Saturday, December 31, 2005

Thai maid @ CAY's home [Cool]

放棄出席 Joyce Leung 的婚禮,到歐陽嘉敏的家作客,吃 Thai maid 的得獎正宗泰國菜。有冬蔭公、泰式沙律、咖哩蟹、豬頸肉、金邊粉和香芒黑糯米,全屬高水準。歐陽太和「姐姐」很細心,準備了不辣的泰式沙律和冬蔭公給吃不了辣的我,感謝 *,*

餐後,蘇海明 + 歐陽嘉敏/ 歐陽太 + 金佩思 + 林詠欣開始竹戰,不懂麻雀國術的我當然是負責記帳和看電視。

冠軍 = 頻頻「自摸」的金佩思
亞軍 = 後起之秀林詠欣


Friday, December 30, 2005

Scarlett & Kenny Chan's Wedding [Warm > Hot]

相約何曉珊一起到酒店會場,在大堂前巧遇朱文恩,一同步向 Let 姐和 Kenny Chan 的婚宴會堂。很多舊同事已經到達了,不難找,只要到麻雀房就一定會找到。

會場有一半是 PwCers / Ex-PwCers ,好像回到舊公司去似的。我們 grade 該是最投入的兩圍枱,凡事都支持到底。

開心的事:見到很多前經理和 Seniors *,* 見到穿「Mark Yeung」褸的 Mark 哥和傻呼呼的 Kendrick *,* 和 Let 姐拍了很多照片 *,* Let 姐很漂亮 *,* 我們 grade 拍了許多照片 *,* 大家倒數擁抱 *,*

驚嚇的事:見到在大學時常被我們取笑的 Sharon 和 V-仔 ,她們的熱絡叫我和何曉珊受驚 @_@


不滿的事:當姊妹的朱姐、 Sam Wong 和做 MC 的 Sunny 對新郎和兄弟的表現及反應極不滿,我們常常要以「飲杯」來安撫。

無論如何,只要以後 Kenny Chan 對 Let 姐好、幸福愉快地生活就好了 =) 他們 1 月 3 日便要到英國去,兩年後再見,順風保重!

End of Year 2005

Year 2005 would come to an end very soon. Knowing that I'd be staying out for all 3 days ahead, I rushed back home right after work with no doubt. Need a very good rest to prepare for all these. Really wanted to cool down a bit from the crazily exhausting life before moving forwards. Really.

Farewell lunch for Jenny [Warm]

Finally it came to the last working day of 2005. This was also the last day in office for Jenny, a temporary student worker staying in HSBC for 2 weeks before year end. Viola was her direct supervisor, that's why she organized a farewell lunch for Jenny and invited us to join.

We had lunch at "Sapporo" at Exchange Square. I had been to there with Emily, FK, Cat and Christina previously and knew the restaurant was super crowded --- you couldn't get your table until 10 minutes after your arrival even booking has been made. Due to miscommunication, it turned out that no reservation was confirmed at all and we queued up for 40 minutes before we could settle down this time! Crazy >_<

Thursday, December 29, 2005

繼續忙碌 [暖和]

仍然在計算 MTM 。由早上十時至下午四時,終於計算好十個 Exotic products 的 MTM ,然後要逗 Finance 的人快快 review ,交功課。終於可以做日常工作,又給 IT 的人阻礙了一會。跟著倫敦開市,收到電話和電郵,要更進和回覆。

今晚,八時半離開,比起昨天是有進步的了! 只要多捱一天就是假期,努力努力 *,*

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

很忙碌 [回暖]

放了四天假,工作排山倒海, confirmations 疊滿 In Tray ,皆因十二月廿七日不是世界假期。時近年結,人人都要 derivatives 的 Market-To-Market ,在計算。 這回輪到 Yaqub 放假,很多 admin 工作都要兼顧了。


Tuesday, December 27, 2005



或許,還不是時候 ...

住家火鍋 [冷]

下午才起牀,又要去赴會。今天到朱秋華青衣的家, PwC 的舊同事一起吃「住家火鍋」。很便宜,每人付四十元湊錢買食物,結果食物多得吃不完、我們飽得要命 *_*


近十一時,一定要走了,明天要上班。同場加映烏龍莊靜賢遺留手機事件,莊爸爸也有聲演 ... 哈哈 =P

放了四天假,瞬間即逝,比上班還要疲累,根本不覺得已經放了假 ... @_@

Sunday, December 25, 2005

WildDayOut @ Tamer Site [大風]

WildDayOut 是個在添馬艦舉行的露天演唱會,有來自中、韓、港、台的歌手輪流表演。場內沒有座位,於是我、蘇海明、他表哥 Ted 和 Kristy 與其他觀眾一樣,站著看。



繼續疲憊不堪 ...

Saturday, December 24, 2005

疲倦的聖誕節 [冷]

(1) 陪媽媽看醫生
(2) 到蘇海明的中學同學的女朋友的家開聖誕派對

又要交換禮物 @_@

又是午夜後回家,很疲倦 ...

Friday, December 23, 2005

忙碌的平安夜 [晴]

9.00am 起牀
9.45am 離開家往巴士站
10.05am 乘巴士 89B
10.30am 到達大圍,等遲到的人
11.00am 乘的士到世界花園 = 經理 Alice 的家,超大;擾攘,玩 BB
12.30pm 終於在世界花園 BBQ 場開始燒烤
4.00pm BBQ 結束,回到Alice 的家
4.30pm HKD200 的交換禮物,同事很富貴,我很窮
5.00pm 乘順風車離開
5.35pm 回到家,放下禮物
6.00pm 蘇海明到達九龍灣,吃完「雞蛋仔」後乘地鐵
6.30pm 到達筲箕灣「珠記」,二人吃得極飽也只是花了五十多元
8.00pm 散步後乘電車到跑馬地
8.35pm 到達 St. Margaret's ,見到 PwC 經理
9.35pm 提前子夜彌撒開始
10.35pm 彌撒禮成,步行到灣仔碼頭乘小輪往尖沙咀
11.05pm 到達尖沙咀,封路,很麻煩
11.30pm 終於走出亞士厘道的 「Ashley 33」,和 Darians 舉杯等看《Harry Porter》
12.40am 《Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire》(Original English version)@Silvercord
3.xx am 看完電影,好看嗎? 一般嘞 ...
4.xx am 回到家,電視正在做韓劇《開朗少女》
5.xx am 睡覺

交換禮物 [大風]

放工,乘小輪到尖沙咀。蘇海明已經在那裡等了很久,誰叫他五時半放工 ~,~

今晚外出的目的是要買明天和同事交換的禮物。說實在,我真的不太喜歡交換禮物吖 =( 我想,有誠意要送禮物,不用交換也會買給對方;要「交換」才送出禮物,不就加了點不情願的風味嗎?

Thursday, December 22, 2005

突如其來的生日禮物 [晴]

同事 Cecilia 、 Viola 和 Eugene 說要補祝我的生日,所以一起吃午飯。以為只是普普通通地吃一頓,想不到會有禮物,是 Woodstock 電話掛頸繩和 Woodstock 暖水壺 *,* 暖水壺和美儀送給我那一個一模一樣,以後可以放一個在公司,另一個留在家 ... 哈哈 ... 為了答謝大家,我請吃飯了 ... 多謝多謝 =)

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

LJ 聚會

LiveJournal 聚會,有師父、師母、大徒兒及二徒兒,到了尖沙咀的「泰豐廔」吃北京風味的火鍋。挺不錯,肥牛大碟得嚇人。以後一定要找機會在星期一來一趟,吃超值的北京填鴨。

餐後,梁杏華老師先行回家,我 + 金佩思 + 岑燕茵到了棉登徑的「Jia」。別笑我,來了尖沙咀這樣多次,我可是今天才知道有棉登徑這地方嘞 @_@ 「Jia」今晚舉行 Ladies' night ,首五十名女性免費任飲指定飲品。我要了 "Bathroom" ,味道一般,覺得金佩思的 "Bedroom" 比較好喝。


阿濤 + 何曉珊 @ 天與地 [晴]

上一次和阿濤吃午餐是我轉工後的一個星期。五個月後的今天,我們又一起吃午飯了,還加入了何曉珊,三個人到「天與地」「撐枱腳」。阿濤下星期就到日本旅行了,真好 ... 我呢? =(

準一時半回到辦公室抽獎,今天只有 Trevor 這一個 section 參加,五十多人抽廿份獎品。頭獎是 LCD TV ,這回我沒有抽中了。不過, Simon 經理很厲害,他管理的兩 teams 人全都在昨天或今天中獎,而 team 中的兩名女子 (包括我 ... 呵呵 =P) 更囊括昨天和今天的頭獎,勁! *,*

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

中頭獎 [晴]

中午是公司的 Thank you lunch + 本部門的 Christmas party ,除了頒發「勤工獎」以外,還有聖誕大抽獎。手持黃色 86 號票的我,竟然能夠脫穎而出,在三百多人中給抽了一個頭獎 *,* 雖然頭獎很「小兒科」,只是 HKD1,000 的 gift cheque ,不過對於近日頻頻付「人情」的我,這也幫補了不少。

真好運 =)

Monday, December 19, 2005


相約何曉珊在中環地鐵站,然後出發到銅鑼灣的「有骨氣」。在 Sogo 的 Sheshido 專櫃會合金詩韻、雷碧華和鄧詠琳,大家一起在那裡購買給我和梁善儀的生日禮物。 Sales 姐姐很奇怪,問她們怎麼會在生日的人面前選禮物;聽到她們說「大家這麼熟,不怕嘛」,表情更古怪 ... 哈哈 ... 我也很老實, Sales 姐姐拿出最新的 eye shadow 時,我怪叫「黑沈沈的,好醜吖,用來塗 smoky eyes 的嗎?」Sales 姐姐聽了差點要昏倒 ... 哈哈 =P 金詩韻和何曉珊告訴 Sales 我是不化妝的, Sales 就轉移去推銷金詩韻,而沒去推銷不常化妝的何曉珊,好厲害!

結果她們買了清潔和護膚品給我,化妝品留給梁善儀。謝謝 =)

終於去到「有骨氣」,我們叫了一大堆食物。梁善儀也到達了,沒有異樣。大家非常愉快地吃,還很用力地擠魚肉麵 ... 哈哈 ... 其實這裡的火鍋沒有甚麼特別,只是老朋友聚在一起感到很開心罷了 *,*

重返中環第一天 [晴]



因為 trader 放假,所以沒有預期中的忙碌。不過好話還是別說得太早,明天該是 iTraxx 新系列的 rollout day ,又是 Dec coupon roll date,今天可以早走,就要早走了。

Sunday, December 18, 2005

藍芳的婚宴 [冷]


七年沒見面,為什麼藍芳會這麼熱切地邀請我呢? 或許,因為我們都是 Choir ;或許,因為我們中四便開始和歐陽嘉敏等五人一同參加歌唱比賽;或許,因為我們都是 Science 班的 Biology group ,一同解剖;或許,因為我是她 bio 堂的鄰座。

雖然原因不明,不過大家見面的時候還是很高興和興奮。除了拍新娘中學同學的合照外,我還有和一對新人拍獨照的榮幸 *,*

新郎是在 HKU 教書的藝術家 + 專業攝影師,所以他們的結婚照很拍得獨特,非常 stylish 。藍芳中學的時候鋼琴已經是演奏級,新郎的口琴也很了得,於是在宴會上合奏表演;二人又排練了古典歌舞,聲色藝俱全。


Friday, December 16, 2005

姊妹團 @ 武戴聯婚 [冷]

(1) 接新娘遊戲
(2) 物資主管
(3) 教堂及酒店會場佈置
(4) 女方迎賓處負責人
(5) 女方「人情」收集人及盤點負責人
工作時間:由起牀至睡覺 = 17/12/2005 06.00 至 18/12/2005 02.30
收入:HKD999 「開門利是」5人分
(1) 一定要叮囑新郎/ 兄弟團記緊要在男家煲水沖茶及不要把男家的水喝清光
(2) 不用準備有深度的問題考新郎,因為他連最簡單的也不懂,例如:新娘的農曆生日,新娘出生的醫院 ...
(3) 宴會場地多數不會供應紅瓜子和糖,最好連啤牌也自備

PwCer B-day party @ Habitu Lee Garden

PwC 舊同事為我和今天生日的馮金開生日會。選了Habitu Lee Garden ,因為世貿會議期間人們避而不到銅鑼灣、灣仔,訂位容易得很。

人家那地方是很有情調的,我們都把它給破壞了 =P 收到很多禮物,有大肚腩的大 Woodstock 、 Woodstock 水壺 、日本的裝飾錶、化妝品 ... 哈哈,多謝多謝 *,* 朱文恩還即場替我搽指甲油,為明天做「姊妹」作準備 *o* 其他人極度喜愛Woodstock ,甚至把他包在襁褓中當 BB 一樣抱,看誰抱得最好;她們更加為 Woodstock 取了名,中文是「蘇蝦」,英文是「Ha So」 ...

她們的創作力是很強的嘞 -_-

Lunch at "Cha Cha" [Cool]

Finally I managed to have lunch with Joyce Cheuk on my last day staying at Citiplaza. Ivy was on field work at a client office nearby and joined us as well.

Just wanna have a light lunch in a relaxing environment for a free chat, that's why I suggested "Cha Cha" --- it's a little café indeed, but udon sets were served during lunch hours to attract customers.

Talked a lot about our career. All of us were playing hide-and-seek with our dream jobs ... when'll be the time to settle?

Thursday, December 15, 2005

《King Kong》 [大風]

今晚和蘇海明看《King Kong》。在淘大的「目黑壽司」匆匆吃了晚飯,就趕到戲院去了。


倒有一個問題,從小至大也解答不了 --- 究竟那班人怎樣把 25 呎高的 King Kong 由 Skull Island 運到 New York 呢? @_@

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

冬至飯 @ 合利飯店 [冷]

一如以往,提早吃冬至飯。爸爸怕到「旺區」會受到 WTO 恐怖襲擊,說留在牛頭角就好了,於是到樓下的「合利」去。

想了想,原來很久沒有到「合利」吃晚飯了。上一回 ... 該是和陳普建及何曉珊一起去的那一趟;我還記得何小姐把吃剩的雞翼打包回家吃,說要作次日的午餐便當,後來卻給萍萍全吃掉 ... 哈哈 =P



Tuesday, December 13, 2005

生日快樂 [晴]

生日,如常上班。下午 IT 的人邀請我們一起吃午餐,於是到了鯉景灣的「吹水館」。從餐廳往外看就是海邊,有點樹,又有人踏單車駛過,感覺像到了外國一樣,多舒服 *,*

工作忙得很,冷不防同事遞上生日蛋糕,還有 Haagen-Dazs 的熊啤啤,真是意料之外!

七時多趕著離開,和蘇海明一起到尖沙嘴去。我們在一家名叫「豐」的日本餐廳吃晚飯,因為有二百大元的贈劵 =P 又是吃得飽飽的。

陳普建說我變成「老餅」了,雖然否認,可我以後是真的遠離「十八至廿五歲」那一個組別了。不要緊嘞,橫豈一般人根本看不出我真正的年齡 ... 嘿嘿 >,<

Monday, December 12, 2005

Ichigawa [Cold]

Had lunch at Ichigawa inside Citiplaza. The set which I took costed me HKD126.50 --- I haven't had such an expensive lunch for long. It's delicious though, and I was very full. So full that I nearly fell asleep in the afternoon ...

Sunday, December 11, 2005

謝利記 [晴]

第二次(及最後一次)開同房的「兄弟姊妹」團會議,地點在大窩口某茶樓。太好了,大家都發現下星期六只有十度,所以決定改衣著,我的白色吊帶裙不用上場了 *,*

在尖沙咀剪髮,然後和蘇海明去買手提電話 --- 他的 SX313 今早給丟了 =(

到了旺角一家叫「謝利記」的日本水貨手提電話店,蘇海明買了一部 903SH 。那兩個店員該就是謝利和三少罷,他們挺有趣;與其說去買電話,倒不如說大家在閒聊。他們看到我電話上掛著的 R2D2 電話繩,一個說:「你看。」另一個說:「R2D2 喎。」然後他們拿去研究:「我買左成套,就係淨得 R2D2 同黑武士買唔到嘞!」我說:「吖,可能啱啱俾我朋友買左喎,佢兩款都有買 … 哈哈 …」「一定係俾你個朋友買左,所以我先買唔到嘞!」

他們是日本 Vodafone 的擁戴者,有很多「非賣品」產品陳列在店內,連 poster 和放在門口的紙板公仔都有。吖,他們的電腦 LCD monitor 上還有一隊「三眼仔」部隊,勁!

這確實是一家很有趣的水貨店 =P

Saturday, December 10, 2005


今天發現了我的頭上長了一根白髮 @_@!! 是在店內發現的。


店員面色有變,遞上一雙剪刀:「需要較剪嗎?」蘇海明嚷了聲「唔該」,手執白髮,未幾已經拔了出來,我們一起審視。「我都話真係白頭髮嘞」「咦,真係喎,點解我會有白頭髮?!」「你睇吓幾長!」「唔止長喎,粗幼不一添!」「妳駛唔駛留起嚟做紀念吖? 話曬都係第一條白頭髮喎!」「吓,唔駛嘞卦 ...」



早來的生日禮物 [涼快]

收到今年的第一份生日禮物。蘇海明決定了要買的項目,然後帶我一起去選購。買了一對價錢比較相宜又有點「動感」的。他想買更閃亮的,但我看了標價就暈倒了 *_*


今年不知怎的,他說想買,而且走到大店舖去看。最後到了 Just Diamond ,用了我預期的一百倍去買。差點就買了一對二百多倍的,不過對我來說太大了。真感動,多謝 *,*

Friday, December 09, 2005

日記的新居 [涼快]

一直想找個地方,把 Diaryland 的回憶都搬到那裡去,解決可能會被刪掉、變怪獸字的問題。

今晚终於坐言起行,找到 Blogger 來。


真是一項非常偉大的工程,但非做不可。我是「念舊」的人,不認棄下舊東西。無論如何,我一定會完成這項調遷項目,只是不知多久以後才完成得了而已 ...

Thursday, December 08, 2005

《如果.愛》 [回暖一點]


會選擇麥當奴,因為現在買任何食物滿 $15 加 $19.5 ,就可以換一款史諾比公仔。我當然是選 Woodstock 嘞 *,* 隨 Woodstock 附送的是 Snoopy 那家紅色小屋,軟綿綿的,Woodstock 可以坐在屋頂上;揭開屋頂,小屋就成了手提電話座,多有趣 >,< 我一定要把它帶回公司放 ... 哈哈 ... 公司的桌面上放著愈來愈多不屬於公司的東西了 =P

今晚首次吃照燒雞扒飽和白汁蒜蓉味的 shake shake 薯條,前者很好吃,後者則 ...



Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Joyce 辭職

收到小道消息,我那一 team 資歷最深的同事 Joyce 在昨天辭職了。聽後我立即叫了出來。為免對話被錄音,我選擇用 encrypted e-mail 與 Joyce 通訊。



Joyce 走了以後,又少了一個可以說話的人。不知誰會填補上她的空缺,坐在我旁邊的座位嘞?

有點氣 [挺冷]





Tuesday, December 06, 2005

想揪人 [很冷]

天氣很冷,人也沒有甚麼衝勁。五時之前完成所有工作,一心想著今天可以早一點離開;可恨五時半的時候,又突然湧現一大堆工作 =( 和我同 team 那個 fresh graduate K 還要無聊地打電話來,問我是否「悠閒得要抓腳板底」,聽了真想揪他一頓 >_<

今晚又比昨晚夜走了,很不高興 =(

Monday, December 05, 2005

到太古城的第一天 [冷]

公司開始啟動世貿緊急應變措施,未來兩星期都會到太古城的後勤中心上班。第一天要做測試,早上八時要報到,卻遇上氣溫急降,冷冰冰的,慘無人道 ~~>_<~~

最可惡的,是當大家都準時到步之際,負責持匙的 IT 人竟然忘了帶鑰匙,豈有此理!!! 大家在呆等,到了八時一刻後才有人來打開房門。我們一邊咒罵,一邊趕著完成測試,因為要在八時三十分完成並報告給身在中環的老細。


晚上八時才離開。同事曾說到中環以外的後勤中心工作很悠閒,完全不是那回事 >_<

Sunday, December 04, 2005

在德福的星期天 [轉冷]

今日沒有離開過本區,我把別人都騙到德福花園去 >,< 其實也不算騙,因為他們想要的東西都能在那裡找到 ... 嘿嘿

蘇海明:他想買 Columbia 褸,德福有「馬拉松」又有「Columbia」店,完全配合。

梁善儀:她已經到 APM 去會晤呂白霞了,再陪呂白霞到德福來準備參加 C-club 的聚會也不太遠嘞 ... 嘿嘿 ... 而且她到德福來也有三大收穫 --- 取得化妝品、 認識了岑燕茵和誤中「紅色炸彈」... 哈哈 =P

Saturday, December 03, 2005


跑了數家店,結果買了一條有點冬日氣氛的白色吊帶連身裙。要不是兩星期後要當「姐妹」,我想我絕不會買這麼女性化的裙子。極大犧牲。 Sales 很熱情,盛情難卻,買了一條「可以罷」的閃閃腰帶 (可惜回到家裡再看的時候已經不太喜歡) 。 Sales 還想推銷毛毛披肩,但我快受不了,匆匆逃亡。


爸媽的評語是:「冬天喎,穿吊帶不冷嗎? 多穿一件衣服嘞!」

弟弟的評語是:「Oh! Gorgeous!」別以為弟弟是在讚賞,他只是學著「粉紅救兵」裡頭那些人說話的語氣罷了 ~,~

BB 女 [涼快]

早起到青衣,和蘇海明一起去探望他姐姐及 BB 女。因為時間的錯誤安排,我在青衣城流連了一小時。雖然很睏,卻還是跑到三聯書店去,拿著一本《99件死前要做的事》慢慢看。數一數,我也做了 99 件事的其中三分之一,算是不錯了嘞 =P

中午,終於見到 BB 女 *,* 是個約兩個星期大的女嬰,個子小小的,手指卻很長;她的中指,有我的尾指那麼長,好厲害 >,< 蘇海明抱著她,不敢動,很有趣 =P 我不懂抱 BB ,還是別抱好了,只用手指逗她胖胖的臉 =)

儘管蘇海明的姐姐不停地說 BB 女很煩,可母愛之情仍是滿溢一臉。天下父母都是這樣的嘞 ...

Friday, December 02, 2005

班長和性感的生日會 [涼快]

今晚要到跑馬地燒鳥亭出席班長沈明君和性感莊靜賢的生日會。隆重其事(其實是自己突然心血來潮想穿 =P ),穿了媽媽在我十歲時就購買、我卻在廿三歲才開始穿的棕紅色格子裙,和新買的寸半高根鞋。此舉固然又引起同事們的關注,今天的問題是 --- 「點解好日都唔著裙,一著就連續兩日都著嘅?」

等待經理簽妥所有文件,收拾好下星期一要帶到太古城去的東西,離開中環的時候已經是八時三刻了,匆匆趕到跑馬地。大部分人都已經到達了,大家佔據了一張長桌子,各人說著不同的話題,很吵吖 ... 哈哈 >,<

Thursday, December 01, 2005

靴子.裙子 [轉冷]

適逢天氣轉冷,新買的一雙靴子終於可以出場嘞 *,* 為了要襯托靴子,所以今天穿裙子上班,怎知這竟引來一眾同事的關注,不下五個同事專兆邅韱栁覟槭颤N穿裙子 -_-" 解釋得我也悶了,最後索性說因為我喜歡十二月,因此要穿裙子 =P

上星期扎髮髻上班,之前又試過穿 suit 的上衣做外套,均吸引不少同事的注目,今次他們終於按捺不住了 ... 哈哈,我想大家的生活一定很無聊嘞,不然不會為這些事雀躍一番 =P

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


又到每週一次的 PwC lunch ,今天還有陳家邦、潘肥肥和 Damien 出席,於是到雅麗閣去飲茶。對潘肥肥和 Damien 的感覺依舊;至於陳家邦,好像變了,怎樣看也不像以前的陳家邦 ...

晚上和蘇海明、歐陽嘉敏、金佩思、很久沒有見面的陳榮芹和很久才出現的林詠欣到銅鑼灣「謙記」吃火鍋。如果沒有經歐陽嘉敏介紹,絕對找不到這家火鍋店。食物真的挺不錯,以後可以再來吃嘞 *,*

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

已經是十一月尾快十二月了,天氣還這麼熱嘞 @_@ 今天索性穿短袖衣服上班。

工作派山倒海,原本以為要很晚才可以離開;結果因為太專注,八時一刻便完成所有工作。真好,那麼明天可以早點下班了 =)

Monday, November 28, 2005


昨夜晚歸,今天很累 @_@ 偏偏遇上月尾,有很多額外的非日常工作要做,好可憐 =(

蘇海明放假到中環來一起吃午餐,我們到了他久別的「蛇王芬」吃叉燒/ 燒鵝溂。也只有他會建議到「蛇王芬」吃午飯,如果他再不回到中環來,那麼我又要好一段時間才會重回「蛇王芬」嘞 ...

Sunday, November 27, 2005



雖然誠如大家所說,香港廸士尼真的及不上東京那一個,不過還是挺好玩嘞,尤其是煙花及激光表演,很吸引 *,*

《When You Wish Upon a Star》
歌手:莫文蔚 作曲:Leigh Harline
填詞:Ned Washington 編曲:Ronald Fu

When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desire will come to you

If your heart is in your dreams
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star as dreamers do

* Fate is kind, she brings to those who love
The sweet fulfillment of their secret longing
Like a bolt out of the blue, fate steps in and sees you through
When you wish upon a star, your dreams come true *

Repeat *

When you wish upon a star, they do come true

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Working Saturday

Woke up even earlier than weekdays for the Connectivity Testing. Bad, bad, bad, I was so SLEEPY >_< and the drill was not well set at all. Those IT people didn't get the LN ID installed upon arrival at 9am! Other than that, there's no fatal problem for my part, all they missed for my team was Bloomberg terminal and Calypso EOD Trigger Application; but there seemed to have great troubles with other teams in SDG --- no Summit, Murex and some other main programmes were installed in their workstations at all! In short, it's a mess. Guess those IT people would have a busy week to go.

Went to shop around at Mongkok alone after the drill. Bought 3 pairs of shoes and a new set of scarf in cardigan style. Crazy, I'd better go back home earlier so as to stop myself from over-spending, though I've been spending too much already ...

Friday, November 25, 2005

Kathy's b-day party @ Rice Paper

Went out with PwC girls to celebrate Kathy's birthday at TST. Indeed, Kathy's b-day was on 22 Nov, but Friday and weekends were usually the preferred choice for our gathering, and Kathy would leave for Australia for a 2-week trip starting tomorrow. That's why we gotta have it tonight.

They wanna have dinner at "Habitu the Pier"; anyway, the restaurant was fully booked. They picked "Rice Paper" instead, and requested to have balcony seats with sea view upon making the reservation. We've a special guest tonight --- Mr Y! Haha .. party because of Florence and partly because of my "warm invitation" =P I'd better not to use Florence's cell phone to call him again ... hehe

The restaurant was named "Rice Paper" because of its famous dishes --- rice paper rolls. Each of us tried out hard to make rolls with rice paper ourselves; but it turned out that none of us could make a perfect one! =P

After our gift presentation to Kathy, Scarlett started to deliver her "red bombs". Her wedding banquet would be on New Year Eve. I would like to join, since Scarlett would leave for the UK with Kenny Chan right after the wedding, and won't be returning HK in the coming 2 years. However, I was wondering whether to have a short trip during the New Year Eve public holidays, which I've longed for ages ... What should I do? Why I have to face dilemma all the time *_*

Thursday, November 24, 2005

ICQ 2002a 之死

用了數載的 ICQ 2002a 突然死亡,怎麼也救不回。

雖然已經不太經常使用 ICQ ,但心中仍感戚戚然嘞 ...

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


蘇海明就好嘞,可以去布吉四日三夜 ... 我幾時先有得去旅行吖 =(

R2D2 的魅力

早上一回到公司,經理就走過來告訴我這個星期六要到太古城去做 WTO drill 的 Connectivity Testing 。臨轉身走回自己的座位,他突然看到 R2D2 ,不單拿來觀看,還說了聲:「好靚吖~」

中午, Eugene 說要介紹他在 CMB 工作的大學同學給我們認識,於是大家到了「天與地」。 Cecilia 、新朋友 Janice 和秘書 Viola 見到 R2D2 ,不約而同地說:「好得意吖!」

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

IFC 的 Canteen

很久沒有和 Cecilia 一起吃午餐,她不想「見光」,所以到 IFC 的 Canteen 去。那是在 IFC 最便宜卻又有海景觀看的食市。

她依然對去留問題感到疑惑;我何嘗不是嘞 --- 現在才想起些客觀因素,真笨,早早就該想起來嘛,弄得現在處於兩難狀態。


唉 ~

Monday, November 21, 2005



「發記」是我剛出身工作時,常常和舊同事去吃午餐的地方,因為那裡有售價十元卻大大碗的鯪魚球麵。食物依舊,但我想富有的 external auditors 已經鮮再踏足「發記」。




昨天兩小時羽毛球運動換來的後果,就是腰酸背痛 @_@!! 先是右手手臂,因為昨日揮拍太用力了;然後是背部、伸延至大腿 ... 坐在電腦不動前,伸出左手到 In-tray 取文件也痛得要命 ...


想當年在排球隊,每星期要練球兩至三天;踫上學界比賽,星期六、日也要打球。有時候平日要鍛鍊體能,練球過後還要跑山 ...

究竟那時候是怎樣過的嘞? 真的是青春無敵嗎?

Sunday, November 20, 2005

《The Sound of Music》

下午,和蘇海明一起參加他的中學同學在九鐵員工宿舍的聚會。很久沒有打羽毛球,久得要用「年」來做計算單位 @_@ ;現在一打卻打了兩句鐘!

到阿寶的家看了壽星狗 Ruby (對,只有看,沒踫牠,牠也千萬別踫我吖 >_<),隨意吃了些雞翼和肉丸,我們便離開大隊趕到灣仔,因為要看《The Sound of Music》 =) 在灣仔 7-11 吃了魚肉燒賣和魚蛋後,開始走到演藝學院。 由於有員工優惠,花了四百元就坐上六百元的座位,離舞台很近,好興奮 *,* 音樂劇很好看,但我們肚子很餓 @_@ 趁著廿分鐘的中場休息時間,我們狂奔到駱克道的麥當奴,然後又跑回演藝;到步的時候,蘇海明已經吃完他的芝士漢堡,我也把牛油粟米吃清光 ... 哈哈 =P 繼續欣賞音樂劇。樂團沒有錯過任何原曲,還加入了兩首新歌;可仍是覺得原曲比較好聽 =P 今晚是《The Sound of Music》在香港公演第六十九場,亦是尾場,大會有一點點特別安排。坐得近舞台,感覺很不同;今晚,非常開心 >,< !!

《Something Good》Maria & the Captain

Perhaps I had a wicked childhood
Perhaps I had a miserable youth
But somewhere in my wicked, miserable past
There must have been a moment of truth
For here you are, standing there, loving me
Whether or not you should
So somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good
Nothing comes from nothing
Nothing ever could
So somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good

(Captain von Trapp)
For here you are, standing there, loving me
Whether or not you should

So somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good

(Maria and the Captain)
Nothing comes from nothing
Nothing ever could

So somewhere in my youth

Or childhood

I must have done something

(Maria and the Captain)
Something good

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Janice's b-day party @ Magic Sugar

七時半到銅鑼灣,今晚為剛自東歐旅行回來的朱文恩補祝生日。昨天生日的她,整天都在客機上渡過,今天下午二時才踏出機艙回到香港。很羨慕 ... 我的旅行呢? >_< 到了一家名為「Magic Sugar」的樓上 café ,就在 Sogo 後面,很方便。店內有一座古典味濃的鞦韆,我們輪流拍照,坐在上面盪著盪著 ...

晚餐吃完了、手信和禮物分好了,即將步入今晚的高潮。其實那也是生日禮物的一部分 --- 我們請了塔羅師替壽星女用塔羅牌占卜。第一次親眼看整個占卜過程,很興奮;占卜的準誠度之高,實在有點出乎意料。為了測試其真確度,沈明君班長也玩了;結果又是好可靠的模樣。於是馮金又蠢蠢欲動,問了兩題;準確程度仍是未知之數,且看半年以後的發展就會揭曉 ...


下午,又和蘇海明到了尖沙咀。那裡的聖誕裝飾已經完成;很明顯今年佈置的主色是紫色,連聖誕樹也是紫色的 *,*

我們在碼頭旁新開張的 Haagen-Dazs 耗上好一會。用「耗」來形容,因為我們真的像兩條大懶蟲一樣攤坐在沙發上,甚麼也不做,只是聊天和看街景。它們正在推廣紅豆雪糕,我們點了「紅豆物語」。很好吃吖! 除了紅豆雪糕,還有小蛋糕、窩夫和草莓;最不可思異的,是竟然有金箔,真豪華! 原來金箔是沒有味道的。蘇海明說我笨,早該知道金箔是沒有味道,枉我唸了四年化學還不懂 ... 是嗎? 我笨嗎?

然後跑回海港城內,透過大窗戶拍日落照。有個「自由行」看到我們伏在窗邊,以為有甚麼好東西,也跟著伏過來;可惜他不懂欣賞,悻悻然離開 ... 哈哈哈 =P

黃昏,尖沙咀之旅到達尾聲,我們以 CitySuper 的北海道薯片作結。很貴的薯片,但美味非常。可不要吃上癮吖,不然就一定要宣告破產 @_@

Friday, November 18, 2005

Cha Cha

Went to APM with Emily to pick up cosmetics and hair products, mainly ordered by FK and Clara, from Monitress Shum. Two big bags of purchases, so many @_@!!

We three had dinner at "Cha Cha". It's the first time for me and Emily to go there. Monitress Shum highly recommended this restaurant, and kept describing how delicious those dishes served last time when ex-PwC girls had gathering over there. I remembered Janice and Florence mentioned about that as well. We've ordered a lot. Foods weren't bad, and were quite special indeed; but what's more attractive were their seats --- it's really an ideal place for sharing secrets among a small group of 3 or 4 =P

There's a toy shop nearby, and we tried out our luck on some of those toy-selling machines over there. So lucky that I've got all I wanted in two trials only --- an "egg" with a small Woodstock-printed shirt and another with a flying Doraemon *,* Yeah~

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Internal Auditor

傍晚,因為要回答 internal auditor 的提問,我要 standby ; auditor 隨便問了 Trevor 一個簡單問題,我就要在十五分鐘內找出及印出近十封 e-mails @_@

結果,八時才離開。原來,internal auditor 真的會耽擱 auditee 的放工時間吖!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Start of the 8th

Ming came to Central to enjoy a cup of coffee at Starbucks Alexandra House after work while I was still working. We took ferry from Central to TST, and arrived sharply at 8pm for our anniversary dinner at "Habitu the Pier". Ming made the reservation 2 days in advance, that's why we could take one of those three balcony seats which were supposed to be for groups of 6 people.

The view was just perfect. All the way from the Clock Tower to IFC II came in front of you when you sat there and looked straight forward. What a beautiful night scene and harbour view, just loved it so much. You'd never feel bored even you gotta look at it everyday. Never.

Ordered 2 main courses for our dinner only, Australian steak and Angel Hair with Tuna; plus a basket of breads of various types coming free of charge. All were very delicious. We're still wondering whether we gotta order more due to the apparently small portions, but it turned out we could hardly finish them all. Still feeling full when we had a walk after our dinner.

A simple and happy night, and that marked a good start of our 8th year. Thanks be to god.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

《給最開心的人 To the Happiest One (給被遺忘了的人)》

《給最開心的人 To the Happiest One (給被遺忘了的人)》 林一峰

窮途末路之時 我急需的是你聲音
每當天色昏沉 你就像太陽為我暖身
對於朋友 你的細心 已足夠花去半數時間
尚有精神娛樂大家 從沒離群

情路段段不幸 你用辦法沒有上心
還要利用經驗 叫身邊的人勇敢
對於情感 你很有心
為了打救旁人幸福 沒時間傷心

*感激你 最開心的人 陪伴著我 每個無眠夜深
用你笑聲 修補我不幸 過濾失落重獲信心

只不過 誰為你認真 習慣了悲哀中救傷的你
沒法放開 開心的責任
抱著心事無人問 壯烈犧牲*

每當落淚之前 你可想找誰人說話
每當熱鬧之後 你最想誰為你留下
記得有天 你失了蹤


多得你 最開心的人 陪伴著我每個難熬夜深
用你笑聲 粉飾了天地
告別失望 重穫信心 只不過 誰為你著緊
抱著心事無人問 壯烈犧牲

若你想哭 即管放心吧


他沒有忘記嘞,是我想得太多 =P

Monday, November 14, 2005


Finally figured out an alternative way for accomplishing the daily bond price reporting without wasting much time on waiting, felt so great about it! I couldn't believe that it's only 7.05pm when I got everything completed!!! I was so happy that I laughed loudly, yelled to manager "I'm leaving, yeah~" just before I stepped out office.

See, I'm such a simple person who could be cheered up by such simple stuffs =P

Sunday, November 13, 2005


病入膏肓。起牀,吃了早午餐,服藥,繼續睡覺。傍晚六時,不得不起來,因為要赴同房派結婚請帖之約 @_@ 為免精神委靡,索性不吃藥 ...


晚飯八時便完結了,非常早,害得我和歐陽嘉敏很不習慣,回到九龍灣繼續「下場」。找來金佩思,到了信譽極不佳的仙跡岩淘大分店坐坐。從來沒有在仙跡岩喝熱飲,為了快點病癒,唯有犧牲一次嘞 *_*

Saturday, November 12, 2005


我想,他忘了 ...


星期六早起,因為要出席陳嘉文的婚禮。婚禮在觀塘瑪利諾旁邊的耶穌復活堂舉行,是一家很小的聖堂,可感覺還挺不錯。看到很多 SPS 的人,全是陳嘉文的同學,不知怎的每個人也認得我,還可以叫出我的名字;我卻不行了,因為她們都是比我小一屆的,除了排球隊的人,我都喚不出她們是誰,唯有以笑遮羞 =P 陳嘉文的妹妹當她的伴娘,想當年我是她的「 Paulinian Leader 」,她與那時沒兩樣,還是很「活潑」和「頑皮」吖 =P Miss Chu 也去觀禮,很八卦,看到專誠從美國回來參加陳嘉文婚禮的 Miriam 和 Peggy 帶著男朋友前來,急急上前去打聽一番。

婚禮有很多有趣的地方,倒還算順利。陳嘉文說 BB 整天都很乖,不像平日一樣一起牀就亂踢,可能因為他知道今天是媽媽的大日子嘞 =) 婚禮對她來說是頗操勞的,可她仍然洋溢著幸福的表情。

至一時多才離開婚禮,到德福看醫生。醫生說我的病情不算嚴重,卻給了我五種藥。吃下去,昏昏暈暈的,睡著了;起來時,還是反應遲緩。似乎吃了藥比沒吃藥要來得差 @_@


Friday, November 11, 2005

Another Friday

A very relaxing day, so free that I could attend 2 online training courses in the afternoon for my CPD hours!

Yet, that didn't mean I could leave early. Kept waiting, waiting and waiting, finally another team got IDR bond prices updated by 7.45pm. I showed my desire to leave so obviously that I put the pile of printouts on my teammate's desk right in front of his monitor without saying a word, and then returned to my seat started clearing up my trays. Completed my reporting by pressing "Send" button in LN upon receiving signed copies by 7.50pm, which was supposed to be done at 6.45pm. 1 hour has been wasted. Sometimes, I just wondered how many more hours would have to be wasted on such non-value added tasks if I stay. Gosh.

Went singing K with Emily, Florence and Carrie. Yup, we intentionally made it a "small" gathering, so that each of us could sing as much as we could =P Anyway, other than Florence, none of us could catch up those new songs ... yeah, we kept on singing golden oldies ... haha *,*

My sore throat worsened and I kept on sneezing ...

Thursday, November 10, 2005


Around this time every year, I'd start to feel panic.

Would he remember?

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Running smooth

Took ferry to leave Central after work in the late evening. Felt so amused of being able to enjoy the harbour view and breezes.

Everything went smooth today. It'd be so fascinating if every weekday could go like this *,*

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Booked discounted tickets for the musical "The Sound of Music" ... yeah *,*

Dealed with wedding invitation card distribution stuffs for my roommate. Called some people whom I (and my roommate) didn't meet for 7 years after graduation to arrange for dinner on Sunday. Felt a bit strange. Sometimes I just wondered if you didn't ever think of keeping in touch with a person for more than 7 years, why you would still like to invite him to your wedding, not to mention that you were not actually familiar with him 7 years ago? Entirely no update on each other's lives, it'd be so hard for that person to share your happiness genuinely. It would be like saying 'Oh' and then feeling nothing else after listening to the news. Weird.

Anyway, being an agent of my roommate, I would go ahead to complete this project *.*

Monday, November 07, 2005


You know what "accident" stands for? "Ac-hoc incident" it means!

When everybody in my team was packing our belongings, saying that it was such a smooth day and preparing to leave office before 7.30pm, suddenly the trader crushed our dreams by inputting 2 deals after cut-off time which was set to be 6.30pm >_< All sorts of IT problems appeared again: accounting feed failure, incomplete end of day data, incompatible reports ... and the trouble creator left dealing floor once finishing input ... Gosh @_@

Hope that there'd be no more "accident" defering my off time; and we've decided not to mention about "having smooth day" in future before we actually stepped out from office physically!!!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

《Tim Burton's Corpse Bride》

Went watching 《Corpse Bride》after having "afternoon tea" with father at a Chinese restaurant. It's as what I've expected, and I liked the movie though it's short. Maybe I was poisoned by the dream team of Tim Burton and Johnny Depp =P

Cover design

I was uploading photos for the Pak Nai trip when I accidentally discovered those files in the computer. That's a cover design which I drew more than one year ago. Seemed it has been ages from then till now.

Saturday, November 05, 2005


和蘇海明到白泥去行山。與其說是行山,倒不如說是去「探險」更貼切吖 *,* 沒有地圖,只知道那是在香港西北面的一個地方,近邊境、對岸是蛇口,可以看到紅樹林和鹹淡水交界,間歇性地接收不到電話,變成 "China Mobile" 狀態 ... 哈哈,聽起來像是到了一個不正常的地方。不過還真喜歡這次旅程:小巴司機駕駛技術「太好」,在迂迴曲折的山徑上行走隨時要準備車急停;為了拍攝美麗的池塘,要抵住乾曬「米田共」的臭味;走在石灘上,要小心保持平衡;偷偷走進人家的後院和菜田,被精靈的大狗發現;走捷徑,被乾草抓破了皮 ...

聽說這裡的「蛋黃」日落美極了,不過沙灘正有工程進行中,無緣見面了。四時多打道回府,給「眼明」的蘇海明看到元朗十八鄉火災冒出的濃煙;我嘛,甚麼都看不見 ... 在哪裡? 在哪裡? @_@

Friday, November 04, 2005

"Busy" Friday

t meet Sum for long, I and Emily dated him out for lunch today. We had family-style dishes at "Man Kee", both Emily and Sum appreciated foods there. Sum's just like what he used to be, and we had an enjoyable lunch.

Back to office with a little pack of candies as Cecilia's birthday gift, she was so surprised and thankful! Anyway, she had an even bigger surprise later during tea time --- her boyfriend bought her half dozen of egg tarts and a big bunch of flowers, jumped into the building and appeared at the entrance of the floor for personal delivery! I could see that she was so happy, nearly got tears running out from her expressive eyes. This would really be a memorable day for her; for me, I got free egg tarts as desserts for tea =P

Tim released his wedding invitation and photos publicly through office e-mail in the afternoon, though most of us have already known about the news. So glad that he only planned to invite we new comers to his wedding registration ceremony only, or else it'd be one of the 6 weddings which I'd have to attend in the coming 2 months!

Got stunk by 4-way novation deal by evening, finally it was being passed to me for handling after nearly a month. Discussed among the team for a while, plus completing my Joyce's work for her half-day annual leave, it was nearly 9pm when I left office; I was late for PwC gathering >_< Be honest, I didn't like this feeling of instability indeed ... Gosh ... Today's dinner was for farewell of Joyce Cheuk. When I arrived at El Cid Harbour City, they've completed their many rounds of orders but still not feeling full. Wanna go to another restaurant like Dan Ryan or café, but it's full everywhere. Finally we got ourselves settled at McDonald ... haha ... We enjoyed so much of our stay there, moved around tables and chairs inside Mc Café ourselves as if we're arriving home. Noisy noisy noisy, chatting and eating. Spent only $7 for my dinner and had a very good time; what's more, got a free lift from Samantha Wong --- all people living on Kowloon East jumped into the taxi with her, with the bill charged to Samantha's client! Haha ... that's the benefit of going out with external auditors. If you're clients of Big 4, do check details of your debit note clearly before you pay your bill! =P

Thursday, November 03, 2005


今日,一班新人一起到「皇上皇」飲茶。因為是同期一起進入公司的同事,所以比較熟絡,說話也較投契;而且其中一人是秘書,可以收到很多「小道消息」嘞 =P

大家在討論前途問題,我亦不諱言告訴大家昨天有 agent 打電話給我,說有幾個 Bank IA 的 openings ,市場應該挺不錯。

快四個月了,又到要動腦筋的時候 *_*

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Resume to normal

Everything was back to normal as if nothing has happened. Nobody talked about the incident on Monday anymore. Resumed daily work, another typical day.

Had lunch with Florence and Emily at Deli and Wine, I shared with them my experience on Monday. They got similar feedbacks as what Ming and Alvis said. Emily even told that she has done something wrong last night, which caused her and two of her colleagues stayed over 10pm to check for remedial action with IT. As what her colleague said, 'You would never learn something unless you've made a mistake.'

Seemed that people all around have learnt the art to take things easy much earlier before me. Was I too demanding for my performance? I was really too green even with 4 years working experience. Still not too late to start?

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Still uneasy

Still feeling very bad in the morning, especially when I heard managements discussing about accounting feed failure last night. Joyce kept on saying that it's no big deal at all, and I shouldn't feel regretted. She was so confident that I must still be green at work, or else I won't be feeling so bad; if it happened to her (and indeed it has happened to her before), she wouldn't waste any time got disturbed by it at all. Yaqub said I shouldn't feel ashamed for it as well, and joked that if the system was so vulnerable to my "attack", then it wouldn't be qualified to support so-called sophisticated operations. Even Simon said I should let it go, as long as I ensured that it won't be occurring again in future on month-end closing date.

All these responses loosened my strained nerves a bit, but I was still feeling uneasy. I thought I looked very terrifying, since everybody from mother to the workmate from another team sitting opposite to me asked if I was okay. For all these years I could hardly think of a mistake which I've made that was so influential. It's really the first time I got involved in any "wrong-doing", though others didn't agree.

Without good appetite, I went to walk around on the platform of City Hall. It's windy and temperature fell, but I didn't really notice. Looking at the sea and listening to breezes, I stood there pondering for some moments before going to City Hall library for day-dreaming.

If you ask me to name something which I've learnt from the new job, this would definitely be the one --- to learn from mistake.


Monday, October 31, 2005


Felt very bad. Very very bad. So bad that I couldn't describe ...

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Day in bed

Slept until very late in the afternoon, laid on bed to read book. Got out of my bed by evening, started to fix the computer by then --- it's automatically disconnected from internet from time to time for consecutive days >_<

Finally had the problem solved by late evening, when I bought a new LAN wire from the computer equipment store at Amoy Garden to replace the one of i-Cable. Done with no further exception noted.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Ocean Park Halloween Bash

Had BBQ at Olympic before going to Ocean Park, I was full while Ming ate nearly nothing since he was suffered from cold and soar throat. Met many people whom I didn't know, most of them are friends/ colleagues of Ted, Ming's cousin.

It's the first time for me to participate in the Ocean Park Halloween Bash, though Ocean Park had this around Halloween for several years. Guess I won't be joining that this year as well if Ted didn't organize a group visit.

Got 5 theme ghost houses there, we finished them all before midnight. Not really that scary indeed, what terrified me most were reactions of some girls within the group --- they kept on screaming and leaned back, we're being pushed backwards before we could saw any "terrifying ghosts", and we could locate where they were before they popped ... haha

Friday, October 28, 2005

R2D2 and Smiley bun

R2D2 and Smiley bun have landed Hong Kong safely!!! Thank you very much *,*

Anyway, I'm a bit hesitated in whether to use R2D2 or not ... I'm afraid that it would have the same fate as Uncle Salty-wet from Hokkaido --- worn out due to my poor usage @_@

No Haagen-Dazs =(

Felt so glad that I could leave office early to join ex-PwCers dinner tonight *,* Arrived at TST Relaxing Tea House sharp at 8pm, I was the first one reaching there. Monitress Shum and Florence joined some minutes later, and Emily was there after she finished with her shopping at Harbour City. Carrie came just in the time to enjoy the first course served. Foods are fine especially for the baked potato smashes in cheese with broccoli, it's so delicious that we ordered one more portion before we left >,< We went to Haagen-Dazs afterwards, and ordered the ice-cream fondue. Stated on the menu this dish required 20 minutes for serving. We waited for 20 minutes but nothing was being served, so we asked a staff to follow up our order. Another 20 minutes passed, nothing came still and we asked the staff again. This time, the staff told us that no order has been placed yet ... the second weird event of the day >_< We left the shop without consuming any ice-cream finally ...

Thank You Lunch

Had "Thank you lunch" today. Per Joyce, it's organized every 3 or 4 months in which the department head, Fungyee, would pay for lunch with foods ordered from several restaurants, to express her thanks to staff's efforts during past few months.

To me, it's like a party. People had foods, walked and chatted around. Fungyee's secretary approached me and kept calling me "small kid". I replied that I'm old enough to be disqualified from being named kid -_- She told us a little "secret" related to me in front of all new staffs; actually, it's not a secret at all, she's just trying to make it sounded mysterious. It's just the reason why Trevor arranged me to sit in my current seat. So weird *_*

Thursday, October 27, 2005


Went to HKICS, a so-called "professional" company secretarial association which never provides its members with value-added services, with Emily to settle the annual subscription of HKD1,700 ... so expensive, very poor =(

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Hong Kong Park

Walked all the way uphill, passing through Citibank Tower and ICBC Tower, heading to Hong Kong Park to have casual lunch with Florence there. Met a lot of ICBCA people on my way, many of which were my ex-auditees. Stopped to say hello for several times, some are keen to learn about my new life. Felt so great to meet all of them.

We had a delightful lunch in the park, choosing seats facing the waterfall which brought cool breezes under warm sunshine through shadows of leaves. With sandwiches from Pert a Manger and juices/ yoghurt, we kept chatting and watching tourists taking photos inside the park. A pity that we're not able to see any bride there, guess it's not a good day for wedding.

Some photographers were taking snapshots of natural scenery inside the park. Wouldn't that be too fantastic if I also possess some sorts of talents, so that I could leave office work and involved myself in artistic jobs?

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Maxim Restaurant

Today's b-day of Sister Cat, that's why my company mailbox was flooded with tones of e-mails discussing where to go for celebration lunch. I was away for meeting and didn't read all those e-mails (really too many!! >_<), so could only catch what was being mentioned in the last e-mail from Christina --- "Booked a table of 5 at City Hall Maxim Restaurant, 12.35pm".

That's where the problem came --- I intrinsically took that as "Mei Sum Tai Chow Lau" , and even showed off to Alvis last night that I would be going to have big delicious shrimp dumplings there. The fact is we are going to "Mei Sum Sai Chan Ting"!!! When I arrived at "Tai Chow Lau" on 3/F and asked for the table reserved by Christina, the reception told me proudly, “Madam, we never accept advance booking, guess you've made a mistake?" There're many people queuing for seats, and some people stared at me ... Haha, they probably thought that I was just trying out my luck to take some privileges ... I didn't mean that, really *_*

Finally I caught others at "Sai Chan Ting" on 2/F. Sister Cat told precisely what's her b-day wish, we took immediate action (actually I was forced to by Sister Cat =P) by calling Clara, asking her to urge Siu Kam bringing people to our Nov BBQ ... haha

Told Ming and Alvis about Sister Cat's rules for BBQ, they both gave the same responses ... it's really poor if all boys thought that way @_@

Monday, October 24, 2005

Agoraphobia vs Claustrophobia

Agoraphobia - a morbid fear of open spaces (as fear of being caught alone in some public place)

Claustrophobia - a morbid fear of being closed in a confined space

Usually, there'd be a character in each of most TV drama series (umm ... to be more exactly, should be those very limited ones which I watched) who got claustophobia.

In reality, I feel like I'd be getting agoraphobia. Don't wanna stay in crowd. Would rather keep silent for the day.

I'm dry. So poor.

Servant I am

It's difficult to serve 2 bosses who had different styles and points of foci simultaneously. Don't ask me why you check this but not that, the truth was that the other boss higher in rank said I only had to check this but not that. Simple, right? but that hurt you. Anyway, you were boss as well, if you didn't like his way, the only thing I could do is to adjust for meeting your requirements.

Indeed I didn't like to serve anybody. I didn't like to be a servant. Maybe I'm not suitable for working routine duties at all. Maybe.

Sunday, October 23, 2005


近三個月沒有行山,今天是郭婉汶的生日,所以我、郭婉汶和朱文恩又到「老地方」去走走,順道慶祝她生日快樂。吖,還有為表誠意而前來的 Y 先生。

路一點也不難走,不過我們仍然是比以前走得慢。實在太久沒有行山,退步了。下次要走快一點。郭婉汶說,下一回要跑山; Y 先生和議。

到鯉景灣吃了個愉快午餐,卻又給問了那個已經有無數人問過的問題。難道沒有別的想問嗎? @_@

到尖東 CEO 出席同房伉儷辦的「兄弟/姊妹團」認識活動。至今還是一個兄弟也認不到,因為沒有一個是靚仔,在街上再見面也辨認不出。至於姊妹,除了來自教會的兩個女子,其他五個都是中學/ 大學的同學,早就認識了。

其實很想唱歌,但又不想唱,因為男的是在叫歌,我的耳膜快穿了 >_< 除了取得一份簡單 Notes ,和給武先生番舊帳供出我、 Karen 及 Fiona 當年有份協助他的追求行動,今天沒有甚麼特別的成果。 Iris 實在太熱心於這個婚禮,整個會場佈置、設計,以至花車的裝飾,甚至教堂內用來簽名記名的是普通筆抑是羽毛筆她都上網查了,好像是自己的婚禮,熟悉程度可以讓她轉行成為專業婚禮 event holder 。究竟是她過份熱絡,抑是我過於冷淡?

Saturday, October 22, 2005


終於看了《小企鵝.大長征》。影片在電影院已經落畫,蘇海明唯有在網上找,尋得一齣法文+普通話版本。我覺得這輯紀錄片很好看吖,還明白了企鵝為什麼叫企鵝 =P


為什麼拍拖久了就一定要想結婚呢? 近來常常聽拍了拖六至十年的人分手的故事,有些更是正在參加婚前輔導課、準備結婚的人。為什麼?

當一切變成習慣,大家已經忘記當初的簡簡單單,當初的夢想,當初的承諾,當初的平凡快樂,當初的 ... 然後珍寶的星星化成殞石,墮落、墮落 ...

朋友的朋友編的曲,屬於朗朗上口型的 K 歌。簡單的快樂與幸福,世界上有多少個庸才會真正享受?

《一生何求》 古巨基

若有你 若有我 還有十塊
這樣我 便可以 約你去街
只有十塊 什麼信物平便買
沒老友 沒女友 如何愉快
生命要 用把尺 透徹了解
得到 沒有 或者當做還舊債
大概天 要我 兩者挑選
* 跟你兩個 寧願缺少了人緣
對我 你偏疪護縱寵 事業仍為我捐

若要的 統統也沒有 然而仍可手挽手
剩下溫柔 問我一生復何求
庸才 仍可得到你問候
無限知柔 慢慢細想星宿
沒有錢不要走 到了有錢通處走
落在心頭 問我一生復何求 *
庸才 難得找到你願受
情在心靈 在身外 任一切 沒有

命數轉了又轉 其實始終不自願
Repeat *
庸才 能與你一起墮後 落魄溫柔
那溫柔 將火化 萬有
情在心靈 你生存 任一切 沒有

Friday, October 21, 2005


今天終於到神秘平台一遊 *,* 其實那裡一點也不神秘,只要你/ 你有朋友曾經在大會堂婚姻註冊署行禮,你必定會懂得到平台的路。

天朗氣清,所有石椅都給人佔了,連毫無遮蓋、受陽光直射的都不例外。儘管滿座,平台還是寧靜的。找了個靠牆的角落站著,我在聊電話。如果不是穿著西褲,倒想坐在地上,看著那晴朗的藍天,伴著海風,悠悠地做個白日夢嘞 ...


Thursday, October 20, 2005


Jeffrey 請我們一 team 人到「鏞記」三樓吃午飯,以答謝大家在他以前接管 credit derivatives 時替他工作 (亦暗喻以後有關事務別再煩他,從此一刀兩斷 ...)。要不是有人請,也不會到三樓這麼貴的地方吃午餐,地下最「便宜」那一層的乳豬飯已經夠好了。

今天出奇地七時多便離開公司,真好運! 不過今晚沒有回家吃飯,因為要到尖沙咀去接陳嘉文的紅色炸彈。先和葉翠妍會合。她電了一頭長曲髮,怎樣看也不像當年在排球隊時的那個鄰家小女孩 @_@

到了加拿芬廣場的 Pizza Hut ,陳嘉文早看到我們了,不停向我們揮手。看到很多排球隊的人。雖然現在大家職業不同,學歷、背景有異,倒還是談得挺投緣;不竟,大家都是在同一球隊一起長大的。

陳嘉文懷了四個半月的 BB ,已經「見肚」了。想當年她的志願是不管結婚如否,都要在廿三歲生 BB ;儘管遲了兩年,她還是達成夢想,而且也實踐了她先同居後結婚的理念。基本上由中學開始,她就決定同居有了孩子以後才結婚。她從來都是個勇敢的女孩。

雖然由此至終我沒有反對她的理念 --- 每個人都有自己的想法 --- 可不表示我贊成。我想結婚不該只是一個儀式,也該有其代表性嘞 ... 而且讓 BB 知道媽媽和爸爸是因為他才結婚, BB 會很傷心的,好像他強迫了人家做了一件事 ... 別問我為什麼這樣想,我就是有這種感覺嘛 =P 或許我是懦弱的、我是保守的 ...

不過,還是衷心祝福陳嘉文幸福快樂 =) 半年後又有 BB 玩了,嘿嘿 *,*

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Flash of old image

I was really annoyed with my colleague R this morning.

If you don't believe in me, don't ask me. If you ask me, please be more sincere. If you don't agree, please go asking 'senior management' directly. Don't try to force me to follow what you used to do, they might not be correct. I'm not dummy, I won't follow what I don't agree with. Don't think that you got one more month experience working here over me and you can rule, I don't bind this. One more thing, check before you say anything, don't make non-sense 'assumptions' which never exist. I don't want to waste my time doing non-value added explanation anymore. The worse was, you won't believe in what I say, and probably you would curse me at my back.

The image of Derek Cheng suddenly flashed over my mind when I observed reactions of my colleague. So scary. Other than the time dealing with that stupid Derek Cheng, I've never got such feeling towards my workmates before. Was it the sign that I'd be leaving soon?

The happiest hour today was my lunch with Florence and Emily. At Bravo this time. Really feel enjoyable though it's short.

Left by 8 something tonight. Should be even earlier if my colleague could return my report to me sooner, rather than wasting his time (and my time) to dig into something for fulfilling his own interests only. Another colleague K also complained, he didn't wanna keep waiting for nothing. Anyway, it's still an improvement to leave at 8.15pm since I was leaving half hour earlier than yesterday again. I would have a little bit of time to think about my future career then.

The flash really alerted me.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005






忽然想看書,所以轉到大會堂圖書館去。一大書架的旅遊書,真叫人興奮。逗留了半小時,結果帶走了 Lonely Planet 出版的 East Africa ,滿心歡喜 *,*

成人圖書館的出口在三樓,於是決定跑樓梯到地下去。無意間望向窗外,突然發現有人坐在大會堂公園圍牆上的平台 --- 真是一個好地方! 在那裡坐著,看的是超級無敵大海景,拂面的是颼颼海風;可以遠離地上的行人,又不至於與人群離開得太遠;有石椅,可以坐在那裡吃東西、看書、聽音樂,甚至睡覺 >,< 不過快到兩時了,沒有時間去探索走上那平台的路 ... 下次一定要找到嘞! 好不期待 ...

又要開始走回辦公室,好心情瞬即褪去了一大半 @_@

Monday, October 17, 2005

想不起來 ...

我的腦袋,一向載滿無聊的東西,記多久也忘不掉。可是,今天媽媽說的兩件事,我怎麼也想不起來 @_@

1. 中文問英文答
弟:家姐細個嗰陣好勤力,而家懶到極 ...
我:無 d 咁嘅事 ~,~
母:(向弟說) 阿堅細個都唔知幾勤力,阿媽唔識英文,係將 d 問題翻譯晒做中文叫阿媽問,然後佢用英文答,我都唔知佢講答 d 咩嘢 ... 哈哈
母:(向弟說) 你嗰陣仲問:「點解家姐咁樣讀書,我又係咁樣讀,家姐會識晒 d 嘢,我就一 d 都唔識 ...」哈哈 ...
我:你哋係咪作嘢吖,咁無聊嘅嘢,點解我一 d 都唔記得?!
母/ 弟:真係咁喎!
母:小學三、四年級咁上吓喇 ~

2. 小說
我:邊有咁無聊吖,你唔好成日妄想啦 -_-"
母:唔係喎,你以前成日寫文章、寫小說喎,仲投稿添 ...
我:我幾時有吖?! 我咩嘢都唔記得喎?!
母:(向弟說) 喂,細佬,家姐細個嗰陣係咪成日寫嘢吖 ~
弟:(在洗手間大叫) 吓? 你講咩嘢話???

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Red bomb attacks

Got red bombs today, both from SPS volleyball team --- one from Carmen Chan, one from Joyce Leung. Would have to go to at least 4 wedding banquets for the coming 2 months *_* Didn't know if there'd be any more coming ...

Btw, it's fine for you people to drop me red bombs, but please don't expect to have satisfactory answer for your question "When would be your turn". It's 4.25pm right now, and I've answered 3 times today already that "Don't tease me, it's your wedding, don't count me in".

Saturday, October 15, 2005


《Kizuna》 Orange Range
Translated by Alvis Chan

いま何してるかな 君も見ているかな
What are you doing now? Maybe you're looking at it too?
オレンジ色に染まる空を 朝日に変わる夕陽を
Looking at the orange sky, Looking at the rising sun turns to be setting sun
ナミダこぼし合って泣いた夜も くだらない話で朝まで笑った日々も
At nights wept in spilling tears and days with endless talks till morning
忘れない今のボクをささえる宝物だから 離れていても感じるあなたの優しさ
All these are unforgettable treasures which support me now
Even we are apart, I can feel your kindness
だからどこにいたってもう一人じゃない どんな事あってもくじけない
Therefore, no matter till when, I am not alone; no matter what, I am undaunted
空と海が重なった あの島のような
Like that island, where sky and sea come together
Even they are apart, they gently blended into the same color
See, it's the knot nestled

何々を知ったり 何々を知らなかったり
Knowing something, or knowing nothing
止まったり 前に進んだり 後ろに下がったり
Stop, proceed, or step back
自らコロガル時もあれば 手を借りてコロガル時もある
Sometimes we may fall by ourselves, or fall because we give a hand
カラン コロン また広がる カラン コロン またコロガル
Dilate again, fall again
そっと胸に手をあてて 眠れない夜は 
Tenderly touch your heart with your hand at the sleepless night
We can meet again in dream, we can hear the lullaby
The knot that pressed into our backs
See, it's the knot nestled

友の声が胸に響いた 涙で滲みんじゃ道は見えないんだ
Friend's voice is echoing in my heart, tears soak and I can't see the road
今GET UP!見上げんだ ほら同じ空 決して孤独じゃねえんだ
Now, Get Up! Look up! Under the same sky I'd never be alone
全て背負い込むことはないさいーか皆居んだ 今信じるんだキズナ
There's nothing to be born by oneself, as we are here! The knot that we believe in
潰れない 消えないさ これだけは さぁ行くんだ!
It won't be crushed, It won't disappeared; only with this, go!

一歩一歩 ただ前へ 一歩一歩 歩幅合わせ
Step by step, just forward; step by step, match our steps
転びそうなら そう 手をつかめ Say Wo! Wo! 皆で歌え
If we're going to fall, hold our hands, say Wo! Wo! Let's sing

いま何してるかな 君も見ているかな
What are you doing now? Maybe you are looking at it too?
雨は止みそらに架かるアーチ 虹でつながる君とボク
By the rainbow arched over after rain, you and I are connected




真可惡,指示弄得那麼差,被戲弄了吖 -_-"

Friday, October 14, 2005


Everybody in my team looked tired, and it became everybody's wish to leave before 8pm tonight. Should be able to accomplish it IF there's NO BOND PRICE REPORTING again!!! >_< Really found it disgusting to have something bothering my off time every night!!!

Simon suddenly asked me to go for a chat when I've packed all my stuffs and was about to leave. Thought it's just a leisure one, that's why I was quite surprised when he said we had to talk about that in conference room. He said Trevor and him considered I got the ability to take up duties on top of credit derivatives, and asked if I'm interested to spare some of my time to learn about work of the Regional team, especially at this moment when they still couldn't get a suitable new recruits to handle that.

Arha, every time when I was about to think of the direction of my career path, something would pop up. Though I've agreed to take that up (indeed, they did expect me to do so) and though I've declared in advance that they shouldn't blame me if I couldn't handle both sides well in future, I guess it's really the time I gotta think seriously what I wanna do in future. Anyway, not for tonight, since I gotta rush for dinner with my dear ex-PwCers at the Germany Restaurant at TST Holiday Inn; not for tonight, since my brain wasn't functioning anymore.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Conference meeting

Managed to complete all stuffs by 8.30pm and headed to L16 meeting room with others for the conference meeting. They are still dealing with the set-up by the time we arrived, the HK IT guy kept talking to the IT guy in US, telling him to move the screen a bit left, then right, left again and right, but it never fitted in the proper position. The meeting was delayed to 8.50pm something due to the stupid set-up work.

The part discussing about TRS could still be described as "fine", but then it turned into an irrational argument among IT arrangements. To be honest, it's NONE OF MY BUSINESS!!! Why I had to forgo my rest time for such non-sense quarrel >_< It's 10.15pm already. Seemed that Simon and Yaqub also notified that the fore-coming topics would be totally irrelevant to us, so they made a sign that we could leave. I, Reynold and Kelvin rushed out of the room at once.

A waste of time! That's what I hate most!

Deli and Wine with Florence

Yesterday was Florence's first day of work, so we deferred our weekly lunch to today, at the middle point of our offices --- the City Hall. It's the first time for Florence to visit Deli and Wine, seemed that she liked the Spaghettis Carbonara served there =)

Talked a bit of our work. Florence suggested that I might start looking up for another before the end of the probation. Maybe ... I gotta think about it ...

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Busy as 'usual'

Another busy day. Had extra tasks on calculating MTM values of some TRS, but was able to complete Joyce's work by early evening. Anyway, Wed used to be my peak day of the week for chasing up confirmations from counterparties; so it turned out that I gotta leave by 10 something, again after sending out tones of e-mails. So poor =(

Got a bad news, a very bad news. HK will have to participate in a conference meeting with New York and London tomorrow night, starting from NY Time 8.30am / HK Time 8.30pm. Crazy! Gotta leave late again tomorrow night >_<

The Interview with God

I've actually watched this presentation --- "The Interview with God" --- for more than once previously. Anyway, did feel impressed every time seeing it again.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Pending for trips

Let's go to eastern Africa together next year! Before that, could we pay a visit to Mount Kinabalu near the end of the year? *o*

Monday, October 10, 2005


同事 Joyce 放假回來了,自今天起可以重過「正常」生活。有三件開心的事:

1. 比上星期遲了一個小時起牀,「大搖大擺」地在九時半踏入辦公室。
2. 突然發現辦公桌上的傳統螢光幕變成十七吋的 LCD monitor 。
3. 比上星期早了一個小時下班,興奮莫明。


其實我是一個很容易滿足的人吖 ...

Extremely busy

I've said that, all sorts of sophisticated stuffs would pop up once I backed up Joyce's function when she's on leave. It's being validated again! Delayed confirmations of payments. Numerous held-over trades backed from London and New York. Traders input 7 deals by the last minute before cut-off. Got something named as 4-way novation transaction, I, Reynold, Yaqub and Simon discussed about it for quite a period of time. London helped nothing at all and only kept pushing all complicated work to Hong Kong, though they should be handling this indeed. Kept dealing with traders, legal adviser and counterparties. Very busy @_@ Could only spare some time to work on my own duties by late evening. Left by 10.20pm, the third last on the floor to leave. Gosh, and it's just Monday, start of the week! >_<" So lucky that it'd be public holiday tomorrow; but still, I had no doubt that I couldn't survive through this week *_*

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Tea Buffet

和何曉珊及梁善儀到 Excelsior 吃 Tea buffet ,吃得很飽吖 *,*

終於知道了,那家在 IFC 吃 High tea 的餐廳叫 Harlan's ... 不過看了食評,好像那家餐廳服務生的態度不太好 ... @_@

Saturday, October 08, 2005




Friday, October 07, 2005

Umbrella from Japan

Number of trades bloomed all of a sudden again --- 29 trades! How could it be?! Joyce used to leave office by 6.30pm, but gotta work until 8.30pm to complete all her jobs. So crazy!

Joyce would be on leave next week, I'd be taking up all her work on top of my daily duties. Please please please, please have as few trades as possible next week, or I would be certified death for sure X_X

Had dinner with ex-PwC girls at TST SushiTei, I could only arrive by 9 something >_< We're crazily noisy ... haha =P Got my souvenir from Monitress Shum and Kathy, it's a super light umbrella, thank you so much *,* They said that they chose it with Alvis, who picked a bloody red one and thus being ignored ... haha

I wanna go travelling so much ...

Thursday, October 06, 2005

幻聽? @_@

照常上班,如常九時半坐進自己的座位,接著開電腦,開始看 e-mails 。忽然聽到老細的聲音 --- 不會罷,他該還在放假,怎會在公司嘞? 一定是幻聽。

然後,老細拿著水杯在我身旁的通過走過 --- 他真的回來了?! 他應該星期一才回來上班,怎麼突然出現?!

為了證實我沒有「見鬼」,我向坐在旁邊的同事 Joyce 求證。「係吖,今朝返工見到 Trevor 番左嚟都嚇左一跳。不過算嘞,佢就算响屋企,咪又係遙遠控制睇實公司 d 嘢,同返工無咩分別 ...」

是麼? 好像很慘吖 ...

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

LN training

Suddenly being nominated as the representative of the Credit Derivatives team to attend the LN training. Didn't learn much from the training indeed, since all those being mentioned were basic functions which I've known for long already; it's good to have some trainings anyway, for CPD hours.

Training started by 1pm sharp, so I, Cecilia and Rick went up to L28 for buffet lunch before the training started. Jeffrey came joining us, but he's late. He didn't show any sign of leaving when it approached 1 pm, and so I left by myself, claiming that I was representing my team and so couldn't be late. Cecilia went with me finally but Rick stayed, telling us secretly that Jeffrey the manager was with him, it shouldn't have great problem going late. "Stupid!" that's what popped on my mind at once. Yup, Jeffrey was the manager, but you're not. People talked of his bad behaviour on his back, though seemed to respect him apparently simply becuase he's a manager. There's no way for a freshman of non-manager grade just merely following what manager did, or at least, I won't bind that, not to mention whether the manger was doing the right thing. Well, it's a personal choice after all. Just wonder if Rick would see this point in future.

The outcome was that Jeffrey and Rick was late for 20 minutes and joined in mid of the session. Another manager teased Jeffrey.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Deli and Wine

Didn't go to City Hall for lunch for long, since the fire over there early this year. FK proposed to go there for lunch today. It's a brand new experience for Emily and Christina; they even mixed the restaurant up with 'Maxim Express' ... haha =P

So surprised to get the e-mail from Trevor this afternoon. Shouldn't he be on leave right now? Why he still took such a close look at progress of work during holidays? Didn't he need to take rest?

Still very busy to catch up with back-logs. Left by 9 something again, but all stuffs cleared. Wish for a better tomorrow *_*

Monday, October 03, 2005

Terrible day

Heard a bad news once upon arriving office --- Joyce took sick leave for the day! That meant I'd have to take up her duties as well. It won't be a problem at all if trade volume stayed as usual; but the worst happened ... 22 trades for the day excluding held-over trades >_< that doubled the normal trading volume!

Finally left by 9.30pm, with some of my daily work deferred to tomorrow. What's wrong today @_@

Sunday, October 02, 2005

《青蔥小札》Paulinian Anthology 2005

回到家,如常地開電腦,計畫先 check e-mail 後睡覺。不過,看了余寶雯的 e-mail attachment,精神立即為之一振,睡意全消!

(一) 麥少敏同學點解未經全班同意,就 send 了一封 「1998年度理科班同學 BBQ 邀請函」給各大老師? 而且老師名單不齊全,被人刊登全校,沒提名的老師可真傷心嘞 ...
(二) 吳建港老師的回應真不可思異 ... 似「爆料」...
(三) 沒有「班內派系鬥爭」那麼厲害嘛 ...
(四) 突然很想知道是誰說了「與其由『她們』做本班代表而得勝,寧願選他人做代表 --- 即使結果是輸」這麼駭人的言論,「她們」又是誰?
(五) 很好奇那些「鐵証」是甚麼呢?
(六) 那次 BBQ 我早就說不去了,我的名字也沒出現在「出席名單」之內,怎麼又會在回應中提到我嘞 @_@
(七) 「嬌小但卻熱衷於排球運動」,皆因全班只有我一人是排球校隊,何奇?
(八) 可不可以解釋一下甚麼是「以短攻長的精神」~,~
(九) 去長洲宿營都叫「非法赴會」?!
(十) 點解吳老師會遇上趙藹殷執行海關掃蕩翻版的行動? 莫非 ... 他正要去買翻版? =P


沒有去「遊船河」,於是可以遲起牀 =P 膊頭和右手食指很痛,痛得讓我胡思亂想,想我會就此死去嗎 ... (睬睬睬!)

打算去員工會所做運動,到達後才知道要另外登記和上 training 學用器械 (好不認真吖!) ,所以無功而退。想想不如隨便去跑個步算了,怎料又遇上天下大雨 @_@

運動做不成,結果跑到書店去。很久沒有看書、沒有逛書店了,更沒試過在德福這家新書店駐足過。看到張愛玲的《傾城之戀》,很想看,可突然受睡魔來襲,不得不把書放下。走到另一個書架,隨手拿來一本開始看,可惜十分鐘後又發覺睡意打不消,只好把書放下,回家去 ...

Saturday, October 01, 2005




Friday, September 30, 2005


難得等到一年一度的便服日,我當然要穿上至愛的 T-shirt 、短褲 + 涼鞋上班嘞! 同事 M 說我一身沙灘裝,應該請假去沙灘,不要上班嘛;同事 S 直接問我今天的魚賣一斤幾錢,說我和魚販有幾分相似 ... 嘿嘿 =P

今天伙同 Ceci ,和 Eugene 及 秘書 Viola 一起到「碗屋」吃半價午餐。秘書的年紀應該比我輕,但她竟然說我「很可愛」?!?!?! @_@

下班,與 Kathy 、 Ivy 和 Carrie 一起去唱 K 。看到 MTV 中的「草蜢」,現在的造型一個像「師奶」、一個像「公雞」、一個真的像「草蜢」 ... 你們真的要「看」他們的演唱會嗎? 還是用「聽」的好了吖 ...

Thursday, September 29, 2005

CIA exam CD-rom

My ex-manager in ICBCA was so eager to get the CIA exam CD-rom from Carrie that she contacted me through various means nearly everyday since mid September. Felt a bit suffocated. She has never rushed me for work during my 1 year and 10 months working life in ICBCA, but I experienced that after I was leaving the company. So ironic.

Dated Carrie to have lunch at "Wong Chi Kee" to get the CD-rom and accompanied her to choose the cake for Uncle Sam. Phoned my ex-manager and arranged to meet at the ground floor of the building when she's off (I won't be able to off by that time of course!). Finally got the whole business settled, yeah ~

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Mid of week, busy day

Another busy day. Other than daily work and legal issues, had to handle some financial calculations as well. So lucky that there's nobody "disturbing" me today =P

Didn't "yam cha" for ages, had Chinese teas with ex-PwCers at "Nga Lai Kok" during lunch. Chatted a lot, and we teased on Kathy who has slept for 10 hours last night but really didn't look like so at all! Haha >,<

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Got rashed

A very busy day. Had to deal with some legal issues on top of daily work, kept sending lengthy e-mails. Off time was delayed again; among which, half hour was caused by my colleague who couldn't stop asking stupid questions and not convinced by my answers, even I repeated that triple times! I couldn't help him at all, since he held the thinking that he's always correct and just gave in to others to complete the work. Help!

Off at 9.20pm, feeling a bit angry. ARrrrrrr ............ >_< !!

Monday, September 26, 2005

Happy Birthday in arrear, Sum

Sum's b-day was on last Friday, but he was at PRC that day. That's why we postponed his b-day dinner to tonight.

Got everything done by 7pm something, just pending my colleague's work to complete the last step again. Waiting, waiting and waiting, really hated that. Still had no response by 8pm, I couldn't sit there further and so headed to my colleague's seat. He hasn't even started working on the task at all! I was so annoyed, told him that I gotta went out for dinner and asked him to complete the work immediately. He was unwilling but was forced to do so, since I was standing besides him "monitoring" his progress. I hated that.

Finally arrived at CWB at nearly 9pm. I was the last one to join, they had started the dinner soon before I came. Dined at a Japanese restaurant, but I've forgotten its name already. Everybody looked tired; no wonder, it's Monday night, the start of the tiring working week! =P

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Happy Birthday Elaine

Woke up at 3.30pm, but still feeling tired. Finished my brunch and joined Darians' gathering at Telford K308. Today's Elaine's birthday day. They're playing mah-john, and I flipped through Catherine's photo albums for her trip to Spain in July. So beautiful, seemed to be a nice place for trip. Trip, trip, trip ... @_@

Winnie updated us with the news of Alice and "Harperless". To be honest, it's scary >_< was it like that? So passionate ...

When we walked towards "Moon Uk" at Telford Plaza for dinner, Alice popped up suddenly right in front of M&S *_* Winnie was so shocked that she didn't know how to react even Alice was just asking her a simple question ... Gosh, so that proved the old Chinese sayings --- "Don't talk on ones' back during daytime, and not for ghosts at night"!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Digital camera

Typhoon signal no. 3 was on, but Damrey's destruction was comparable to that of signal no. 8 as shown on TV news. Would be better to stay indoor.

Did some shopping. Ming got a new digital camera, he's fairly excited; I was excited as well, since I'd take his old DC then ... haha >,<

Let me take some "mo liu" pictures at home later on =P

Friday, September 23, 2005

Typhoon Damrey

It's unusual to have typhoon in late September but not in summer; anyway, here it came --- Typhoon Damrey ... very windy!!!

Again, it'd be another rainy weekend >_<

Started trying to use my left hand instead of my right to control the mouse in office. Seemed not very smooth; but, for the sake of health of my right hand fingers, I'd keep on doing that. See if there's any improvement later on.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Another busy day

Enjoyed early lunch with Cecilia at IFC Spaghetti House before peak hours. We loved the discounted set lunch so much! Must go and try it again =P

Got additional ad-hoc tasks. Once off but ad-hoc. Not difficult indeed, especially with my accounting backgrounds; but really got too many cases to work on within limited timeframe. Turned out that I had to leave office by 9.15pm @_@

Started doubting whether my other teammates actually know how to work out similar calculation, it seemed to me that they had no idea about it. Guessed it'd be better to teach them the way of calculation, so that they could pick it up easier when I am on leave. Gosh ... still long time to go before I could take leaves, but I kept dreaming about that ~~>_<~~

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Boss's AL

Started to realize that Trevor's annual leaves didn't necessarily equivalent to my holidays @_@ Simon and others couldn't make quick and precise decisions as Trevor usually did, and gotta refer some cases to Trevor since we couldn't come to a conclusion. Took up something which I guessed would be more appropriate to be initiated by management; so lucky that the recipient still reply to me, a small potato ...

Suddenly hope that boss would be back to office sooner *_*

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Haagen-Dazs 雪糕蛋糕

老細自今天起放假三星期,我開心極了 --- 根據以往經驗,老細放假 = 自己 ... 哈哈 ... 三星期吖 ... 呵呵呵 >,< 不過今天還未嘗到「甜頭」,結果八時才走。希望明天會更好 *,* 晚上,到了「泉章居」吃健倫的牛一晚飯。大家準備了 Haagen-Dazs 的雪糕生日蛋糕,可是弄了廿多分鐘,用了牛肉刀、熱水、蠻力,怎麼也切不開 @_@ 最後要把蛋糕拿回時代廣場 Haagen-Dazs 店,又過了廿多分鐘,蛋糕終於被分成九份 ... yeah ,可以吃了 =)

Monday, September 19, 2005



和蘇海明在尖沙咀乘搭城巴 973 ,開始我們的香港環島遊。是名副其實的環島遊吖,自西隧出口,經過西環、薄扶林、田灣、香港仔、黃竹坑、深水灣、淺水灣和舂坎角,終於到達赤柱。

放棄了赤柱廣場的食市,我們在海岸邊的 Seafront 吃個比薩午餐,幻想自己身處意大利的露天茶座,在太陽傘下享受悠悠海風。侍應生很有趣,一開始便以為我們是日本人,特別向我們介紹 Asian Menu ;後來發現我們聽得懂廣東話,是本地人,才不好意思地說外國遊客比較喜歡 Asian Menu (好像有點心餐、港式炒飯、星洲炒米等等)。蘇海明為了佩合日本遊客的形象,拿出自日本街頭免費取得的膠紙扇來撥一撥;我則繼續展露墨鏡下的微笑,想必看起來像極溫柔優雅的日本小姐 ... 呵呵呵 =P


到聖士提反灣,又學著外國遊客在市集內左穿右插。路過一幢幢兩層的樓房別墅,妄想自己是豪宅的主人 ... 哈哈,真的是妄想,這裡屋子的月租是我月薪的好幾倍,更何況要買嘞 ... 要中了彩票才能移居此地 *,*


Sunday, September 18, 2005


The sky kept switching between sunny and rainy for the day. It's mid-autumn indeed, but the weather was no way reflecting autumn has arrived. Wandered around TST with Ming. Didn't aim to do shopping, but turned out that I bought some clothes under Ming's persuasion. Discovered that Muji at Silvercord has been wound up. Walking pass the seaside, we discussed why parts of the water surface was shining while other parts were not even there's no cloud above. Observed a sudden heavy shower at the pier before proceeding to Page One and CitySuper for books and foods. Made no purchase there anyway. Headed back to Telford for Ikea's metal rack, both fell asleep on MTR on the way.

Such a relaxing day, I didn't wanna have it stopped. Holidays, holidays, holidays, please don't leave me, okay?

Saturday, September 17, 2005


無意間發現了《梁祝下世傳奇》這音樂劇,機緣巧合下買了門票(還是最貴的 HKD290 吖!!!) 和蘇海明一起看。

其實音樂劇只是借《梁祝》場境的延續,說的是勞斯和萊斯的故事。故事挺不錯,結局則馬虎和牽強了一點。何韻詩勝任女主角,周國賢這男主角卻有點給比了下去。配角「蝦頭」和「Tony/ Rose/ Mary/ Rosemary」很惹笑,角式很討好。

音樂劇的力量是強烈和震撼的,由下午六時多離開演藝學院至晚上十一時多回到家中,劇中的歌曲仍然在腦海中盤旋 ...

《勞斯.萊斯》 何韻詩
作曲:Edmond Tsang 填詞:黃偉文

勞斯和萊斯 都是花樣男子
勞斯 原是個校隊的優秀種子
萊斯 只喜愛讀書
偏偏他倆 早見晚見
每日著住同樣 純白襯衣
羅曼史 開場於 相鄰的桌椅
不過二人 不敢放肆

能成為密友 大概總帶著愛
但做對好兄弟 又如此相愛 旁人會說不該
忘形時搭膊 自有一面退開
暗裡很享受 卻怕講出來
兩眼即使 移開轉開
心裡面也知 這是愛

男子和男子 怎能親密如此
勞斯 難面對 卻跟她勾過手指
萊斯 偏偏那樣痴
終於一次 她撲過去
四目對望然後 除下襯衣
迷惑中 的勞斯 此時先至知

能成為密友 大概總帶著愛
但做對好兄弟 又如此相愛 旁人會說不該
純情何事會 讓這悲劇揭開
他真的很意外 想起相識以來

日日也親暱如情侶 底牌終揭開

為何還害怕 若覺得這樣愛
尚在計算他又是誰 可否愛
旁人哪個 接受這種愛
明明絕配 犯眾憎 便放開
永遠的忍耐 永遠不出來
世界將依然 不變改
可要像梁祝 那樣愛

Friday, September 16, 2005

Still remember?

Listening to this melody lighted up lots of memories. Our memories. Do you still remember?

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Another piece of lengthy posting, it's actually the text of the Commencement address by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, delivered on 12 June 2005 at Stanford's graduation ceremony. Meaningful and encouraging, but it's really too long to have the full text posted here ...

'You've got to find what you love,' Jobs says [Extract]

When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: "If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right." It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.

Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.

About a year ago I was diagnosed with cancer. I had a scan at 7:30 in the morning, and it clearly showed a tumor on my pancreas. I didn't even know what a pancreas was. The doctors told me this was almost certainly a type of cancer that is incurable, and that I should expect to live no longer than three to six months. My doctor advised me to go home and get my affairs in order, which is doctor's code for prepare to die. It means to try to tell your kids everything you thought you'd have the next 10 years to tell them in just a few months. It means to make sure everything is buttoned up so that it will be as easy as possible for your family. It means to say your goodbyes.

I lived with that diagnosis all day. Later that evening I had a biopsy, where they stuck an endoscope down my throat, through my stomach and into my intestines, put a needle into my pancreas and got a few cells from the tumor. I was sedated, but my wife, who was there, told me that when they viewed the cells under a microscope the doctors started crying because it turned out to be a very rare form of pancreatic cancer that is curable with surgery. I had the surgery and I'm fine now.

This was the closest I've been to facing death, and I hope it’s the closest I get for a few more decades. Having lived through it, I can now say this to you with a bit more certainty than when death was a useful but purely intellectual concept:

No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

When I was young, there was an amazing publication called The Whole Earth Catalog, which was one of the bibles of my generation. It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. This was in the late 1960's, before personal computers and desktop publishing, so it was all made with typewriters, scissors, and polaroid cameras. It was sort of like Google in paperback form, 35 years before Google came along: it was idealistic, and overflowing with neat tools and great notions.

Stewart and his team put out several issues of The Whole Earth Catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. It was the mid-1970s, and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. Beneath it were the words: "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish." It was their farewell message as they signed off. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. And I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you.

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Lunch with Cecilia

Finally could match the time to have lunch with Cecilia. Though we actually saw each other in office everyday, it's difficult to fix the time when both of us were free. She got a lot to tell, both on work and on her love affair. We had a long, long chat in the restaurant, and that's why we went back office late ... but nobody discovered that =P

Seemed that she caught new insights after the lunch. Hope that she'd be getting better soon.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Family dinner for Mid-autumn Festival

Father wanna had the family dinner for mid-autumn festival at Pizza Hut, so we went for it tonight. When I told Florence about my father's choice during our lunch today, she's surprised as her parents would propose going to Chinese restaurant for traditional dinner only, never interested in trying out new dishes.

I remembered that I seldom dined out before I went to higher secondary school, partly because we gotta took care of grandma's dinner and mostly because it's expensive for a family to dine out. I never deny that I was (and am) poor, and my family used to be poor. My mother got a job in the factory to help out my father's burdens when I was promoted to Primary 3, by the time I was thought to have the ability to take care of my little brother who was in Primary 1. My father lost his job when I promoted to junior secondary, but he never complained about that and kept trying hard to get a job. He used to be a forklift operator at the cargo terminal, and with nil education background it's actually difficult for him to get a good one. He has tried working at petrol station, at factory, etc, and finally he settled as a guard of an industrial building. Aged over 50, it's indeed a harsh job for him especially for the night shift. That's why my family understood that every bit of money earned was not easy, and we reduced expenses to minimum; among all, dining out was, of course, never a good option.

By the time I completed Secondary 5, my father went into hospital due to serious liver illness. I remembered I gotta bring my HKCEE result slip to the Princess Margaret Hospital, where my father stayed for several months for treatments. He was so happy that he showed the result slip to nurses, while I was embarrassed. What's on his mind that time was to get me into university for better future.

Afterwards it came the time I got admitted to university. Living in hostel far away from home, I've nearly forgotten how hard my family has worked to bring me up. Then in Year 2, my father got heart attack, while the factory where my mother worked failed to pay wages on time and went into lawsuit. My exam results were no way to be regarded as good. Seemed that all sorts of bad lucks converged. By that time my brother got the chance to be admitted to bachelor degree Programme of Accounting, maybe to year 2 directly, due to his outstanding performance in TI. However, he lapsed the opportunity as he didn't wanna add extra financial burdens to my family. Suddenly I realized that I was really the lucky one among us, but I didn't try my best in my study. It's too late by the time I learnt the truth, I got no way to work out a first honour degree from that point. Fortunately the surgery was a successful one, my father's health recovered step by step. Thanks to my part-time at McKinsey, I used my saving to subsidize the medical fee. My mother got a part-time job at KFC. My brother got a job offer soon after graduated from TI.

Time flied, I was graduated and got a job at a so-called professional firm, and subsequently at banks. Earning stable income, I started to get my family things which they didn't enjoy before. The most obvious one would be dining out for sure. My parents had never tried dishes other than Chinese and Indonesian. That's why they were so excited when I leaded them to taste Japanese foods at Watami. They're fond of pizza, even though I told them what they had were HK-style pizza instead of the original Italian ones. They're interested in some kinds of western dishes as well. Finally they had something to enjoy after their harsh early lives. Gradually it turned into a practice that we'd dine out for festival days. My parents would get excited and started pondering what to have for dinner when festival days approached. My brother insisted to share the expenses at the beginning, but I refused that since he enrolled in his part-time degree programme and set up his candies shop. Other than foods, I also tried to share my wealth with my family through monthly contribution. That's why I'm poor, no kidding =P

All these memories flashed across my mind suddenly, not only because of my family dinner for the mid-autumn festival tonight, but mainly due to a question raised by Alvis. He asked if I would usually have bad luck as what he has. When I thought back, I didn't really able to judge. All past events sharpened my intrinsic values. Rather, I would say all these challenges turned into sorts of invaluable experience for life, together with happy and sad moments, ups and downs. Be optimistic, then everything would turn out fine and far better from imagination *,* Afterall, the most important thing is to live a happy life =)

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Snapshots of my work

Got a very tight working schedule today, kept writing e-mails and reading confirmations all day long. Went to the dealing floor twice and was being introduced to a senior trader. When I read the name of that trader previously on confirmations, I presumed he must be an aged foreigner --- at least in his middle age. Turned out that he looked very young, and was quite friendly. He's busy at the moment I approached him, so I'd go meeting him tomorrow morning again. Hope that he won't turn bad-tempered by then. Sorry, I knew the stuffs I'd ask were tiresome, I didn't wanna deal with that old trade as well, I just followed the "guidance and instruction" given by Trevor =P

Got an interesting observation on the trading floor. All traders were tall, even for Chinese ones. Then I thought of tall, tall Michael. He's a trader as well, but in another bank. Was that being tall the pre-requisite of being a trader?

Upon receiving the last round of e-mails from a counterparty in London, it marked the end of my peak season --- September coupon payment confirmed ... wahaha, so happy with it *,* but then, I was suddenly given a new mission ... me alone again? blah ~ @_@

Sometimes, I wondered if Trevor would feel bored reading all those e-mails I sent to counterparties. On average 15+ e-mails every day, excluding those replied by counterparties. Nothing funny, all were tedious business contents, sometimes lengthy. I once suspected that he didn't read them at all, but he did. I suggested to him not to copy him e-mails I sent in a past occasion; anyway, he said it didn't matter and he might add on mine sometimes. If everybody copied their e-mails to him, he gotta read more than 500 e-mails everyday. How could he do that? No wonder he focused on the computer screen most of the time if he's not away for meeting ... Was that sitting like stone in front of computer the pre-requisite of being top management?

Off at 7.45pm finally. Felt very hungry since I had a light lunch this afternoon. Gotta rush back home for dinner prepared by father ... yummy *,*

Monday, September 12, 2005


Got the chance to have a look at Joyce Cheuk's photos finally! She went hiking up Himalaya in August. Even though she didn't get to the top (if she did, she'd be a superwoman!), the experience was invaluable and, for no doubt, once in one's life.

I know I won't be able to climb up Himalaya, but would I have the chance to hike around its foot? There're so many places around the world that I wanna go ... Gosh, nowhere to go for the remaining of this year anyway -_-"

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Conrad Tea Buffet

Sister Cat earned a big sum of money from property markets + she'd be going back to KPMG, that's why she gave a treat of tea buffet at Conrad.

For no doubt, Conrad would ask for a premium over market price for tea buffet due to its famous brand, but we didn't actually see any special attractions which took our hearts. Really.

After the buffet, I walked all the way to the Star Ferry Pier and took a ferry to TST. It used to be my most favourite route to go home from Central after work, but since I switched my job I didn't take the route for a long time. For sure, when you're off over 7pm, what's on your mind would be to get home for dinner asap rather than taking ferry to enjoy the harbour view.

If I got the chance and money to buy my own house, I would definitely like to have one with harbour view. I like sea, I won't feel bored even if you asked me sitting there and watching it for the whole day. Ironically, I don't know swimming, which is something that I couldn't pick up for the past 20+ years ... Gosh ... -_-"

Alvis's turn to chase up my backlogs of diaries. I'm working very hard on it @_@

Friday, September 09, 2005

孫燕姿演唱會 [晴]

1. "Japan" 燕姿?
2. 說了兩遍十月會出新碟,唱了首《完美的一天》:「我有一所大房子 ... 」 -_-"
3. F.I.R. 做表演嘉賓,第一次聽他們的歌,不錯吖 ~
4. 要拿出「貓紙」來照著唸出需要嗚謝單位的名單,很可愛 *,*
5. 自彈(鋼琴)自唱《我要的幸福》,讓我想起我曾經自製了一套 MTV @,@

《我要的幸福》 孫燕姿

作詞:嚴云農 作曲:李偉菘 編曲:Martin Tang

為愛情付出 為活著而忙碌
為什麼而辛苦 我仔細紀錄
用我的雙眼 在夢想裡找路
該問路的時候 我不會裝酷

我還不清楚 怎樣的速度
符合這世界 變化的腳步
生活像等待 創作的黏土
幸福 我要的幸福 漸漸清楚

夢想 理想 幻想 狂想 妄想
我只想堅持每一步 該走的方向
就算一路上 偶而會沮喪
生活是自己 選擇的衣裳
幸福 我要的幸福 沒有束縛
幸福 我要的幸福 在不遠處

PwC Private Party @ Family

Eunice would go to Japan to further her study while Christine decided to dump PwC and searched for new life in another company. Rather than going to those restaurants which we usually went for farewell, Monitress Shum booked a café for private party this time!

The café was named "Family", which was really operated by a family. It's located on the 2/F inside an old building at CWB. We ate and played and yelled, a funny and happy night there =)

What would it be like if I was a pedestrian walking pass on the street opposite to the café? How would I feel if I was one of those who sat at the café just opposite and facing this café? Must be interesting to see so many people shouting and making weird posture ... haha =P

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Indonesian bond prices

Felt really bad that my off time was delayed by Indonesian bond prices since last week >_< !!! The case was so extreme this evening, I finished all my other tasks by 6pm something, and only kept waiting for Indonesian bond prices until 8pm for completion of my last reporting!!! Mad about it. I was so bored that I gotta took out "Wayfung", a magazine published by the bank, to read as pass-time, since I really got nothing else to do @_@ I made several calls to the Rate Control Officer to file complaints, who in turn made calls and sent e-mails to Indonesian Branch, chasing them up for final data.

If the case goes on like that, I'd file further complaints. Too bad!!!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

"Healthy" restaurant

Date for my weekly lunch with Florence. Planned to go to "Step" but it's crowded with long queue of people @_@ On our way walking to SoHo, Florence spotted a small restaurant suddenly, which claimed to offer Healthy foods. We're lucky enough to get 2 seats there before people started flooding in some time after we got in.

There're many dishes offered by the restaurant, too many choices that we couldn't pick one easily. Foods were delicious, but the shop was crowding and food orders were not properly arranged. Someone has taken my dish, and when I chased for my order, the waiter gave hers to substitute mine. Quite messy indeed, but the foods really tasted good.

Florence chased up my backlogs of diaries. I gotta trying my best to start writing something tonight =P

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


以前常到那餐廳吃午飯,每次只會說「那家樓上餐廳,有香蕉 pancakes 送那一家吖!」,從來都不知道它的名字。所以當金詩韻建議到「鴻運會」吃午飯,大家還不知道她在說那一家 #_#

今天是午餐小莊聚,有我、金詩韻、何曉珊和雷炳森。本來柯福星也來的,可是何曉珊說他常常被很多「女仔」給包圍了 ... 哈哈,看來阿星挺受歡迎嘞 =P

Monday, September 05, 2005

Mark 哥

又到半年一度 PwC 進行 counseling 的日子,朱姐和 Sam Wong 為了逃避填長長的 counseling forms ,於是約了我、 Joan 姐 和 Let 姐與阿 Mark 吃晚飯,當作 counseling 嘞 ...

Joan 姐選了Alexandra House 的北京樓,一如以往, ex-PwCers 呆等 auditors 姍姍來遲;如果 Mark 哥不在場, Joan 姐一定發火 =P

大家說了近況,說了很多 PwC 的事,又替 Let 姐打點擺酒安排,還有她和 Kenny Chan 到英國後的大計 ... 氣氛是愉快的,可覺得大家的價值觀分歧越來越大 ... 倒是有點擔心 Mark 哥,希望我們可以快點再有飯聚,那表示他已經跳出火坑了 =P

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Dine Dine Dinner

The cruise finished later than what've been scheduled, so I was late for dinner with Dine and other Darians @_@ so sorry for that. Dined at a Shanghai restaurant at Diamond Hill. I was not hungry at all indeed, since I've eaten a lot during the cruise; but it's nice to gather with all OLD friends, wasn't it?

Welcome home, Dine my dear Touyi =)


1. Woke up very very EARLY, as I'd join Ming and his secondary school friends for cruise.
2. Got myself a Hash Brown when passing by Times Square McDonald, yummy *,*
3. Very heavy rain, but the ship owner claimed that everything was fine, so we went on.
4. Stayed at region named "Ha Mei", near Lamma.
5. SOMEONE didn't tell me to bring swimming suit when I asked what have to bring last night >_< 6. BBQ foods cooked by the ship owner were SUPER DELICIOUS!!! 7. Rain stopped, climbed up to the deck and sleep while others're playing wake-board. 8. Feel like sleeping in the middle of the sea, breeze kissed my face, I love it so much >,<

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Maritime City

Had hair cut with Ming at TST. He looked different after the hair cut, but not for me ... haha =P

Went to Maritime City to have dinner with Ming's elder sister. She's pregnant, expected to give birth by the end of November. She used to be very thin, and it's really surprising to see her "size" turned so big *,* waha~

Very relaxing today, and I enjoyed it ...

Friday, September 02, 2005

Happy Birthday Darling *,*

So lucky that Trevor took half-day off in the afternoon again *,* Today's Ming's birthday, I wanna leave office as early as possible to enjoy dinner at "Sun" with him >,<

Anyway, things won't be going so smooth usually. Those traders who were normally lazy to make deals on Friday suddenly turned very proactive and got a lot of deals executed. Simultaneously, those counterparties who didn't give reply for long unexpectedly responded and I'd have to check a set of iTraxx agreements before the close of business. Indonesian bond prices were delayed again, so could just keep waiting, waiting and waiting ...

As a result, could only leave office by 8pm. Ming has been in CWB walking alone and waiting since 6pm something. So sorry @_@ We headed to the restaurant right away when I arrived CWB. The environment of the restaurant was pretty good, but we're both busy with our dishes ... haha ... We ordered a lot. Left the restaurant at around 11pm, both are foods and tired. Didn't go elsewhere to play since Ming has to work tomorrow morning, and it'd be over 12 midnight when he arrived home even he started going home by then. I didn't join ex-PwCers for gathering, since I've decided to go home for a sleep until noon tomorrow ... hehe =P


Eventually arranged to have lunch with Carmen Au Yeung. She recommended going to "50s'". Nice restaurant, food quality was fine with unlimited supply of appetizers and desserts. HKD64 for lunch sounded a bit expensive, but with the abundant quantities of foods it should still be classified as "worthy".

Actually our aim of lunch was to discuss our insurance strategies before we talk to Terry; however, it turned out that we discussed nil on it but talked a lot on other topics ... hehe =P

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Half-team lunch

Yaqub asked me and Joyce out for lunch, in order to celebrate "Joyce's travel to Disneyland tomorrow". Such a weird reason ... haha ... anyway we really went for lunch together finally on L28.

Joyce told us a lot about SDG team, and eventually I understood why people dislike Jeffrey ... so did I =P

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Messing Day

Lunch: Supposed to have private weekly lunch with Florence, but we invited PwCers to join this time. Lunch of 7 people, we went to "Man Kee" at the secret building. Kept on chatting, chatting and chatting ... haha, funny time *,*

Dinner: Clara gave a treat for me, Emily and FK, since she got a job offer. Went to CWB "Banana Leaves" to have Thai foods. Again, chatting, chatting and chatting. Very probably, we won't be able to have dinner with Clara on Mon to Thur starting from Oct, as she won't bother to take long, long ride from her new employer at Tsing Yi to CWB/ Central/ TST, and then take long, long ride back home at Tsing Yi.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Last lunch with Big King for 2005?

Big King would visit her hometown for the coming week, after which she'd be heading right back to Harvard. So honoured that her majesty invited me and Emily for lunch =P Anyway, it turned out to be lunch of 4 --- Big King So Tsit, Michael, FK and I.

It's the first time for me to have lunch at Vintage, a small restaurant adjacent to New World Building and was once so-called "canteen" for So Tsit when she's with McKinsey. There're just 4 tables of 2 to 5 within the restaurant, and some bar seats as well. Each of us ordered a set lunch and started chatting while waiting for foods to be served.

Enjoyed the chat very much, but not for the foods, simply because I made a wrong order of TOMATO SAUCE Tuna Pasta =( I presumed that Tuna Pasta should be in creamy sauce, so I was really surprised when it turned out to be tomato one ... I could only finished half of the dish, that's my further extend though the sauce was very dilute indeed ... @_@

Monday, August 29, 2005


ICBCA Alice had her wedding photos developed. That's why my ex-colleagues dated me out for lunch. Got the 6th sense that I'd be meeting them right in-mid of the downhill lane if I took the "footbridge" route, so I tried out --- Bingo! I really caught them there! *,* They're so excited that we stopped and talked lively for a while; but then, my ex-boss ET appeared on the lane >_<" All ex-colleagues speeded up their paces suddenly, leaving me alone with ET; ET said he followed my ex-colleagues and spotted me ... poor me -_-

Finally, ET went for lunch with us. So bad, turned out that I and Ame had to talk to ET, while others kept burying their heads in foods. Plus, cheapy ET dared to ask me treating him! Weird, weird, weird! I rejected him at once and even scolded him --- I used to scold him by the time when he's my boss, I could scold him even more fiercely now for sure as his ex-staff ... wahaha =P

Saturday, August 27, 2005

No beach again ...

Woke up at 12 noon sharp and looked out to the sky through the windows. Cloudy. No beach AGAIN!!! >_<

When will sunny Sat come ...

Friday, August 26, 2005

"Chung Kite Tuen"

Trevor's on leave in the afternoon, it gotta be a relaxing day; however, Joyce's on leave in the afternoon as well @_@ as a result, it turned out to be another busy day. Dated Janice, Florence, Kathy, Monitress and Ivy to have dinner at 8.30pm at TST, but finally I could only arrive by 9pm something =(

Tonight, we had Korean dishes at a small but famous shop named "Ching Kite Tuen". Foods were fine, but I skipped all those spicy ones. Talk and talk and talk all the time. Monitress, Kathy and Ivy would go to Tokyo in mid September. I and Monitress kept discussing on her plan drafted, while Kathy and Ivy just stared at us since they've got no idea about Tokyo ... haha ... such a funny scene. Got souvenir from Janice for her Saba trip, thank you so much =)

Sexy Angel joined us for the chat after she had dinner with somebody else in TST. She walked all the way from Harbour City to TST East, but then we decided to have drink with Sam Wong, Carrie, Joan and Rebecca somewhere near the Kowloon Park, so she gotta walk all the way back through her original route ... haha

Eventually we went to the café recommended by Florence, which was located on the 2nd floor of an old building. A good place for leisure gathering. Lately, I was quite fond of this sorts of cafés, do tell me if you know any which is good, and let's go together for drink and chat through afternoon or night ...

Thursday, August 25, 2005


他是一個月大的柯頌謙 Little Daniel ,看他多可愛、多勇敢,面對這麼多叔叔和姨姨也沒有哭!

對吖,我們一班莊員隨著小 Daniel 的誕生,一同升格到 uncles 和 aunties 級了。在 ACY 1141 課認識郭麗珊還仿如昨天的事,今天她己成為柯太一年半多,且已身為人母,有點不可思異 *,*

謙謙,你要乖乖吖,乘著爸爸媽媽、叔叔姨姨和無數人的愛與祝福,健康快樂地長大成人 =)

「但願你的眼睛 只看得到笑容
但願你留下每一滴淚 都會讓人感動
但願你以後每一個夢 不會一場空

天上人間 如果真值得歌頌
也是因為有你 才會變得鬧哄哄
天大地大 世界比你想像中朦朧
我不忍心在欺哄 但願你聽得懂」


Alice dated us out for lunch at Watami as part of the sharing session. For 'us' it represented Mary + Myra + 6 graduates. Actually not much sharing had been done regarding our work, but it's fun time. Didn't wanna talk about work during lunch time indeed ... hehe =P

Terribly busy for the week, but we could foresee that it'd be even more busier for coming weeks until 20 September. Peak season is approaching >,<

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


今天上午到奧運上 Induction Training Programme ,要九時前到達,特地早起一小時。

每次要到奧運站,總會遇上點意外,或許是因為早起的緣故罷 #_# 今次沒上次嚴重,只是睡過頭,沒有在太子轉車,到了旺角站才醒來嘞 ...

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Didn't had my MD with me for long. Got it charged last night, and brought it to work with 《Charlie and the Chocolate Factory》 MD received from Ming last Fri. Another piece of old MD as well.

Willy Wonka accompanied me all the way to and from office and home. After which came Leo Koo and Sammi Cheng. Yes, Sammi Cheng ... by that one would know I was really listening to a very old MD. At least 1.5-year-old =P

Monday, August 22, 2005

Wandering at lunch

Super busy day, due to daily work + extra work to be cleared after Trevor's annual leave last Fri. Gave myself a break during lunch by going out alone. Purposely. Felt refreshing when I wandered around Central. Ignored people passing by, my mind started to become clearer and clearer, and seeing stuffs through. Went back to office with a cheerful mood, and continued with my busy day.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

That serious?!

Really felt bad to get involved in such kind of irrational "conversation", which turned out to be non-value added. To certain extend, I was quite angry at the very beginning, for a friend who I've known for 7 years could keep on saying such things before I revealed I knew the whole story. Then, I found it's useless to give my advices, though I thought she gotta understand it for her growth. Okay, when I found that no progress could be made and said forget about it, trying to have a friend move later on, I got a cold response pinpointing that I've made an innocent accusation which she couldn't forget.

That serious?! Everything turned upside down, inside out. I wondered whether my written English was that poor so that people didn't understand me at all, or she really couldn't catch the point.

Anyway, I won't deal with it further, it has already spoiled my mood. Both parties had wrong doing in the whole incident. I knew it won't be the end of the story, I might be impeached, I might be blamed, but I didn't wanna deal with it anymore. Dear Lord, please forgive me.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Out of control

Heavy rain again, couldn't go to beach =(

Something kept spinning in my mind, out of control.

Friday, August 19, 2005


Such a coincidence that Trevor took a day off today, and turned out I could leave office by 7pm something after the daily reporting quoted at 6.45pm. So happy with that, thanks be to god *,*

Dined with Ming at Opus tonight. Located on 29/F and have seats next to French windows, we should be able to have harbour view pretty clearly. However, the heavy rain blurred the scene; we could even see thunder flashing through right besides us ... haha =P

7 years ago, it's the first day of 98' BA O'camp; today came the 7th anniversary.

Received Florence's postcard from Australia when I arrived home.「好嘞,相信我回到香港, postcard 應該仍未去到你家。祝你收到 postcard 那天心情愉快!」

I did =) Thank you!

Lunch with FK on her last day

Today is the last day at work for both Emily and FK. That's why I felt a bit surprising when FK called to date me out for lunch at one of her favourites --- "Yung Kee" ground floor. Her company and her boss were really weird. It's good for her to leave asap.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

My teammates

I just realized that all my teammates were either grown up or educated in foreign countries ...

- Yaqub, grown up in Canada
- Joyce, grown up in the UK
- Reynold, grown up in HK but educated in Canada
- Kelvin, grown up in HK but had master degree in the UK

Also grown up in HK but educated in the UK for Trevor, my current direct boss. Didn't know for Simon and Jeffrey.

Seemed that only me was a 100% Hong Kong girl, being grown up and educated in HK for the past 20+ years. Am I "extraordinary"? Haha =P

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


原本的四人晚餐變成我和何曉珊的二人晚餐,卻沒有影響我們的食慾。結果到翡翠拉麵小籠包吃晚飯,逛了街,再吃 Haagen-Dazs *,*

Highlight 了紅髮的何曉珊想買熱褲來迎接巴里的海灘,可惜不是顏色不對、就是尺碼不合 ... 只好空手而回嘞 #_#


又是和郭婉汶午餐聚的日子,因天雨關係,我們去了 IFC ;又因人多關係,我們最後到了 Starbucks 。收到郭婉汶的澳洲手信「能量棒」,感謝 ^o^

告訴她我昨晚九時半才下班,以為會博得同情;怎知她比我更晚,十時才離開公司! 果然一山還有一山高、一人還比一人遲嘞 @_@!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


So happy that he remembered it, even though he got a wrong date *,*

Busy ... busy ... busy ...

Record breaking! Left office by 9.30pm tonight. Joyce took half-day annual leave this afternoon, so I picked up her job. Plus, Trevor finally read the correspondence I forwarded him yesterday, need to draft response for his approval. Plus, system down for the peak hours from 5pm something to 6.45pm. Plus, being assigned around 10 counterparties. Plus, gotta learn matching traders' blotters to system record. Plus, need to call over a set of master agreement. Plus ... after many "plus" added for the day, it sounded not surprising at all to off duty by 21.30. So lucky that there're no reply for London for the outstanding, or else I'd have to work even later @,@

Very productive tonight, and I left Trevor with some questions to be resolved tonight/ tomorrow ... Sorry, I just tried to sort out stuffs which I didn't understand, I didn't expect that all of you haven't noticed that before; and apologies to inform you late, since I only finished checking the agreement by 9.15pm ... =P

Don't cry

Cecilia cried in office! I tried to comfort her and took her out of office for lunch. Actually crying for work would be useless as it couldn't help at all. It's just barely a way to release emotion but scaring colleagues. Cecilia said that it's really great that I could keep smiling even when I was flooded with tones of works; I told that no matter you cry or smile, tasks would have to be accomplished eventually. Why not cheering up yourself as well as your colleagues, so that assignment completion could be speeded up when you work it out with positive attitude?

Seemed like she understood and really learnt something this time.

Hope that everything would turn out fine for her *,*

Monday, August 15, 2005



「你是個很有趣, 友善和出眾的人。 你是個真正的會開解別人的人,你經常會走去市中心與朋友分享你的時間,之後你會帶一些你媽媽教你的東西回家。當你快樂過之後才會覺得婚姻與孩子對你重要,不要讓令你快樂的人使你迷失。」

我是這樣的嗎? 於是再做一遍,變成 ...


其實我只改了一個決定不了的答案,分別就這麼大嘞 *_*

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Tidy girl =)

Finally got all bank statements and correspondences properly filed. Started from 3pm and ended by 6pm. Well done! *,*

Saturday, August 13, 2005

《Charlie and the Chocolate Factory》

Watched 《Charlie and the Chocolate Factory》 with Ming this afternoon at APM. I like it! Indeed I read and got addicted to the story since I was in childhood; and after 18+ years, someone did turn the story into a movie show *,* So glad with it ... hohoho

Though Charlie and Willy Wonka were of no doubt the main characters, I was sure that Oompa-Loompas were the ones who did make everybody laughed =P Their "performance and singing" were so entertaining ... haha

《Wonka's Welcome Song》
Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka ... the amazing chocolatier.
Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka ... everybody give a cheer!
He's modest, clever, and so smart, he barely can restrain it.
With so much generosity, there is no way to contain it ...
To contain it ... to contain ... to contain ... to contain.
Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka ... he's the one that you're about to meet.
Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka ... he's a genius who just can't be beat.
The magician and the chocolate wiz ...
He's the best darn guy who ever lived.
Willy Wonka here he is ...