Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Booked discounted tickets for the musical "The Sound of Music" ... yeah *,*

Dealed with wedding invitation card distribution stuffs for my roommate. Called some people whom I (and my roommate) didn't meet for 7 years after graduation to arrange for dinner on Sunday. Felt a bit strange. Sometimes I just wondered if you didn't ever think of keeping in touch with a person for more than 7 years, why you would still like to invite him to your wedding, not to mention that you were not actually familiar with him 7 years ago? Entirely no update on each other's lives, it'd be so hard for that person to share your happiness genuinely. It would be like saying 'Oh' and then feeling nothing else after listening to the news. Weird.

Anyway, being an agent of my roommate, I would go ahead to complete this project *.*

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