Tuesday, February 14, 2006

清亭牛油雞翼 [雨]

情人節,節目就是和蘇海明吃午餐和晚餐,及在家陪爸爸。其實下午好想到外面走走,可惜下雨了 =(

我們是不會被商人以佳節之名欺騙的,於是到銅鑼灣的「清亭」去,吃久未品嚐的牛油雞翼 *,* 還吃了札肉和焗魷魚筒飯,都很美味。不過,我們都覺得函館的魷魚筒飯是最美味,這裡的都不能取替 *,*

吃完晚餐,才下午七時半,於是跑到 CitySuper 去,買了濃度 78% 的黑朱古力和無咖啡因成份的可口可樂。每人只吃了一塊,好苦的朱古力 >,< 不過吃到最後的時候也不覺得太苦了,還有點甘醇味嘞!

有點不知所措 *_*

還有一小時,我的假期就結束了 ... 唉 =(


Day Tripper said...

This year I received no chocolate but I found that I left a pack of Meiji chocolate in my fridge when I got back home.

Eating chocolate alone doesn't taste any better.

Sana said...

So that pack of Meiji is Old day-tripper's gift to New day-tripper!

Get someone to share chocolates with you next time then =P