電話給我,說有幾個 Bank IA 的 openings ,市場應該挺不錯。
快四個月了,又到要動腦筋的時候 *_*
大家在討論前途問題,我亦不諱言告訴大家昨天有 agent 打電話給我,說有幾個 Bank IA 的 openings ,市場應該挺不錯。
快四個月了,又到要動腦筋的時候 *_*
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Resume to normal
Everything was back to normal as if nothing has happened. Nobody talked about the incident on Monday anymore. Resumed daily work, another typical day.
Had lunch with Florence and Emily at Deli and Wine, I shared with them my experience on Monday. They got similar feedbacks as what Ming and Alvis said. Emily even told that she has done something wrong last night, which caused her and two of her colleagues stayed over 10pm to check for remedial action with IT. As what her colleague said, 'You would never learn something unless you've made a mistake.'
Seemed that people all around have learnt the art to take things easy much earlier before me. Was I too demanding for my performance? I was really too green even with 4 years working experience. Still not too late to start?
Had lunch with Florence and Emily at Deli and Wine, I shared with them my experience on Monday. They got similar feedbacks as what Ming and Alvis said. Emily even told that she has done something wrong last night, which caused her and two of her colleagues stayed over 10pm to check for remedial action with IT. As what her colleague said, 'You would never learn something unless you've made a mistake.'
Seemed that people all around have learnt the art to take things easy much earlier before me. Was I too demanding for my performance? I was really too green even with 4 years working experience. Still not too late to start?
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Still uneasy
Still feeling very bad in the morning, especially when I heard managements discussing about accounting feed failure last night. Joyce kept on saying that it's no big deal at all, and I shouldn't feel regretted. She was so confident that I must still be green at work, or else I won't be feeling so bad; if it happened to her (and indeed it has happened to her before), she wouldn't waste any time got disturbed by it at all. Yaqub said I shouldn't feel ashamed for it as well, and joked that if the system was so vulnerable to my "attack", then it wouldn't be qualified to support so-called sophisticated operations. Even Simon said I should let it go, as long as I ensured that it won't be occurring again in future on month-end closing date.
All these responses loosened my strained nerves a bit, but I was still feeling uneasy. I thought I looked very terrifying, since everybody from mother to the workmate from another team sitting opposite to me asked if I was okay. For all these years I could hardly think of a mistake which I've made that was so influential. It's really the first time I got involved in any "wrong-doing", though others didn't agree.
Without good appetite, I went to walk around on the platform of City Hall. It's windy and temperature fell, but I didn't really notice. Looking at the sea and listening to breezes, I stood there pondering for some moments before going to City Hall library for day-dreaming.
If you ask me to name something which I've learnt from the new job, this would definitely be the one --- to learn from mistake.
All these responses loosened my strained nerves a bit, but I was still feeling uneasy. I thought I looked very terrifying, since everybody from mother to the workmate from another team sitting opposite to me asked if I was okay. For all these years I could hardly think of a mistake which I've made that was so influential. It's really the first time I got involved in any "wrong-doing", though others didn't agree.
Without good appetite, I went to walk around on the platform of City Hall. It's windy and temperature fell, but I didn't really notice. Looking at the sea and listening to breezes, I stood there pondering for some moments before going to City Hall library for day-dreaming.
If you ask me to name something which I've learnt from the new job, this would definitely be the one --- to learn from mistake.
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