While I was waiting for my staff to hand in the report for my review at 9pm something (take note, it's 9pm not 9am, how could this go so crazily! Finally I simply stepped out from office by 10pm while the staff just completed the report ... left it for the manager then!), I typed up this reminder for my team to take care of my stuffs during my leaves. The longest reminder I ever sent.
Hope that they won't call me during my leaves, or should I just skip all calls during the trip? =P
Anyway, I won't be able to get reached afterall, since PCCW guys told me that they have no covereage over there for the global calling card ...
* * *
To: The whole team
From: Good dreamer
As a reminder for your reference ... add oil ...
Thanks and regards,
Good dreamer
Daily tasks - Approve payments > Simon
- Report Funding > Raymond - pls chase up other teams if the funding rpt is not circulated to you for completion by 5pm daily
- DTCC report (for closing confo)> Andrew/ Joey/ Raymond - pls pass the report to Yaqub directly; Yaqub - pls check completeness of report
- DTCC Der Audit report > Andrew - pls extract, save and print the report; Yaqub - pls check (don't have to check MQM messages and Spreadsheet entries); pls perform checking on the monthly modification report if time is allowed
- Calypso Static Data Audit report > Yaqub, pls check
- Report on outstanding/ mismatch confo on or over 5 days > Andrew/ Yaqub
- SP Confirmation monitoring statistics > Yaqub
- Confo register reconciliation > Yaqub
- Incoming confo > Andrew/ Joey/ Raymond, please check my in-tray
3Jul2007 - Report Top 10 outstanding confirmations of HBEU and HBUS by filling in spreadsheet in stated path for Kenneth to consolidate > Andrew/ Joey/ Raymond
- Reverse accrual of DTCC fee Jun07 > Andrew/ Raymond
- Remind EQD team to print and circulate Funding report > Raymond
- Send o/s register by month end to Alice (All outstanding trade confo as of 30Jun07, deal currency and amt) > Yaqub, pls refer to the sample I gave you
- Check and upload Credit Earmark > Yaqub
- Check fee swap tickets from Irene on trade transfer for Pos 226 by FO > Yaqub to assign Link
9Jul and 16Jul2007 - Report Top 10 outstanding confirmations of HBEU and HBUS by filling in spreadsheet in stated path for Kenneth to consolidate > Andrew/ Joey/ Raymond
10Jul2007 - Check Callable CLN report > Yaqub
- Check and upload Credit Earmark > Yaqub
Miscellaneous/ Tasks in progress DTCC
- DTCC TIW Backloading Statistics to be reported to HBUS for consolidation --- upon request > Andrew/ Joey/ Yaqub
- DTCC TIW Backloading > Yaqub as central contact, Andrew/Joey pls f/u
(1) DB - pls chase cpty for o/s alleges in Pre-BL and then confirm in Prod-BL
(2) LEH - pls chase cpty for o/s alleges in Prod BL (we've agreed with ctpy to resolve remaining trades in Prod BL) and f/u on Sino-Forest trade
(3) JPM - pls chase cpty for 1 allege o/s in Pre-BL and then confirm in Prod-BL; also 3 trades o/s in Prod-BL at the moment
(4) HBEU - pls f/u with Mel with the submission file and start backload
(5) UBS - pls chase for progress of iTraxx MCAs amendment Link ; chase HBUS Julie Mei for DTCC progress on amendment of procedural manual > Yaqub
- DTCC Pay/ Rec > Yaqub + IT Alex and Stanley
- DTCC Credit Event Adherence > Yaqub, pls confirm with Mel on when this will be rolled out/ whether we have to participate
- DTCC-CLS link > Yaqub, pls provide weekly update to Trevor
Calypso project and enhancement
- Project GO go-live date 7/8Jul2007 > Pls refer to Yaqub + IT Kit and Alex for emergency support
- 3 enhancement items to be incorporated in Jul/ Aug release > Yaqub + IT Alex and Henry
- Cents digits issues for fee autofeed to DTCC (iTraxx and autofed unwind fee) > Yaqub + IT Alex + HBUS Mel/ Roshan/ Carletta
- Auto-feeding of partial unwind and novation from Calypso to DTCC > Yaqub to check on progress with HBUS Mel/ Roshan from time to time
- Calypso dual authorization for static data maintenance > Yaqub + IT Kit + HBUS Carletta
- Approach BNP and see if they agree to use matrix for APAC Corp trades as well (change Calypso setting if they agree) > Joey
Ad-hoc items
- JPM merging of DTCC accounts #7747 to #6162 by novation > Yaqub as central contact, Andrew/ Joey/ Raymond to f/u
- GS novation / MS novation > Pls check the status with FO from time to time
- Audit confirmations > Andrew/ Joey/ Raymond, please check my in-tray and f/u
- Check existence of ISDA Master Agreement with potential counterparties for FO through Central Documentation database
- Deem SSI > Raymond - pls keep track of the status; Andrew/ Joey/ Raymond - pls prepare letters for issuance to ctpy ; Yaqub - pls submit the request to Trevor or I can submit them when I'm back
- Resolve enquiries from Investigation team (Zies/ Enid/ Isabella) especially for Jun2007 quarterly payments > Andrew/ Joey/ Raymond
- Check on unconfirmed settlement amounts e-mailed from Irene > Andrew/ Joey/ Raymond
- FO iTraxx price calculation spreadsheet, Frankie may ask for info from time to time > Yaqub as contact point, Andrew/ Joey/ Raymond to help
- Citi confo for HSBC Private Bank > Pls forward to Alice Ling
Change Management
- General Change management enquiries > Pls refer to Billy (SDGIR)
- Change management - payment register enquiries > Pls refer to Alice
*** Reminder: Month-end Trade Vol reporting definitions *** Dashboard
- Partial unwind reported under Unwind, NOT under Amendment & Cancellation
- All novations (Step-in, Step-out, Remaining) reported under Assignments and Novations
Fed Metrix
- Include all CRD trades (flow + structured)
- Trade vol: New trades + Novation + Unwind + Partial Unwind --- this should match with total no. reported under Dashboard (excluding intra-group and intra-desk trades)
- Trade confo: New trades + Novation + Unwind + Partial Unwind + Amendment + Cancellation + Exit --- this should match with total no. reported under o/s register by month-end sent to Alice, excluding intra-group confos (or with traceable/ explainable difference)
- Electronically eligible - Non-Electronically confirmed / Electronically Eligible: Put in no. of trades which is eligible to confirm on DTCC but not electronically confirmed, e.g. iTraxx trades with certain ctpy, CDS trades with a counterparty not confirming on DTCC.
- Non-Electronic - Manually Confirmed / Not Electronically Eligible: Put in no. of trades which is not eligible to confirm on DTCC, e.g. TRS.
- Pls refer to my e-mail on 22Jun2007 for Jun2007 quarterly roll figures