Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Conference meeting [陰/ 晴]

風球要走了,可早上還是大風的。穿了另一套 suit 上班,純粹為了安撫同事的「好奇心」。果然,他們今天沒有過激反應了。

晚上要和紐約那邊開 conference meeting ,七時半開始,心想只要一句鐘,甚麼東西都會給說光了。怎知道,這會議竟然開了.兩.個.鐘.頭.@_@!!! 加上 conference meeting 完結後要繼續處理一些 daily 的工作,結果是十時多才離開公司 ~~>_<~~

我真的好討厭、好討厭要在晚上和紐約 / 倫敦開 conference meeting!!!


Day Tripper said...

I don't like con call also. Always at night and talk for nothing. Amercians are always sleepy and I am hungry during the call.

Sana said...

You can eat cow fingers during conf call =P

I hate conf call so much but I can foresee a lot of conf call meetings are coming @_@