I'm a good dreamer --- dream in class, dream at work, dream on MTR ... dreaming all the time *.*
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Monday, February 27, 2006
Heard someone saying that Woodstock was a louse in Snoopy's hair previously. How ridiculous it was!
Woodstock (Peanuts)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Woodstock is a fictional character in Charles M. Schulz's comic strip Peanuts. Snoopy began befriending birds in the early 1960s, when they started using his doghouse for various purposes: a rest stop during migrations, a nesting site, or a place to play cards. None of these birds were ever given names, or even used speech balloons, they simply looked at Snoopy and he understood them. The first bird that bore a resemblance to Woodstock visited Snoopy in 1967, and this is generally considered his debut, though Schulz didn't give him a name and establish him as a full-fledged character until June 22, 1970. Schulz acknowledged in several mid-70's print and TV interviews that he took Woodstock's name from the rock festival.
Snoopy and Woodstock met when a momma bird built a nest on Snoopy's stomach. There were two birds in it, and the mom never came back. Snoopy, one day, got fed up with the two birds, and threw them into the world. Snoopy's first thought was that he was glad to be unburdened of the responsibility, yet the second he says this, here comes Woodstock, flying in his usual topsy-turvy way.
The only character who can understand Woodstock's language is Snoopy. This is because his speech is rendered entirely in "chicken scratch" marks; Snoopy usually ends up translating them for the benefit of the reader. In the movies and TV specials, the chicken scratches are rendered audibly as a staccato series of honks and squawks, voiced by Snoopy voice Bill Melendez. Woodstock often works as Snoopy's secretary (most notably when the latter was appointed "Head Beagle").
Woodstock is small but scrappy, taking Snoopy's gentle verbal digs at him and practical jokes in stride. For a little bird he has a great deal of pride, though, and doesn't hesitate to stand up to Snoopy if his friend goes too far. Once, he and Snoopy wouldn't speak to each other because of Snoopy's practice of reading "War and Peace" one word per day, but when told that Woodstock was being attacked by the cat next door, Snoopy immediately rushed to his aid, getting clobbered in the process (it ended up being a yellow glove). He also hates being mistaken for the wrong species of bird (though we are never told what species he actually is), and he is reluctant to eat thrown bread crumbs because he doesn't want anyone to think he's on welfare. He's a whiz at playing "trivia" too, and almost always manages to stump Snoopy.
For all of Woodstock's mental acumen, however, he is physically a very poor flyer, which has been a character trait since he first appeared. He flitters around in erratic fashion, often upside down, and frequently crashes into things. He usually manages to get where he wants to go, though, as long as he doesn't have to fly too high. He is prone to beak-bleeds if he goes over ten feet in the air. During the winter he relaxes by either skating on top of the birdbath, or playing ice hockey on it, complete with his own Zamboni to keep the surface clean (except one year where Woodstock asks Snoopy to migrate with him, and the duo take the trip on foot). His one goal throughout the comic is to track down his mother so he can send her a Mother's Day card.
Woodstock's nest is serviced by an invisible, but audible, elevator, although Woodstock flutters his wings as he rises and descends. When Snoopy bought Woodstock a birdhouse, Woodstock refused to use it and Snoopy forced the issue. Woodstock then set about renovating it into a leisure room; when the hammer and saw sounds stopped, Snoopy peeked in, got his nose stuck in the door and demolished it; Woodstock willingly accepted a second birdhouse.
Woodstock and his fellow yellow birds (named Bill, Harriet, Olivier, Raymond, Fred, Roy and Conrad) often join Snoopy in his guise as Scoutmaster, and attempt to get promoted to "Beagle Scout". Although they all look alike, Snoopy seems to be able tell them apart.
Woodstock (Peanuts)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Woodstock is a fictional character in Charles M. Schulz's comic strip Peanuts. Snoopy began befriending birds in the early 1960s, when they started using his doghouse for various purposes: a rest stop during migrations, a nesting site, or a place to play cards. None of these birds were ever given names, or even used speech balloons, they simply looked at Snoopy and he understood them. The first bird that bore a resemblance to Woodstock visited Snoopy in 1967, and this is generally considered his debut, though Schulz didn't give him a name and establish him as a full-fledged character until June 22, 1970. Schulz acknowledged in several mid-70's print and TV interviews that he took Woodstock's name from the rock festival.
Snoopy and Woodstock met when a momma bird built a nest on Snoopy's stomach. There were two birds in it, and the mom never came back. Snoopy, one day, got fed up with the two birds, and threw them into the world. Snoopy's first thought was that he was glad to be unburdened of the responsibility, yet the second he says this, here comes Woodstock, flying in his usual topsy-turvy way.
The only character who can understand Woodstock's language is Snoopy. This is because his speech is rendered entirely in "chicken scratch" marks; Snoopy usually ends up translating them for the benefit of the reader. In the movies and TV specials, the chicken scratches are rendered audibly as a staccato series of honks and squawks, voiced by Snoopy voice Bill Melendez. Woodstock often works as Snoopy's secretary (most notably when the latter was appointed "Head Beagle").
Woodstock is small but scrappy, taking Snoopy's gentle verbal digs at him and practical jokes in stride. For a little bird he has a great deal of pride, though, and doesn't hesitate to stand up to Snoopy if his friend goes too far. Once, he and Snoopy wouldn't speak to each other because of Snoopy's practice of reading "War and Peace" one word per day, but when told that Woodstock was being attacked by the cat next door, Snoopy immediately rushed to his aid, getting clobbered in the process (it ended up being a yellow glove). He also hates being mistaken for the wrong species of bird (though we are never told what species he actually is), and he is reluctant to eat thrown bread crumbs because he doesn't want anyone to think he's on welfare. He's a whiz at playing "trivia" too, and almost always manages to stump Snoopy.
For all of Woodstock's mental acumen, however, he is physically a very poor flyer, which has been a character trait since he first appeared. He flitters around in erratic fashion, often upside down, and frequently crashes into things. He usually manages to get where he wants to go, though, as long as he doesn't have to fly too high. He is prone to beak-bleeds if he goes over ten feet in the air. During the winter he relaxes by either skating on top of the birdbath, or playing ice hockey on it, complete with his own Zamboni to keep the surface clean (except one year where Woodstock asks Snoopy to migrate with him, and the duo take the trip on foot). His one goal throughout the comic is to track down his mother so he can send her a Mother's Day card.
Woodstock's nest is serviced by an invisible, but audible, elevator, although Woodstock flutters his wings as he rises and descends. When Snoopy bought Woodstock a birdhouse, Woodstock refused to use it and Snoopy forced the issue. Woodstock then set about renovating it into a leisure room; when the hammer and saw sounds stopped, Snoopy peeked in, got his nose stuck in the door and demolished it; Woodstock willingly accepted a second birdhouse.
Woodstock and his fellow yellow birds (named Bill, Harriet, Olivier, Raymond, Fred, Roy and Conrad) often join Snoopy in his guise as Scoutmaster, and attempt to get promoted to "Beagle Scout". Although they all look alike, Snoopy seems to be able tell them apart.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
BBQ @ Clara & Siu Kam's Home
試裙活動完結,張嘉欣駕車接載我們到梁善儀和小錦的家,進行下一個環節 --- BBQ + 認識兄弟姊妹活動。姊妹全都是我認識的,兄弟相反。 BBQ ,燒的東西很特別,像到流浮山去了。新郎和兄弟的飲料也很不平凡,是紅酒。紅酒 + 香煙 @ 燒烤,不是我的字典中熟悉的組合。
一晚下來,我只記得兄弟的名字,但配對不到正確的面孔上。我想,兩、三天後,無論兄弟的名字或臉容,我都會給忘記了 =P
一晚下來,我只記得兄弟的名字,但配對不到正確的面孔上。我想,兩、三天後,無論兄弟的名字或臉容,我都會給忘記了 =P
姊妹裙 [涼快 / 雨]
大家一致選了粉橙色,款式自選。我 + 何曉珊 + 張嘉欣 + 陳鳳卿每人試了三款。我選的都是很簡單、沒有大花花、沒有多珠片的款式。第一條裙,看上去很清素,穿上去卻好像把很多東西都堆到身上去。第二條裙,看上去亦很簡單,穿上去最合身,她們說,我看上去成熟了、人修長了;我說,我看起來像自由神像,若果裙是白色,更似。第三條裙,有三朵小花在腰間,很少女的款式,但太少女,不合我;果然一點也不合我 ... 哈哈 =P
梁善儀給我們每個人拍了照片作紀錄挑選。結果我選了自由神像裙。照片還是別上載了,不然看了會發惡夢 ... 哈哈 *,*
大家一致選了粉橙色,款式自選。我 + 何曉珊 + 張嘉欣 + 陳鳳卿每人試了三款。我選的都是很簡單、沒有大花花、沒有多珠片的款式。第一條裙,看上去很清素,穿上去卻好像把很多東西都堆到身上去。第二條裙,看上去亦很簡單,穿上去最合身,她們說,我看上去成熟了、人修長了;我說,我看起來像自由神像,若果裙是白色,更似。第三條裙,有三朵小花在腰間,很少女的款式,但太少女,不合我;果然一點也不合我 ... 哈哈 =P
梁善儀給我們每個人拍了照片作紀錄挑選。結果我選了自由神像裙。照片還是別上載了,不然看了會發惡夢 ... 哈哈 *,*
Saturday, February 25, 2006
《Pride and Prejudice》 [雨 / 涼快]
強迫蘇海明和我看《Pride and Prejudice》,他說他一定會睡著。結果他沒睡,看的時候還有大笑,那我想電影是不太差罷!
《Pride and Prejudice》的故事,中三的時候已經知道了,因為中學每個學期都要看英文故事,而且要考試 -_-" 如果沒有記錯,中一至中三時每年要看兩本,但我只記得其中的一本。中一的是《Father Brown》,是個有偵探頭腦的神父的故事。中二的是《The Adventures of Tom Sawyer》;對不起,真的不太能感受到那歷儉故事的刺激緊張。中三的是《Pride and Prejudice》,挺喜歡嘞,還自己跑到圖書館去借了 Jane Austen 的另一部作品《Sense and Sensibility》。
中四和中五仍然要看英文故事,是《The Diary of Anne Frank》。可若果能夠選擇,我會選 Eng Lit 班那本《Romeo and Juliet》。從未看過莎士比亞的作品,想看看嘛 ... 不過至今也沒看過,那齣里安納杜演的電影《羅密歐與茱麗葉後現代激情篇》倒是看了一次 =P
《Pride and Prejudice》的故事,中三的時候已經知道了,因為中學每個學期都要看英文故事,而且要考試 -_-" 如果沒有記錯,中一至中三時每年要看兩本,但我只記得其中的一本。中一的是《Father Brown》,是個有偵探頭腦的神父的故事。中二的是《The Adventures of Tom Sawyer》;對不起,真的不太能感受到那歷儉故事的刺激緊張。中三的是《Pride and Prejudice》,挺喜歡嘞,還自己跑到圖書館去借了 Jane Austen 的另一部作品《Sense and Sensibility》。
中四和中五仍然要看英文故事,是《The Diary of Anne Frank》。可若果能夠選擇,我會選 Eng Lit 班那本《Romeo and Juliet》。從未看過莎士比亞的作品,想看看嘛 ... 不過至今也沒看過,那齣里安納杜演的電影《羅密歐與茱麗葉後現代激情篇》倒是看了一次 =P
Friday, February 24, 2006
美儀的款待 [冷]
美儀請我們到她在太古城的家吃晚飯,她親自下廚款待。大家在七時多就到達了;只有我,十時多才到 =( 她們已經吃完飯,留了點菜給我及還在做 cash flow statement 的班長。美儀特地把餸菜翻熱,但我吃得不多,因為已經過了肚餓的時間;菜可是煮得很味美的吖 =)
大家在看林海峰 Talk show 的 DVD ,好像挺惹笑的;可惜太晚開始看,看不完。午夜十二時才離開,打擾了 =P
大家在看林海峰 Talk show 的 DVD ,好像挺惹笑的;可惜太晚開始看,看不完。午夜十二時才離開,打擾了 =P
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Jackey Ho [涼快]
約了郭婉汶在 Citibank Tower 吃午飯,上路途中遇上不太想遇見的 Jackey Ho 。本來想匆匆地 Hi – Bye 結束對話,最終失敗了,給拉到長江公園的一旁聊了十五分鐘。
其實他是一個善良的人,只是我們話不投機至非常嚴重的地步。他曾說過,他人生最大的志願就是要在我現在工作的公司工作,最想做的部門就是我現在做的部門;換言之,我現在的工作就是他的 dream job,所以他常常叫我推薦他。怎麼會這樣的嘞,我只做了七個多月就對現行的工作再沒有驚喜和寄望,他可是縱橫銀行界十數年又有很多 qualifications 的人,做這樣的工作多悶! 做 internal audit 不是挺好嗎?
為免打擊他的熱誠,我還是告訴他我們最近有登報請人,他可以試試。他聽了,如獲甘飴,說下午就要查看 Classified Post 網頁。唔 ... 除了祝他好運,也想不到要再說甚麼了。
其實他是一個善良的人,只是我們話不投機至非常嚴重的地步。他曾說過,他人生最大的志願就是要在我現在工作的公司工作,最想做的部門就是我現在做的部門;換言之,我現在的工作就是他的 dream job,所以他常常叫我推薦他。怎麼會這樣的嘞,我只做了七個多月就對現行的工作再沒有驚喜和寄望,他可是縱橫銀行界十數年又有很多 qualifications 的人,做這樣的工作多悶! 做 internal audit 不是挺好嗎?
為免打擊他的熱誠,我還是告訴他我們最近有登報請人,他可以試試。他聽了,如獲甘飴,說下午就要查看 Classified Post 網頁。唔 ... 除了祝他好運,也想不到要再說甚麼了。
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Monday, February 20, 2006
很開心,八時就踏出公司回家去 ... 哈哈 ^o^
再想想,我其實不該這麼雀躍,因為我本該八時下班。八時下班已經太晚了,我每天的工作時間是七個半小時才對,由九時半/ 十時至六時/ 六時半。
* * *
再想想,我其實不該這麼雀躍,因為我本該八時下班。八時下班已經太晚了,我每天的工作時間是七個半小時才對,由九時半/ 十時至六時/ 六時半。
* * *
香港大學午餐 [冷]
原本是四人的中環午餐,在一番轉折下變成我和 Eugene 齊齊到香港大學太古樓的 Canteen 飲茶。
第一次到這裡來,完全認不得路。怎麼在這樣的大樓內會有茶樓點心和小炒吃嘞? 真有趣。點了食物,同事去還畢業袍,我獨自坐著,左看看、右看看。都是學生和教職員,不是年輕的、就是中年和老年的,沒有像我這樣的青年;沒有伴兒,有點格格不入。學生們在高聲大笑,似乎他們不用趕上課。年輕真好。
第一次到這裡來,完全認不得路。怎麼在這樣的大樓內會有茶樓點心和小炒吃嘞? 真有趣。點了食物,同事去還畢業袍,我獨自坐著,左看看、右看看。都是學生和教職員,不是年輕的、就是中年和老年的,沒有像我這樣的青年;沒有伴兒,有點格格不入。學生們在高聲大笑,似乎他們不用趕上課。年輕真好。
Sunday, February 19, 2006
輕鬆的星期天 [暖/ 大風]
1. 與郭婉汶及朱文恩行山
2. 與郭婉汶及朱文恩在海邊餐廳午餐
3. 和爸爸聊天
4. 睡覺四小時
5. 和爸爸及媽媽吃晚飯
6. 看電視、作文、看電視、聽電話、看電視、作文
真開心,尤其因為睡了四小時,晚上八時才起牀 ... 呵呵呵 *,*
今天走過上水塘 (就是最高的一個水塘,下水塘的源頭) 的時候,發現儲水所餘無幾,昔日是滿滿的,現在少了八成。在雨季來臨前,一定要節約用水嘞 ...
1. 與郭婉汶及朱文恩行山
2. 與郭婉汶及朱文恩在海邊餐廳午餐
3. 和爸爸聊天
4. 睡覺四小時
5. 和爸爸及媽媽吃晚飯
6. 看電視、作文、看電視、聽電話、看電視、作文
真開心,尤其因為睡了四小時,晚上八時才起牀 ... 呵呵呵 *,*
今天走過上水塘 (就是最高的一個水塘,下水塘的源頭) 的時候,發現儲水所餘無幾,昔日是滿滿的,現在少了八成。在雨季來臨前,一定要節約用水嘞 ...
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Day with no computer ...
My brother deleted some files from the computer accidentally which made the computer failed to start up @_@ I still got a lot of trivial stuffs to work on which needed the computer ... oh my god >_< I was so dependent on computer ... wuwuwu ...
So lucky that the notebook I bought when I was in university still functioned, or else I could really do nothing but sitting and crying ...
So lucky that the notebook I bought when I was in university still functioned, or else I could really do nothing but sitting and crying ...
Departmental annual dinner at Century HK
Didn't bother to do any shopping for the annual dinner, just had one of my ordinary suit for work on and headed to the annual dinner. So lucky that I did so --- only less than 10 persons have committed to the theme, Las Vagas Night, with majority of people in jeans! Nor do people respected guests on stage at all --- kept laughing and talking while guests were giving speeches, it's obviously disturbing since the venue is so small -_- Foods were no good, oily and not tasteful, what a pity =(
There're performances, 2 staff sang on stage one-by-one, and ended by an awful show by 4 fat men with naked top ... oh my god >_< Got games as well, but were not very entertaining ones. The most attractive part would be the custom competition I would say, though less than 5 people were joining indeed. May Chan dressed up as an Egyptian with a Tutankhamun mask, Alice was in a Ace card suit, while Leo looked like head of triad with a cigar (flake one of course!) in his mouth. Though they won the competition, they were so certain that they won't be joining next year since they felt like being cheated to dress up like clown ...
When the dinner nearly came to an end, a weird incident happened --- water dipping from the ceiling for our table suddenly @_@!!! The worse though was that waiters didn't know how to react at all and let water kept dipping. So disappointing!
To be honest, it's the worst annual dinner I've ever attended. If I was given the chance, I would surely go for hotpot with Ming and his secondary schoolmates rather than attending this.
There're performances, 2 staff sang on stage one-by-one, and ended by an awful show by 4 fat men with naked top ... oh my god >_< Got games as well, but were not very entertaining ones. The most attractive part would be the custom competition I would say, though less than 5 people were joining indeed. May Chan dressed up as an Egyptian with a Tutankhamun mask, Alice was in a Ace card suit, while Leo looked like head of triad with a cigar (flake one of course!) in his mouth. Though they won the competition, they were so certain that they won't be joining next year since they felt like being cheated to dress up like clown ...
When the dinner nearly came to an end, a weird incident happened --- water dipping from the ceiling for our table suddenly @_@!!! The worse though was that waiters didn't know how to react at all and let water kept dipping. So disappointing!
To be honest, it's the worst annual dinner I've ever attended. If I was given the chance, I would surely go for hotpot with Ming and his secondary schoolmates rather than attending this.
Smart ID [Cool]
Went to apply for Smart ID card with Ming at the Kowloon East Centre. We've previously reserved the timeslot online. Upon our arrival and showing our ID cards, the staff gave us forms with pre-printed details. All we needed to do was to fill in some of those blank grids on the form which took less than a minute. Stepped into another room for fingerprint scanning and photo-taking right away, the staff was so nice that she allowed me to took more than 5 photos ... haha =P Picked the one which I laughed crazily finally (could you imagine, a laughing girl on a serious ID card ... haha *,*) The next step was to have the immigration officer double checked details and fingerprint scanning, after which she gave a notice of new ID card pick-up on the 2nd week counting from today. It took less than 15 minutes to complete the whole process, so efficient!
Friday, February 17, 2006
Rebecca Chu's Farewell dinner for PwC + Welcoming party for Alumni Association
Another day of busy work, left at 9.30pm to join dinner for Chu at TST. Sitting on the ferry with strong breeze kissing my face, I was nearly fallen asleep @,@
Not many people were joining tonight, some of those who promised to come didn't show up. Had dinner at a restaurant named "Signature Cuisine", just a so-so one I would say. The round table was too large that I could hardly hear what the person sitting opposite to me said, not to mention that I was tired like dog with scattered concentrations *_*
Not many people were joining tonight, some of those who promised to come didn't show up. Had dinner at a restaurant named "Signature Cuisine", just a so-so one I would say. The round table was too large that I could hardly hear what the person sitting opposite to me said, not to mention that I was tired like dog with scattered concentrations *_*
Sum [Cold/ Windy]
After so many trials, Sum was able to join our Central lunch at "Wong Shang Wong" finally. Anyway, his charm was obviously not great enough to attract all of us having lunch with him; Sister Cat and Sing decided not to show up in the last minute, leaving only me, Emily and FK with him ... poor we -_-
On seeing him we laughed at his shirt at once. Totally not of his style, we're almost 90% confirmed it must have been chosen by his girlfriend. By the way, he showed us one of the latest photos of his girl, who has permed her hair recently and somewhat looked like Icy. Another round of teasing followed for sure ... haha =P
Sum would be getting his VERY HUGE bonus very soon, we urged him to treat us a small trip somewhere nearby but outside Hong Kong. Where to go? *,*
On seeing him we laughed at his shirt at once. Totally not of his style, we're almost 90% confirmed it must have been chosen by his girlfriend. By the way, he showed us one of the latest photos of his girl, who has permed her hair recently and somewhat looked like Icy. Another round of teasing followed for sure ... haha =P
Sum would be getting his VERY HUGE bonus very soon, we urged him to treat us a small trip somewhere nearby but outside Hong Kong. Where to go? *,*
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Farewell lunch with Miranda [Cool]
Felt like it's not long ago when Miranda told me she has tendered her resignation letter, it'd be her last day tomorrow. Time flied.
Had farewell lunch with her and May Chan at a Vietnamese restaurant. She'd start her new job right away on coming Monday, but she preferred not to tell anyone of us what exactly her offer was until she has completed her 3-month probation period in that bank. Indeed, not really that keen to know about it, but it seemed to have caused some gossips among other group of colleagues. I'd put myself away from it anyway.
Had farewell lunch with her and May Chan at a Vietnamese restaurant. She'd start her new job right away on coming Monday, but she preferred not to tell anyone of us what exactly her offer was until she has completed her 3-month probation period in that bank. Indeed, not really that keen to know about it, but it seemed to have caused some gossips among other group of colleagues. I'd put myself away from it anyway.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
心浮氣躁 [能見度低]
早有有心理準備會有很多工作。回到公司,In-tray 文件高築,果然沒有人花一點時間去兼顧我的大部分工作;桌面給弄亂了,文具不知給拋到那裡去,同事從我的抽屜裡取文件用後又不鎖好 ... 已經不太高興了 -_-
開電腦,近二百封電郵,花了好一段時間看。只是三天不上班,不用那麼熱情澎湃嘛 #_#
後來發現同事在我放假期間做的某些報表工作全錯了,要重做,很惱 >_< 再加上很討厭某某和某某的說話語氣和態度,簡直想殺人!!!
十時,整層有只剩下兩個人。我不做了,我要回家吃飯。吖 ~~>,<~~
郭婉汶昨晚做了關於我的噩夢,夢見我死了,情節曲折離奇像偵探小說。她由夢中哭到現實生活,要打電話來求證我還生存。放心,我是健在的,不過工作忙得要命 @_@ 況且我沒有留下追兇隱文,夢境沒有實現嘞!
開電腦,近二百封電郵,花了好一段時間看。只是三天不上班,不用那麼熱情澎湃嘛 #_#
後來發現同事在我放假期間做的某些報表工作全錯了,要重做,很惱 >_< 再加上很討厭某某和某某的說話語氣和態度,簡直想殺人!!!
十時,整層有只剩下兩個人。我不做了,我要回家吃飯。吖 ~~>,<~~
郭婉汶昨晚做了關於我的噩夢,夢見我死了,情節曲折離奇像偵探小說。她由夢中哭到現實生活,要打電話來求證我還生存。放心,我是健在的,不過工作忙得要命 @_@ 況且我沒有留下追兇隱文,夢境沒有實現嘞!
清亭牛油雞翼 [雨]
情人節,節目就是和蘇海明吃午餐和晚餐,及在家陪爸爸。其實下午好想到外面走走,可惜下雨了 =(
我們是不會被商人以佳節之名欺騙的,於是到銅鑼灣的「清亭」去,吃久未品嚐的牛油雞翼 *,* 還吃了札肉和焗魷魚筒飯,都很美味。不過,我們都覺得函館的魷魚筒飯是最美味,這裡的都不能取替 *,*
吃完晚餐,才下午七時半,於是跑到 CitySuper 去,買了濃度 78% 的黑朱古力和無咖啡因成份的可口可樂。每人只吃了一塊,好苦的朱古力 >,< 不過吃到最後的時候也不覺得太苦了,還有點甘醇味嘞!
有點不知所措 *_*
還有一小時,我的假期就結束了 ... 唉 =(
我們是不會被商人以佳節之名欺騙的,於是到銅鑼灣的「清亭」去,吃久未品嚐的牛油雞翼 *,* 還吃了札肉和焗魷魚筒飯,都很美味。不過,我們都覺得函館的魷魚筒飯是最美味,這裡的都不能取替 *,*
吃完晚餐,才下午七時半,於是跑到 CitySuper 去,買了濃度 78% 的黑朱古力和無咖啡因成份的可口可樂。每人只吃了一塊,好苦的朱古力 >,< 不過吃到最後的時候也不覺得太苦了,還有點甘醇味嘞!
有點不知所措 *_*
還有一小時,我的假期就結束了 ... 唉 =(
Monday, February 13, 2006
Family Day [Cool]
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Saturday, February 11, 2006
富貴竹 [涼快]
蘇海明買了富貴竹,但他不願意為其取名;我可覺得就算是植物也該為其取名,所以稱之為「富竹」,取其諧音「腐竹」和「富足」。名字挺不錯,對嗎? *,*
Friday, February 10, 2006
何曉珊來了,我們不等金詩韻就開始吃火鍋。吃完第一圈,金詩韻亦到來,她似乎對食物和環境都相當滿意,真好 =)
何曉珊來了,我們不等金詩韻就開始吃火鍋。吃完第一圈,金詩韻亦到來,她似乎對食物和環境都相當滿意,真好 =)
假期開始 [熱 / 涼快]

下午的淺水灣忽然變得很熱,把腳泡到水中,有點冷,但很快就適應了。在和暖的陽光下睡覺是最好不過的選擇。安頓好基地,拿出太陽眼鏡、塗上太陽油,我和 Woodstock 一起在沙灘睡著了 ...
海灘上來了很多「自由行」,男的穿西裝皮鞋、女的是高根鞋,一屁股跌坐在沙灘上就立刻來一個 「S」 字型彎腰拍照,或是以雙雙作「大」字要撲到水裡去的姿態來留影 ... 除了「騎呢」外,找不到更貼切的形容詞了!
對不起,取笑人家是不應該的,但真的很惹笑 ... 哈哈 =P 想到更差勁的,就是將某某套進這些畫面 ... Oh no *_*
Thursday, February 09, 2006
到 Carmen 家拜年

再一次,我是最後一個到達 =( 今次是 Volleyball team 的聚會。除了 Joyce Leung 成了體育教師會踫踫排球外,我們已經很久沒有打排球了;更可況 Carmen Chan 已經有九個月身孕,怎樣打?! BB 下個月要出世了,又有 BB 玩 ... 嘿嘿 *,*
收了 Carmen 和 Joyce 的利是,真好。 Joyce 祝我快高長大,我當然是祝她連生貴子,結果惹來白眼 ... 哈哈 =P
怎麼現在的老師都不喜歡生小孩? 頑童看多了,怕了嗎?
累透了,等不到巴士來,就跳上的士想到藍田地鐵站去;再想想,索性坐的士回家。今晚的收入都跑到交通費上去 ... 哈哈 $_$
Mint Mocha [Cool]

Tao reached the restaurant after her physiotherapy session. There're some problems with her limb muscles and she gotta have check-up regularly. Scars of aging, that's what we all couldn't deny, wasn't it?
Chatting while enjoying our western lunch here. Seemed that Tao was very busy at work after she settled herself in the Marketing Department. Busy yet enjoyable, that's more than enough.
Laying on the sofa I felt so tired. If I didn't have to be back for work at 2pm I'd rather spend my afternoon simply sitting or pondering there. What I need is more than a holiday. That's what flashed across my mind. I knew it pretty well but afterall there're so many aspects to consider before a final decision could be made. Opportunies and threats, pros and cons. I've missed the last deadline already, what I could do is to wait until next cut-off date. By then, determining factors would be more prominent and further actions could be arranged. Sounded so idealistic. Who knows?
Next cut-off period: April 2006
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
還要病多久? @_@ [涼快]
和周嘉怡吃滑蛋牛肉飯,飯給吞下卻又遇上黃痰,透不過氣,差點窒息 x_x
還有一天,我就放假了 ... 不想病 @_@
還有一天,我就放假了 ... 不想病 @_@
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
鴻星午飯 [涼快]
Traders 請我們 team 和 NI 的人到鴻星吃開年午飯。 NI 的人很熱絡地認識我們,一切由 Yaqub 應付。叫了一桌子油炸食物,我不停地咳嗽,可看不能吃,真慘 @_@
Traders 請我們 team 和 NI 的人到鴻星吃開年午飯。 NI 的人很熱絡地認識我們,一切由 Yaqub 應付。叫了一桌子油炸食物,我不停地咳嗽,可看不能吃,真慘 @_@
Monday, February 06, 2006
地獄式生活 --- 開始! [一般]
Joyce 辭職後的第一個工作天,遇上經理放假,只有我和三名大嗓子男子工作。非常努力地做各樣無聊的工序。不說話、只管做,因為想早點回家;可惜也早不了,九時多十時才離開。
今天唯一的娛樂:和何曉珊、金詩韻與鄧詠琳到鏞記吃午飯。常常提及 Michael Chan 先生,鄧詠琳又露出小鳥依人樣。果然是愛情令人改變。我想,要是給陳普建或李政立看到了,又要笑上好一會 =P
今天唯一的娛樂:和何曉珊、金詩韻與鄧詠琳到鏞記吃午飯。常常提及 Michael Chan 先生,鄧詠琳又露出小鳥依人樣。果然是愛情令人改變。我想,要是給陳普建或李政立看到了,又要笑上好一會 =P
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Meeting Little Daniel [Sunny]

15.00 – 16.00 到 Lisa 家拜年
17.00 – 20.00 由石澳燒烤變成到 CEO 唱卡拉 OK
20.30 – 22.30 遊玩 @ 樓上 café Family
半年沒見謙謙,他長在了不少! 快六個多月大的他,可愛得不得了,乖乖不哭,還表演娛樂一眾哥哥姐姐 *,*
從沒見過謙謙的陳普建,甫進屋就奔向主人房的 BB 牀,抱起謙謙到客廳把玩;謙謙為免叔叔難堪,於是體貼地和他玩手手。何曉珊說浩浩見到陳普建的時候,也乖乖地給他抱抱。於是,我們得出一個結論:
「香港 BB 未見過黑人,有新鮮感,所以對黑人特別有興趣 *,* 」
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Multipurpose gathering @ Alice's home [Cool]

= Farewell party of Joyce
+ B-day party of Joyce's BB
+ B-day party of Alice's BB
+ Celebration of Lunar New Year
+ ... ?
病入膏肓的我,遲了個多小時才到達,以為可以逃過 BBQ ;結果還是就範了,吃了兩條香腸 + 三粒丸,咳嗽程度可與肺癆病人較勁 @_@
不過,面對小朋友的時候,我都盡量不咳嗽、不打噴嚏。 今天我首次抱 BB ,是 Joyce 的 BB 女,超級可愛,和媽媽像餅模般相像;不單討大人喜愛,小朋友也喜歡,大家都圍著她,順道也圍著我,因為我抱著 BB ... 哈哈 =P
因為我不打麻雀,所以充當阿 May 六歲的女兒的褓姆,陪小妹妹在遊戲室中玩耍,另外還有黎太五歲的兒子。小妹妹和小弟弟玩「獅子遊戲」,男的狠狠地咬了女的一口,女的高聲大哭。媽媽們到場了,男的對女的道歉然後大哭,女的把自己關在遊戲室。男的被媽媽罰,要帶他回家,女的從房中走出來,高呼要和男的玩,然後又大哭了,好像很難捨難離的模樣。
以為大人的世界才複雜,原來小朋友的世界也不簡單 *_*
Friday, February 03, 2006
到 Joan 姐家拜年
九時多到達李生李太的家,我只比兩名現任 PwC auditors 早到,真可悲。
Joan 姐不想生 BB , Joan 叔卻很想要小孩,所以對他們倆所說的恭賀說話要完全相反,要不然就得不到利是了 ... 哈哈 =P
餘興節目是玩 UNO 。一再證明 external auditors 是比較遲鈍的,兩個代表都成了大輸家 #_#
近十二時,我要趕尾班 16 號巴士,大伙兒也一起離開了。打攪哂,多謝招待 =)
Joan 姐不想生 BB , Joan 叔卻很想要小孩,所以對他們倆所說的恭賀說話要完全相反,要不然就得不到利是了 ... 哈哈 =P
餘興節目是玩 UNO 。一再證明 external auditors 是比較遲鈍的,兩個代表都成了大輸家 #_#
近十二時,我要趕尾班 16 號巴士,大伙兒也一起離開了。打攪哂,多謝招待 =)
Joyce 的 last day [大風]
今天是 Joyce 的 last day ,下星期日她便和 BB 一起飛到新加坡做少奶奶了,真幸福。
Joyce 對我是挺不錯的,有時候會請我吃東西,我問她無聊問題她都會答,又會告訴我一些內幕消息,新年封五十蚊利是給我,今早還提醒我去看醫生 (結果在辦公時間到 Dr Vio 泡了一小時 =P),下午請吃 Cova 蛋糕 ...
Joyce 的 last day ,亦等於我噩夢的開始 --- 怎麼 interview 了個半月還沒有找到人填補 Joyce 的空缺?! 老細你可不可以不那麼挑剔?
下星期一起,便沒有人坐在我旁邊了;坐在對面那三名高高大大、嗓子又大又響的男子,說起話來像吵架。想起排山倒海的工作,已經覺得悶透了。唉 ...
Joyce 對我是挺不錯的,有時候會請我吃東西,我問她無聊問題她都會答,又會告訴我一些內幕消息,新年封五十蚊利是給我,今早還提醒我去看醫生 (結果在辦公時間到 Dr Vio 泡了一小時 =P),下午請吃 Cova 蛋糕 ...
Joyce 的 last day ,亦等於我噩夢的開始 --- 怎麼 interview 了個半月還沒有找到人填補 Joyce 的空缺?! 老細你可不可以不那麼挑剔?
下星期一起,便沒有人坐在我旁邊了;坐在對面那三名高高大大、嗓子又大又響的男子,說起話來像吵架。想起排山倒海的工作,已經覺得悶透了。唉 ...
Thursday, February 02, 2006
年初五,爸爸生日。八時十五分放下工作,不顧一切地跑到尖沙咀去。訂了九時正北京道一號的「潮樓」,爸爸媽媽和蘇海明都比我早到,只有愚蠢的弟弟用跑的由尖東狂奔到這裡,當然要給人取笑了 -_-"
論環境,我想爸爸是喜歡的 --- 面對著維多利亞港吃晚飯,他以前沒有試過嘛。論食物,他覺得太貴了 --- 其實一點也不貴,基本上超過三十元一碟的餸菜他就會界定為「昂貴」;至於我,則覺得厚福街的潮州打冷比這裡的現代潮菜更味美和地道嘞!
論環境,我想爸爸是喜歡的 --- 面對著維多利亞港吃晚飯,他以前沒有試過嘛。論食物,他覺得太貴了 --- 其實一點也不貴,基本上超過三十元一碟的餸菜他就會界定為「昂貴」;至於我,則覺得厚福街的潮州打冷比這裡的現代潮菜更味美和地道嘞!
開工利是 [一般]
Trevor 昨天放假,今天才派開工利是。
M:多謝多謝,祝你新年快樂,身體健康 =)
T:妳近來好夜先放工喎,有 d e-mail 九點幾先 send ,係咪好多嘢做吖?
M:係吖,好多嘢做吖 >_<
T:係咪因為 Joyce 辭職要做埋佢 d 嘢先至咁夜吖?
M:唔 ... 都有 d 關係嘅
T:咁我祝妳今年可以早 d 放工嘞!
M:多謝多謝 ...
當時心想,只要你快快找個人填補充缺,那我就可以早點放工了;要不,你就將我的人工提升一倍作補償,要不,我就早點「離開」 ...
M:多謝多謝,祝你新年快樂,身體健康 =)
T:妳近來好夜先放工喎,有 d e-mail 九點幾先 send ,係咪好多嘢做吖?
M:係吖,好多嘢做吖 >_<
T:係咪因為 Joyce 辭職要做埋佢 d 嘢先至咁夜吖?
M:唔 ... 都有 d 關係嘅
T:咁我祝妳今年可以早 d 放工嘞!
M:多謝多謝 ...
當時心想,只要你快快找個人填補充缺,那我就可以早點放工了;要不,你就將我的人工提升一倍作補償,要不,我就早點「離開」 ...
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
飛來利是 *,* [和暖]
一踏進公司升降機,便遇上大老細和一個同事,被迫聊天。大老細給我的感覺真的很像蘇婕大王吖 *,* 究竟是大老細似蘇婕,還是蘇婕似大老細嘞?
還未坐進自己的座位,就收到同事 Joyce 的大利是 ... 嘩哈哈 =D 往後我只坐在自己的座位,其他同事就自動來派利是,完全是不勞而獲,多興奮 >,< 同事 W 祝我快高長大,我祝他連生貴子 =P 不知怎的,同事聽到「連生貴子」及「三年抱兩」都會異常驚嚇 ...
今天收入可觀,明天繼續 =) 但今天的放工時間可不大好嘞,九時多,明天一定要提早一點 >_<
還未坐進自己的座位,就收到同事 Joyce 的大利是 ... 嘩哈哈 =D 往後我只坐在自己的座位,其他同事就自動來派利是,完全是不勞而獲,多興奮 >,< 同事 W 祝我快高長大,我祝他連生貴子 =P 不知怎的,同事聽到「連生貴子」及「三年抱兩」都會異常驚嚇 ...
今天收入可觀,明天繼續 =) 但今天的放工時間可不大好嘞,九時多,明天一定要提早一點 >_<
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